Saturday 15 October 2011

Last and First

This is usually the week when the first autumn frost blackens the foliage of tender plants in my garden. Even though the sun shone the air was sharp this morning and my breath rose in clouds as I pottered about with the hens.

Almost time for the garden to go to sleep. Each time I look at the borders there are more gaps and more brown stems as it fades away.
Picking my final bunch of flowers for the house has become an annual ritual, a marker of the seasons that I have come to love. I don't feel sad, thankful rather to my little garden that has given so much through spring, summer and early autumn and it jolly well deserves a rest.

This is my final hurrah posy that celebrates another colourful growing season. There are a few odd blooms left but gradually everything is fading and I'll leave those last ones in place for the bees and insects to enjoy while they can.

Our garden falls away from the house and as the season moves on and the leaves fall from the hedge and trees, the view across the valley really opens up so we get to enjoy the hills and the visiting wildlife while the garden slumbers under the frost and snow.
Inside, the lamps go on earlier and I love to close the curtains and light the house as the sun goes down sooner and sooner each evening. This little corner of the kitchen is a favourite cosy spot and I'm enjoying what I suppose are the last bunch of dahlias from the greengrocer this year too.
Chrysanthamums are still going strong of course. Mine are almost, almost ready so I'm bringing them into the greenhouse to keep Jack Frost's nippy fingers off them.
So these are the last but what is the first?
Well, today was the fist time I got that flippy, excited tummy feeling when I cast my mind to thinking of what I might be preparing and cooking at Christmas.

Too early to plan I know - but never too early to imagine!

P.S. Thank you, thank you so very much for all your wonderful messages of support for my little vintage venture. Every word of good wishes and encouragement has been really, really appreciated this week. And to everyone who has purchased thank you so much again. I've certainly kept the village post office busy this week! More lovely things coming soon. Xxxx


Anonymous said...

What a lovely post with delicious pictures. You have made a definite mark at the end of summer I think. We had a gorgeous day today and I have spent most of it outside in the hot sun, it was so marvellous.

staci said...

I adore the change in the seasons! So much fun to look ahead at what the next one holds.

Your flowers are lovely and your home looks cozy.

Country Rabbit said...

awww steph, sure is a beautiful, lush and warm Autumn, this year it seems so plentiful in colour and beauty- That change of Summer to Autumn is just so magical in my eyes...
I love your final flowers and thank you to what spring and summer has produced in your garden...
Its harvest festival in Sophia's church and i cant wait to see the children there celebrating with the season and crops...I've bought a big farm yard pumpkin it rolled down the cornish hill when carrying it towards the train- we did giggle...I'm sure it weighs more than my daughter! day i will grow my own and have a bigger garden...My court yard gets over taken by slugs!.

i took a look at your lovely shop!
wonderful vintage treats!
good luck with it all x

...Nina Nixon... said...

Hi Steph - my first and last would be......

congrats on opening up your online shop. All your goodies look truly wonderful.

and I love this post - it gave me a warm feeling reading it on this gorgeous sun filled Sunday morning and you've inspired me to go see it I can find that last hydrangea head, cosmos or rudbeckia in the garden to bring inside. The garden looks so bare now so if I can find them then they would look far nicer brightening up the home then sat alone in the garden.

Have a lovely day and happy pre thinking.

Nina x

ps. I saw the first Christmas advert on the TV last night and some of the mags are already in the shops! N xxx

Unknown said...

Lovely post - I agree with Nina that it made me feel warm. Reading this in the morning, I wanted it to be evening so that I could draw the curtains i light the lamps. I picked a few roses in my garden yesterday & I was thinking that they would be the last of the year. Lovely idea to really mark the occasion, especially as I think the weather is going to get quite a bit colder this week. Have a lovely cosy Sunday, x

sarah-jane down the lane said...

Gorgeous pictures today Steph, really love the jolly colour combos - right up my street or rather Down my Lane!

Many, many congrats on the vintage Curlew shop,I'm sure it will be a rip roaring success,

Sarah x

Pipany said...

I so agree with what you have written here Steph. Beautiful things move on and leave way for other beautiful things, and so it goes on. x

Arthur Ransome said...

Beautiful photos - I love that Mayday poster.

julie said...

what a lovely post, and such beautiful flowers. Love how you mark the end of summer, what a lovely ritual. Got a real sense of drawing in and autumn and getting cosy indoors reading that post. Delightful. (and, whisper it, but I'm getting the odd flicker of excitement at the prospect of Christmas too!)

busybusybeejay said...

What a lovely post.Another great day here in N wales.I even put sun cream on!

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos so eye catching with all the wonderful colours
xx fee

Bodkin said...

I love how you write about your flowers .I feel very much the same .there is a lovely blog SARAH-JANE DOWN THE LANE,I think you will love it and ive just brought and blogged a vintage flower arranging book by Vic Brotherson .thanks and good luck with your selling .from hesta at green-glamour .

Madelief said...

Hi Steph,

Your bouquet looks lovely!!! Just the way I like it too. Isn't it wonderful to be still picking flowers from the garden in October :-)?!

Happy new week,

Madelief x

bellaboo said...

What a lovely post,so poetic! Can't believe that we were sitting having lunch today,in the garden, in mid October! :0)

patchworkandlace said...

I love the changing seasons ,each one is so different not sure which is my favourite i love them all , sweet little shop too x

snowflake auto glass said...

It is the important thing, to be always appropriate.

Please may I? said...

Such beautiful flowers. As for Christmas, it's never too early in my eyes to plan Christmas lunch or who's getting what. I love it.

X x

Cottage 1945 said...

Beautiful photos! Inspirational as always.

purple-roses-country-cottage said...

Dear Steph, your post is lovely as always! I love the change of seasons, too and I just reaped our last chillies in our very, very little garden. I am looking forward to having christmas time. I love the old christmas carols, lighting up the candles, eating baked apple and, and, and ....
Did you received my emails refering my 'pay it forward'? Kindest regards

Miss Holly said...

Oh my gosh..I just love your site....I do think we must have at least been near the same mold because you write the things I think all the time!! I to am picking the last of the flowers...but I still have a few tomatoes on a brown vine and a few squash popping out ...I can not believe it! it sounds like you are a wee bit colder right now that we are but I think we are warmer than normal...well, I love your pictures and your words....I too have the butterfly feeling of the holidays ! love it all!!

Unknown said...

Love the post!!! Isn't fall wonderful in it's own way!!!
Have a great week and enjoy those lovely flowers of yours!!
Chris :o)

Lyn said...

just catching up with your blog I love the flowers they are so sunny!

Lil Miss Red T-Shirt said...

Wow, pretty flowers! Would love to see your whole garden.