Sunday 12 April 2009

Hoppy Easter!

Well it's just gone 9 o'clock and we're chocolated-out already. How about you?! We've spent the past half an hour hunting in the garden for the gifts the Easter Bunny has left and the past ten minutes demolishing them. Well its tradition isn't it?
On the EB's behalf I opted for teeny-tiny, foil wrapped eggs, some wee gold rabbits and chocolate chicks this year hoping that the thrill was more in the chase for my little two, rather than the amassing of enormous boxes and phew looks like I was right. It's hard to imagine more fun when you're under six than being in the garden in your fleece and wellies, hunting for chocolate while most of the neighbours are still in bed.
And now I've got a confession to make. my name is Steph and I am a bake-o-phobe.
There I've said it. Are you still with me?
You've probably noticed that my blog isn't one full of pictures of mouth-watering cakes, biscuits and buns (along with a total lack of clever, artistic, crafty projects - although I can sew a mean cushion cover!)
You see I'm just a bit scared of baking. I can cook but there's always been a bit of a mystery around the dark art of cake making that I've been frightened to explore. School cookery lessons haunt me; sausage casserole was a cinch but I think my dad lost about four teeth to my rock cakes.
We've never really been a cake family to be honest and I prefer crisps to biscuits, but Barney has been desperate to make fairy cakes for ages so I gave myself a good talking too, bought a children's cookbook from the charity shop and set to.

And d'you know they weren't too bad. A teeny bit gritty (oops forgot the caster sugar) but very tasty (no vanilla essence so lemon juice had to do and oooooh that tastes nice!) I'm not sure how to get a flat top though, all the icing pooled around the edges but nevermind.

The Barnster has such a great time making them and whilst little A had a nap we had some very special mummy and B time. So much so I think I might be over the phobia and I've promised we'll try and bake most weekends. Chocolate sponge is next on the list - keep everything crossed for me!

Wishing you all a joyous Easter with love x


{Love, Love, Love} said...

Pleased to hear that you are having a lovely family easter!

Regarding the cakes, I believe that if they are very well risen they are slightly too dry so maybe try adding a small dash of milk to your standard mixture and see what happens next time. Alternatively, if you were doing them for a special occasion, I would cut them hump tops off and pipe buttercream onto them and decorate or turn them into butterfly cakes. I am sure the kids don't worry what they look like as long as they taste nice which I am sure they do! x

Mandy said...

Hello Steph thank you so much for making me laugh out loud at your post 'my name is Steph and I am a bake-o-phobe' Your fairy cakes look great. I am sure maybe there is a helpline for bake o phobes somewhere will see if I can find it! LOL
As for the little ones out egg hunting in the garden this morning how sweet. Wouldnt be all love to go into the garden with pjs on fleece and wellies looking for chocolate my idea of heaven.
Happy easter to you and yours xx

Leisa said...

Hi Steph. Happy Easter to you! The little cakes look great. If you want your icing more spreadable just put less liquid in, that way you can cover the top of the cake too!

cathleen said...

Happy Easter, Steph! Would you be kind enough to send one of those lovely cakes across the sea to little old me???? They sure look yummy!!!!

Anonymous said...

I just had two chocolate egg candies...*smiles*

Happy Easter to one and all!

Sue said...

The cakes look wonderful...the start of many baking weekends to come! Sounds like you're having a wonderful Easter.

Sue xx

Karen said...

Happy Easter Steph to you and your lovely family. Our egg hunt went well too with no rain and no arguments- amazing. My boys love to bake as well and I try not to moan about the mess they make! Favourites at the moment are the chocolate chip cookies from Lucy at Attic 24. They are gorgeous. Karenx

MelMel said...

Happy Easter!

What a colourful and happy post!xx

Sam said...

I have just been drooling over your lovely bits you bought recently - really lovely granny blanket.
Your cakes look very tasty too!

sam xx

Sal said...

I did a small Easter Egg hunt for the two men in the house..what a riot!
Hope your day was good ;-)

periwinkle said...

I think your cakes look great , what matters is the fun you had making them -- Happy Easter
lisa x

julia said...

I'm the queen of the flat cakes but they always taste ok. Whatever I do my sponge cakes come out beautifully risen and then sink sadly in the middle within two mins. Yours look just perfect and it's the taste that really counts!
Have a fab Easter, Julia xx

Goosey said...

Those cakes look lovely, I think fairy cakes are just the best!

Taking Notes said...

Those cakes look delicious and beautifully photographed - happy Easter!

...Nina Nixon... said...

Oh Steph, your post made me laugh - thank you.

You've done a sterling job with your cupcakes and if your little man gave them the thumbs up than what better praise could there be.

Hoppy Easter to you too.

Nina x

Pipany said...

Well done you for facing the beast! The cakes look just lovely Steph. Hope your Easter was a good one. We have rain today - that'll teach me to blog beach pictures yesterday!!! xx

T said...

Your cakes are just lovely - I wouldn' worry about the peeked top, if they taste good that's all that matters (at least to my family!).

I love your site! I'm looking forward to coming back for many visits!


P. said...

Oh, they look good.


Oast Farm said...

oooh i have that humpy cake problem too, Nigellas never look like that do they? I find if you just spend less time looking at them on the plate and eat them quickly it doesnt really matter!!! Always the same for me - humps and lumps where i don't want them instead of where i do!


Mrs. E said...

Yum... they look SO good!
I am So happy I visited your
blog.... I look forward to
coming back!!!

Many Blessings~ Miss Jen

Rosie said...

The Easter Egg hunt sounds great fun. You can always cut off the bumps and make butterfly buns - I love baking and always use my mother's old 'BeRo' book - the recipes never fail - you can still buy them at Morrisons on the home baking section and they are just the same as they were when I was little:)

Poppy said...

You did make me laugh Steph, your cakes look lovely!
It sounds like the Easter egg hunt went well,
Love Lou xxx
If you have any cakes left you can send one this way, I can’t think of nothing nicer than one of your cakes now. :0)

MarmaladeRose said...

Those fairy cakes look scrummy, my tummy is rumbling. Well done with your £2 crochet blanket, what a find! Such lovely colours too.

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy your pretty blog, your photographs are always stunning.
Your cakes are scumptious x

Pixiedust said...

They look yummy, well done you! xxx

Claire said...

Sounds like you had a lovely Easter, we did an egg hunt and the boys loved it. I laways end up burning my fairy cakes, so i'm no help sorry! Enjoy the rest of th e hols.....Claire xx

Lucy said...

They ook gorgeous. Well done you! I've never met a cupcake I didn't like....and have the waistline to show it! Hope you had a lovely Easter. Lucy xx