Sunday 12 February 2012

Dropping On...

 A local phrase (I think), meaning a lucky happenning or something you've hoped for,
 falling in your lap...
Like after you've had to call off your planned walk to see the snowdrops in a lovely garden because the weather is just too bitter and foggy....
....and everyone is feeling a little fed up of the chill and the gloom... you bundle up the family and head to a new favourite pub for Sunday lunch...
...and find that they've booked you onto the table right by the roaring fire.... dropping on indeed!


Anonymous said...

#that sounds like a perfect way to spend Sunday lunchtime.

Sue said...

Have to agree with Toffee Apple,total BLISS
Best Wishes,Hope all's well with you all,
Sue xxx

Country Rabbit said...

Its always a great honour when you visit my blog steph as ive always admired your country posts and vintage finds ;0)...Look at that pub fire! oh my!...My twinny and myself hadnt been inside a cosy pub with a fire for sooo long it was just the tonic after a brisky walk...x

hope you have a lovely half term with your boys ;0)

SAS said...

I could live with that.

Hopefully the gloom and chill will soon pass.

It is very chilly here but no wonderful pubs.

As always, a most beautiful post.

Unknown said...

Perfect start to the half term - what a treat Sunday lunch and a roaring fire. There is nothing like an old fashioned English pub is there?

Miss Holly said...

Oh man do I ever wish I was there!!!!
Their is a wonderful blog site you might is called " sixty one A". This lovely gal makes the most beautiful drift wood art I have ever seen...and she also does these torn paper collages that are unbelievable ....and she does them of some of your favorite places... I so want one of her pieces ...they are brilliant!! Check it out..

Madelief said...

This sounds like a delightful afternoon! The pub looks great.

Happy new week,

Madelief x

Mum said...

We were due to go on a snowdrop walk today but were scuppered by the weather. I didn't get my dinner out in wonderful surroundings though.
Love from Mum

Amanda said...

You definitely dropped on there!

bellaboo said...

I LOVE it when that happens! :0)

Happy Homebird said...

My idea of bliss, roaring fires in country pubs. However, it's been quite a while - since before our son was born. Perhaps in a couple of years when the toddler stage has gone.

Sam x

janzi said...

captured perfectly an English Sunday AFternoon in an English Pub, priceless!

Katy Noelle said...

I had something very similar happen to me, today. Tom's cousin and wife showed up, unexpectedly in church and, then, whisked me off to the pub for what turned out to be a wonderful, wonderfully happy two hour visit. There was no fire, though, and my toes are still feeling it!;)

Glad for you! Happy Sunday! =]


Jelly Jam said...

What a great phrase. I'm going to try and use it tomorrow, out of locality, and see what people say!

Rose H (UK) said...

Looks like a lovely place for Sunday lunch :o)

Julie Clay Illustration said...

Looks like a lovely way to pass a chilly day. I think that phrase has another meaning too, yes, falling lucky, but also falling Pregnant???? Eeeek?

Marina said...

Oooh what a lovely, lovely pub! Sounds a perfect afternoon - especially to be beside that wondeful fire! Have a good week, Marina x

Carol said...

We are hoping to go to Hodsock Priory to see the snowdrops tomorrow, the snow seems to be melting quickly.
Carol xx

Frances said...

Thank you for this warm reminder of just how welcoming a country pub can be.

Best wishes.

Coco Rose Diaries said...

Oh how fabulous! I think I would have stayed there all day! xxx

pinkgreen said...

Yep - dropping on indeed! It looks like a fab place to spend a cosy Sunday lunch. XX

Annie said...

Perfect :D In our favourite pub the table by the fire is for two ... I wonder how many folk tried to book it for tomorrow!

Kristina said...

That's an impressive old pub! Perfect indeed.

Barri-Jayne said...

Lovely!!! Perfect Sunday!

purple-roses-country-cottage said...

Dear Steph,
what a lovey post. I can nearly feel the warm and cosy open fire. Seems you have had a perfect Sunday! take care Nicolexxx

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a wonderful family you have!. Im addicted to your entries, the first thing i do in the morning is to look up if you wrote something new!. Also I'm a recent mom and I wonder how you do to look that great all the time and cook all those delicious meals…I don't have so much time!!!. Also I have a full time job so it's very time consuming, do you have any house cleaning service? Im really im...pressed because hours fly away in my home and i don't have so much time for all. Im just so curious and also I'd like if you could tell me some tips on home organization because after all the great things you cook, clothes you wear and social life you make I'm thinking I need some advice!!

Thanks and keep up this very nice blog!.

Best reggards . Ava

Anonymous said...

ups sorry, this coment is to curlew country but I have a problem with this new form, excuse me please

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a wonderful family you have!. Im addicted to your entries, the first thing i do in the morning is to look up if you wrote something new!. Also I'm a recent mom and I wonder how you do to look that great all the time and cook all those delicious meals…I don't have so much time!!!. Also I have a full time job so it's very time consuming, do you have any house cleaning service? Im really im...pressed because hours fly away in my home and i don't have so much time for all. Im just so curious and also I'd like if you could tell me some tips on home organization because after all the great things you cook, clothes you wear and social life you make I'm thinking I need some advice!!

Thanks and keep up this very nice blog!.

Best reggards Ava

Curlew Country said...

Hi Ava

What lovely comments - thanks so much. Please don't imagine I'm superwoman will you! My camera is very particular, I crop out all the mess all the time!

I work full time (part time until a few weeks ago) so life is often a muddle, a jumble, but full lof fun. Juggling children, running a home, having to work and trying to have some fun isn't easy but we manage. Prioritising is my only advice and trying to keep things as simple as possible. You can't do everything, I usually only blog once a week for example.

Focus on what makes you and your family happy I'd say, and if that means the dust piles up or the laundry doesn't get put away for days, well that's not the end of the world. We don't have a cleaner (even if we could afford it I couldn't be that organised to make sure we were tidy enough when they came!)

We love the simple life, picnics by the river, an afternoon by the fire, nothing too complicated and its the stuff that makes memories I suppose. I often find myself trying to recreate the fun I had as a child. My parents had little money so we spent lots of time outdoors, walking the lanes, building dens in the garden, all that kind of stuff and now that's what our family does too.

For clothes I shop mainly in charity (second hand) shops in my lunch break but I like to get ideas from mail order catalgous like Boden and Fat Face (although I can't afford their clothes!). I suppose over the years I've learnt how to hide my lumpy bits! Not spending too much time worrying about it helps, life is far too short

Home cooking is important to me but I've not been at it all that long and have found blogging a massive inspiration (do visit Sue at The Quince Tree who makes wonderful, tasty food) Fresh vegetables, good produce and a couple of good cook books help me enormously (my favourite is Nigel Slater) and I've got more confident and relaxed over time. Again simple works best for me!

Time is so precious isn't it and I don't have that much spare, but now our boys are getting older there's a little more. I'm sure you'll find that too as your little ones grow, hope you get plenty of time just to enjoy the moment. Live in the now is my motto, that's what its all about I think.

Have a lovely weekend and thanks again, you've made my day!
Steph xx

Anonymous said...

You are a wonderful woman, thank you for your wonderful words, they have great wisdom.

Best reggards, AVA

Anonymous said...

hi steph, i was just wondering where this wonderful pub is many thanks.

Curlew Country said...

Hello, the pub is Sutton Hall outside Macclesfield. It's part of a chain with several pubs in North Staffs, Cheshire and North Wales We love The Old Hall at Sandbach too.
Regards Steph

Curlew Country said...

Hello, the pub is Sutton Hall outside Macclesfield. It's part of a chain with several pubs in North Staffs, Cheshire and North Wales We love The Old Hall at Sandbach too.
Regards Steph