Sunday 6 February 2011

Winter Walk

With a good coat and a warm scarfe I hardly noticed the wind and drizzle this afternoon. The outdoors called today, despite the weather. In the winter I enjoy nothing better than a day snuggled up at home but I remembered this morning how much I love to hear the wind in the trees, feel my cheeks glow with cold and just enjoy the silence. So it was decided, after a Sunday roast it would be time for a stroll down the riverside.
There is a bleakness in the winter landscape that I find enthralling. This hedge was wrapped in scarlet bramble whips and the colour on such a grey afternoon was startling.
My Christmas hat kept me very snug, even though I have a huge head and it looks rather more like a tea cosy on me than the beret style it ought to be.
The light was low and today felt like the trough of the year, right at the bottom where the sun doesn't reach. But if you look closely there are tiny, embryonic buds on the branch tips and dipping from the canal side willows were golden catkins.
Lichen is a magical thing isn't it and in the damp meadows between the river and canal it thrives.
Its a rather busy corner of the world too. Plenty of ramblers, noisy geese and whooper swans, dog walkers and the odd jogger, and cosy barges and motor boats are home to several people.
Even so, there was much peace and quiet to enjoy and the fresh air will hopefully see me through a busy office bound week before our trip away to the forest.
Back home the light has truly faded now and the lamps are lit. Time I think for sandwiches and cake. Xxx


Jane said...

I think you look rather gorgeous in your hat, personally!!!

Unknown said...

I agree that there is something enthralling about bleakness but you have to be in the right mood for it, I think. The hat is lovely!

Rebecca said...

I think you look lovely in your hat! Your scarf is such a pretty colour too.... I love being wrapped up and going out in to the cold when the weather is like this! x

Justine said...

As others have said you look so lovely in that hat.

flutter said...

Love the hat and scarf. It's great you were brave enough to go out. Here in Clacton you would have been blown out to see. A quick walk in the park to stretch the dogs legs and then home. It has been really gusty here and it has no sign of stopping.

I can't wait for the spring!!

Alison said...

You do not have a huge head, the hat looks perfect! We had a walk along the canal today, VERY windy but fresh. Roast dinner will be ready very soon!

June said...

What a lovely post - thankyou for sharing your photos.
The hat is very sweet.

Garden Girl said...

Reading your post makes me feel rather chuffed to be at home snuggled up in blankets with the lamps lit. It's blowing up a storm in the Cotswolds too and I am using it as the perfect excuse to stay inside!
Love your scarf and hat.Only advantage of this weather is not having to wash my hair and wear a hat instead!x

Gigi said...

Love your pretty scarf & hat, and it looks perfect on you -- like a tam, and I love tams! And such pretty photos of your ramble in the country.

andamento said...

A very nice scarf! I enjoyed the photos from your walk too. Won't be long till Spring really, the days are already noticeably lighter longer and as you said buds are starting to swell. I love Spring...

Lyn said...

Lovely post, and I love your hat!

Joanne said...

I loved joining you in this walk!
We are still deep in snow here and I am starting to feel the longing for Spring!
Love your scarf and cosy!
Great photos!
Thanks for sharing,

Streetcomber said...

Great shots, as always

Anonymous said...

I really love your blog. I've been 'lurking' for ages and thought I'd say hello! :o)

Abi x

Rowan said...

A lovely post full of equally lovely photos. I love winter landscapes too.

Anja said...

The hat suits you, it looks fab! Lovely photos, really nice.

blueberry hill said...

Totally fab hat - looks lovely!

Hazel said...

Awwww lovely lovely post. Really enjoyed your walk. x

Emma said...

I love the scarf, did you knit it yourself? lovely pics x

Frances said...

Ahhh, you hat, scarf, and that lichen have such glorious colors. I thank you very much for taking the rest of us along with you on your early February Sunday walk.

I live in a city, and really yearn to see the views that you have shown us.


KC'sCourt! said...

The hat is gorgeous
Julie xxxxxxxxx

inmykitchen said...

I love the colour of your scarf and your hat is very becoming not at all like tea cosy! I love the starkness of Winter it means the vividness of lichen and bare branches really stand out. But I am longing for new life.
A lovely post.
Hope your office bound week isn't too tiresome.
Jo x

salty pebble said...

lovely hat! looks perrrfect on you!
ive been wearing my snug pink knitted hat non-stop even indoors when it was sooo cold in dec'.
Lovely walk, the skies look like the skies here in Devon...seems so very dark even during the day.
Lovely to get the wellies out after a roasty though and take a good walk.

kazzy x

prettyshabby said...

ooh Steph I just LOVE your hat and scarf!The best bit about winter is all the wrapping up and chilly walks..grey skies or not!

Really liking the new style blog with the bigger photos..did Father Christmas bring you a new camera by any chance? xx

Ruth said...

Thanks for taking us on that lovely walk with you Steph - I love the photos. There is such beauty even on a cold winters day.

And I have hat envy now - it really suits you!

Reginas Cottage said...

hi steph
i love the color of your scarf.and the hat looking great.wonderful walk
thanks for the wonderful photos.
have a wonderful week,

Anonymous said...

I loved your post - and the hat! All of your posts, in fact your whole blog, is wonderful and makes me homesick, but in a good way. I'm from a village in Wiltshire, but now reside in the USA with my husband and three girls. I always check in with your blog once a week to see what you've been up to and look at all the lovely pictures. Keep up the good work!


Anonymous said...

You look really lovely in your hat, there's a really nice mix of colours and it suits you. I really like your scarf too - the colour and texture of the stitch pattern is really interesting. There are some lovely photo's here. I especially like the cow one.You are surrounded by beautiful things!

Mia said...

What a lovely winter walk you have had. Makes me regret that I stayed indoor all weekend, by the cosy fire, instead of heading outdoors to the fresh (read chilly) winds and cool white landscape (that we still have here). But, tomorrow is a new day, with new possibilities. By the way... love your "tea cosy"!

Please may I? said...

Beautiful photos. Loving the hat too!

Much love x x

caravanartist said...

Lovely photographs - it looks quite spring like in your part of the world. We've just had another fall of snow and possibly more to come. Good for the skiing though!

Attic24 said...

Lovely lovely lovely to see your sweet face Steph, you and the hat and the scarfe all gorgeous!!!!
Your writing makes me sigh with pleasure, I don't much care for the low light levels at this time of year but you make it sound so romantic.
Sending lots of love to you.....soon be time for CARAVANNING!!!!!

aline said...

Beautiful scarf, is it knitted or crochet, I can't tell as I am a novice at both.

Joanne said...

I don't know if you'll see this comment, but I wondered if I could share your tea cosy photo on my blog and link it back to you...I am thinking of knitting a tea cosy and love that photo!
Also, I just wondered what camera you use. Your photos are so clear and perfect!
Thank you so much!
Joanne in cold Ontario

- said...

What a wonderful hat and love your scarf too. Thanks for the little jaunt into your world.

The Curious Cat said...

Wrote you a comment above about your lovely dress but not sure it went through... :( I hate when that happens! Love your hat as well! xxx

Victoria from London said...

Lovely hat! Spectacular colours.
And you've managed to capture the lovely pattern of branches against sky that always makes my heart sing!
I've just discovered you from Pioneer Woman blog comment and I'm delighted to find such a beautiful blog from a fellow Englishwoman. Thank you!