I'm having a bit of a cushion week this week and have made some for new ones for the dining room chairs from these beautiful Greengate tea towels, an idea I admit I blatantly poached from Jane's wonderful Posy blog. Do go and have a look at her archives with some amazing winter and summer cushions that make you want to immediately curl up with them. Mine aren't too bad even though my handstitching leaves a lot to be desired. I haven't got a sewing machine so I limit myself to making mostly square and rectangular things so cushions are a perfect project for me. Stitching the braid on was a great, therapeutic treat over the past couple of evenings, work's been a bit trying and the long dark drive home is hard work but soooooo very worth it.

This isn't my picture but is one of the views I'm treated to on my way over the Staffs/Derbys border at Hartington and is from the fabulous Lower Hurst Farm who sell amazing organic beef and I noticed this morning are having a Christmas fair in December...hmmmm, definitely another date for the diary!
We're supposed to be having broadband installed today (thanks for all the crossed fingers!) so I'm going to finish sorting the dining room this weekend and post some pictures next week. Everything seems to be getting messier throughout the new place rather than on the way to becoming straighter, so I'm determined to enforce a bit of order on the boxes/piles/empty bookcases etc. etc. I've decided to finally tackle painting my dresser because the varnished pine doesn't do my vintagey bits and bobs any justice. This is my latest find which I'm sure you'll agree would clash wildly with orange pine so it's going ivory - and I just can't wait to sip my coffee from this lovely cappuccino cup.

I meant to pop these on my last post, aren't they beautiful! Snowflake stickers for the patio doors between the dining room and the conservatory, or maybe for the conservatory windows I can't decide. And the best bit is they peel off and you can use them again. They arrived so quickly from the lovely Amanda at Decorative Country Living and are my best Christmas bargain so far.
And obviously I'm must have a Christmas book to immerse myself even further in the season so today I bought this ...
which sounds just lovely, an anthology of Christmas tales which from the Amazon description reads...
Taken from the original omnibus CHRISTMAS AT FAIRACRE, Miss Read's wonderfully festive collection of Christmas stories is packed with entertaining characters and enchanting stories. From the rural festivities in Village Christmas and Jingle Bells to the pre-war story Christmas At Caxley 1913, the intriguing The Fairacre Ghost and the poignant tale of The White Robin, Miss Read's wry wit and light touch is the perfect antidote to the long winter evenings.
Lovely cushion - it's nice to treat yourself now and again. The cup and saucer are beautiful, and I love the window stickers. I am planning to visit Decorative Country Living next week so will look out for them. Hope you manage to get sorted out. It's years since I moved house, and I can't imagine packing everything up and then unpacking it again. Good luck!
Cathy XX
ooh, that cup and saucer are so pretty! Is that house pic up the corner your new place? It is lovely!
Hi Steph
The wintery pictures look lovely - the one on the front of the Miss Read book makes me want to buy it myself!
Even though I have a sewing machine I prefer square/rectangle sewing, rather than curves. Hence I always make lavender sacks rather than lavender hearts!
You've had some lovely finds in the last week or so, you lucky girl!
Steph, what a lovely cushion from ck, you definately deserve a treat. I love the tea towels that you've turned into cushion, and what I gorgeous cup and saucer!
Good girl, I think you deserve a lovely CK cushion. I like the home made ones that are not too perfect, definately have a shabby chic look which I love - my sewing is far from perfect.
The book looks great I may have to get a copy - I love books and have at least 3 on the go at any one time. Funnily enought I bought a How to Sew book last night from John Lewis....I was supposed to be Christmas shopping!
You've got some really lovely things there. I can just imagine you curled up against the cushions, sipping from your cup, reading your book. Bliss!
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