Tuesday, 10 March 2015

A Fresh Start

Our year so far has been rather fantastic I have to say. New opportunities and big changes have been the flavour of these first few snowy, chilly months. 

For me it's meant goodbye to great colleagues but hello to a wonderful new job (you might guess where from the picture...) I'm based in a historic working pottery, promoting the amazing products manufactured there as well as the skills and craftsmanship that create them, plus wonderful events and partnerships too. There is a lot of pinching myself going on!

This is my very first week and there's a huge amount to learn. All my energies are going into it as well as family life so unfortunately, just for the time being, my blogging may be even more sporadic than my regular weekly post. 

I hope you can bear with me because I still enjoy this blogging lark as much as ever and appreciate all your thoughtful and supportive visits and comments so much. Thanks especially for the huge response to my recent posts (especially the dresser one!) which really seemed to strike a chord. So sorry I've not been able to respond very much but the past few weeks have been so full of applications, CVs and interview preparations as you can imagine. 

You can follow me on Instagram (CurlewSteph) and Twitter (@CurlewSteph) if you use those platforms which I'll carry on posting to in the meantime. 

Back very soon .... Xxx