Tuesday 22 January 2008

Pretty, pretty, pretty

Dreary weather calls for drastic measures and for me that means only one thing -
flowers, and plenty of them.

Paper white daffodils here on my bedside table, well, chest of drawers strictly.

Gorgeous floral tea cups for £1.50!
Pretty Greengate and CK tea towels and some fabric too, all destined for new lives as cushions on the new sofa (thanks for all the brilliant ideas and advice on re-covering it - mum and dad were going to buy us new doors for our old house last Christmas but we never got around to it so they've very kindly offered to get the sofa reupholstered for us! Just need to pay a visit to the bargain fabric shop with my fingers crossed.)

Yet more floral china - rubbish photo sorry, but I couldn't resist these, every woman needs a matching china sugar bowl and milk jug doesn't she? It's the law.

And today, walking home from school snowdrops were popping up all over the place, as if they decided suddenly that today was snowdrop day and out they came. I know spring isn't nearly on the way yet, but just seeing that life is stirring is wonderful. Aaaaahhh, that's betteer.


Rubyred said...

Love your treasures,the fabric is so pretty.Hope you find a gorgeous fabric for your sofa!

mollycupcakes said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, your pot today today really brightened up my day.
The dull weather, sore throat and aching head melted away.
Thanks sweetie.
Have a nice week.
Catherine x

French Knots said...

Very pretty fabrics indeed, and sweet china too!

Alchamillamolly said...

Had a sneak on blogger in the lunch hour - love your fabric. Like when you moved we cant have a BT phone connected until 1st Feb so no blogging for a week cos no broadband - will I get the shakes?? I have a bargain off ebay will try and post before Friday and we go offline. Bought a huge hand embroidered picture for £9.50 in a charity when I went to pay for my mail redirection. will try and photograph that as well. I got a red leather sofa BIN on ebay its dreamy and exactly what I want and it goes with my newly reupholsted Edwardian chairs. Very decadent

tess said...

oh all those floral prints are just what is needed to brighten up a grey january, very lovely! x

Kathy said...

Absolutely gorgeous! Your post has really cheered me. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful pictures Steph. Such lovely flowers and fabrics and your house looks so cosy and as if you've been settled in for years, not just a relatively short time. Well done! Jackie Mx

Unknown said...

I adore all the fabric and china you showed in this post. Wish I could find such an assortment here.

jessica daisy said...

What beautiful eye candy to cheer up this dreary week! Guess what I've just bought those floral and stripey greengate tea towels too, great minds Steph, great minds.
What great news about the sofa, happy fabric hunting!

Cowboys and Custard Mercantile said...

Pretty pretty pretty indeed!!
Lovely fresh Spring colours and they have given me food for thought. I must paint our bedside tables when I get five minutes peace!

I am very excited about your sofa makeover.. can't wait to see the finished result.. I am sure it will look gorgeous.

I have just popped out into our garden and there is so much new life out there.. bulbs popping up everywhere.

Have a lovely sunny afternoon.


Nonnie said...

What gorgeous, pretty, Springy photos! Your pot of daffs by your bed looks lovely. Funnily, you commented on my daffs but the picture is from last year so I don't actually have any in the flat at the moment! Need to get some. Love the CK and Greengate fabrics as well. Some of my favourite designs. By the way, don't think you're cheeky asking about buying the tea cosy. I really don't know what to do now. I do have a very definite project in mind for it but I suppose I could sell it. Not sure how much I'd ask for it though. I'll give it some thought and let you know.

Anonymous said...

Just discovered your blog. How spring-like! Cheered me up no end. Must go back now and see how long you have been about here etc. I have just started blogging and I'm new to it all. Please stop by. I absolutely love all your fabrics, and aren't the daffodil bulbs splendid.

Anonymous said...

Just added you to my favourite blogs. Love the sofa. I can see it beautiful in floral fabric, but it would be so easy to play safe. I find when I own something I play safer than when I look at someone elses.

Deb said...

Wonderful blog! Thoroughly enjoyed my visit here. Pretty, pretty, pretty - really describes it :-}

Garden Girl said...

Lovely photos! You seem to live in a beautiful spot, and also are lucky enough to enjoy the view from your fabulous vintage sofa! I bet it will become your favourite thing to sit on once you've finished (if not already...)

Beata said...

I just found your lovely blog - I feel like I just stepped into a beautiful "Country Living" home and village - Thanks for sharing!

annie's abode said...

All very pretty - look forward to seeing the lovely sofa recoevered.

julia said...

The house is looking amazing, I love those tea towels, and all the china.
Can't wait to see the finished sofa, it's going to look fab
Julia x

Ragged Roses said...

As you said yourself, pretty, pretty, pretty! Just what we need on grey dreary days - lovely!