Thursday 31 May 2012

Sea pinks

I love thrift (or sea pinks), there's something so cheery about this sturdy little plant that survices on the very edge of the clifftop, endlessly battling the salt and spray. Turns out though that a clay pot in a garden in the middle of England is much more than it can bare though - mine gave up the ghost this winter.
Nevermind, this is where it looks best and despite the heavy rain on Sunday morning when we called at Trebarwith Strand, I really wanted a quick close up look before we thought about heading home as the weather looked pretty set in.
So I set my lovely new bag on the wall and had a good old admiring session (you can imagine how impressed the boys were) then we walked along the cliff path and took in the astounding views and the sea caves; all moody and melancholy under grey skies.
And then, just as we were turning back towards the car park, everything changed. Sunshine and glorious blueness again!

The tide had turned (it comes right up onto the rocks here and you can only get onto the sand for a few hours a day) so we scrambled down for another treat of an afternoon of rockpooling, yet more digging, castle building and splashing about in the river that winds down through the rocks to the sea.
I didn't think we were going to get down to Cornwall this year and I can't quite believe we've had a weekend of summer there. Special days we'll remember for a long, long time.


Revrunner said...

I'm envious! :-)

Country Rabbit said...

i love the evening haze type photography steph, it makes the pictures look nostalgic like ones i remember in my mothers photograph album from the 70's...Such a dramatic landscape from the sea to the shoreline...I just love all the flowers peeping from the rocky cliff meadows near me...Thanks so much for sharing , looks a fantastic place x

Miss Holly said...

What glorious flowers.....what a heavenly so glad you had a wonderful time!!!

Catherine said...

Beautiful! Cx

Erna said...

Beautiful photos, thanks for sharing..
Erna x

bellaboo said...

This is the beach....where at five my Dad taught me to swim in the pool left by the rocks when the tide went out,where I camped on the cliff as a teenager,and spent evenings playing darts in the Port William.Thank you for bringing back lovely memories of Trebarwith. :0)

Rebecca said...

such beautiful, beautiful photographs. I am off to Cornwall in a few weeks and i'm counting down the days and minutes until I am at my favourite place in the world! xx

silverpebble said...

Steph, the fourth photo down is amazing - it's almost like a painting. I adore those little pinpricks of colour in the grass. Just stunning.

Unknown said...

We are off to Cornwall this weekend - camping! I am not sure that we are going to get your weather but your photos are making me feel very excited. Will be in Port Isaac - I can't wait!

Rubyred said...

The Sea pinks are so pretty.
Wonderful photos!Have a fabulous Jubilee weekend!
Rachel x

Fleur Cotton said...

Beautiful photos ... Oh I so want to be in Cornwall!!

Dream ... dream .... dream....

Fleur xx

DEB said...

Lucky, lucky family. It looks magnificent.

Sue said...

Steph,Thank You so much for sharing,i'm really really hopeing that we can get to this beautiful part of the world, this year again,i always feel so at home there.LOVELY,couple of post's(but then yours always are)!
Best Wishes

daydream in colour said...

There are so many places that I want to visit when I eventually get to go to England again. You have just added another to the list! xx Susan

purple-roses-country-cottage said...

Dear Steph, the rugged area looks amazing. I love this time of year.
The colours of all flowers are so bright. Have a wonderfull wekend with a lots of sun. Hugs Nicole

...Nina Nixon... said...

*big sigh* - the beaches and coastline is to gorgeous down that way...unlike the muddy wash we have down here though we do have sandy beaches.

Have a fabulous weekend,

Nina xxx

Devon said...

Oh my that is so beautiful,,I am so jealous, my mom was from Devon and I really must find a way of getting over there..thanks so much for sharing, it almost feels like I was there..

Shari said...

Your pictures are amazing. I live in Florida but I have never seen anything like this. Beautiful!

Barri-Jayne said...

Beautiful photographs! Glad you've had such a great time :-)

Barrina x

Anonymous said...

Stunning photos, all very special
Thea x