Tuesday 12 June 2012

Summer in a Jug

I'm not going to mention it. Honestly. I'm not.

But I am going to rave for a few minutes about Sweet Williams. Aren't they loveliest summer flower? Well if I'm honest I adore hundreds of flowers but when these berry shades start to appear it on the greengrocers stall in the Butter Market, they always make me feel that summer is truly here.

Have you noticed I haven't talked about it yet? Doing well I think.
Wimbledon's not far off, one Test Match series done and dusted already and there's some summer football on somewhere. The amazing annual fiesta of three weeks packed solid with bikes is on the horizon too.

We've been away, my peas are ripening, the first batch of housemartins are tweeting in their nests. 

And its feels like March!

Sorry, couldn't help myself after all. Clearly we're now paying off for half a week of glorious May sunshine with day after day of rain, wind, grey skies and chilly temperatures. 12 degrees Celsius today - honestly!

I know we Brits like a good old whinge about the weather but everyone seems truly browned off with it now. Maybe we'll be blessed by the time the Olympics come around but it seems a long way off.
Rain in April seemed fair enough, but am I allowed to be a bit fed up of it now? Humpf.
At least the Sweet Williams are cheering me up. Back with smiley stuff soon Xxx


bellaboo said...

The way our weather goes we could have a heatwave in July.Last year we were on the beach in Cornwall and it was 80F....in October!
Love your sweet williams,one of my favourites too. :0)

Tangled Sweetpea said...

Oh I do so love Sweet Williams too! Mine are certainly brightening up these awful grey days, surely we all deserve a little bit of sunshine?
Victoria xx

Pretty at Heart said...

All I can say is...........thank goodness we have booked a holiday abroad this year - for a few sun rays!!

thriftwood said...

I'm fed up with it too! Should be enjoying evenings outdoors pottering about in garden until light fades ... Instead sitting inside in fleecy jimjams and slippers with the curtains closed and fire lit! It's JUNE!!! Rant over, love the Sweet Williams ... Hope it turns out nice for you, Claire xxx

Carol said...

Well I'm glad I finished crocheting my latest throw, needed it these last few evenings. We've had to put the heating on too! Crazy weather.
The Sweet Williams do look lovely.
Carol xx

Viv said...

It will be fine last week in June and first in July as I have ordered our usual fine and sunny holiday weather and we haven't been disappointed yet. Love the Sweet Williams.

Happy Homebird said...

I put the heating on the other day - enough said. Love the Sweet Williams - why oh why do I not have any in the garden.

homegirl said...

I love your sweet williams, I have some planted, hoping they will flower in the spring.
Adore your dresser! It looks so beautiful and homely.
Love your bunting ...its cheery.
Hope your weather improves soon.

...Nina Nixon... said...

Hello Steph!

I wish my dresser looked half as lovely as yours. Mine is all crammed and probably with quite a bit of dust, I keep promising myself I'll sort it out, but overwhelmed is the word that keeps popping to mind.

I love your Summer in a jug - my sweet peas are the only thing that's keeping me sane in the garden at the moment...and in the jug!

Nina xxx

Vintage Jane said...

Lovely pics. Currently sitting in front of the fire ... flaming June indeed! M x

driftwood said...

oh how I love your sweet williams, I grew loads last year and they were great as cut flowers, none of them came up this year... and I haven't seen any to buy...... I shall have to keep coming here and looking at yours!

June said...

I love Sweet Williams. My gran always used to buy them - Summer in a jar she used to say! Weather is flippin' awful - but at least we're not flooded like some people are!

Marina said...

Hi Steph! I know it's just terrible isn't it! Your dresser certainly cheered me up though - I could never tire of looking at it, it's just beautiful! And the Sweet Williams too of course! Marina x

Pilgrim at Kerjacob said...

Lucky you to have your peas ripening - the weather doesn't help seeds even germinate.
I have however got sweet williams in flower.
The weather here in France is no better.
I'm sitting writing this with a fleece on !!!

Diane. x

Sandra (Cherry Heart) said...

I love sweet williams too! The weather is amazingly bad isn't it? This week has really done it for me, it's now officially depressingly bad.

S x

Helsie said...

So sorry about your weather. Wish we could come over, it seems that whenever we are in England the weather is great so perhaps you could take up a collection to get us there and we will bring some of our glorious weather with us ???

Rose H (UK) said...

Thank you Steph, your sweet williams made me smile :o))
Rose H

daydream in colour said...

Those sweet williams are just gorgeous! I absolutely LOVE the colour and am wondering if they'll grow where I live. Glad to see that I'm not the only one that's a little sports mad too! xx Susan

Pipany said...

Another sweet william fan here Steph and yes, I'm sick of the cold & wet too. Hoping that maybe it means we'll get a proper summer for the long hols...hah! xx

Vintage Sheet Addict said...

I love sweet Williams they remind me of my mums garden, I must grow some in mine..... :)

The Fairy Glade said...

The door on my dresser came off in my hand lasy night! An accident with the hoover I'm told by the man person who propped it back on and waited for me to fall into his trap! So cold here today that we have the heating on in the office and everyone is wearing jumpers and cardigans. I can see a tiny patch of blue sky out of my window but no sign of the sun. I am rather taken with your bunting. Dev x

Anonymous said...

I love sweet williams, they remind me of my Grandad William, whose birthday was in early June, so every year I buy some to remember him and celebrate his life. We have a bit of sunshine today, hope you do too.

Country Rabbit said...

hello steph! i like the positive spirit! ;0)x
Actually, its been hot and sunny here all day and there was me moaning on a monday hehe...your dresser is inspiring- mines a bit full to max!...love sweet, dear williams...they are in my market too. I havent brought any flowers this week, i must go to the market on friday ;0)x

happy week to you xx

silverpebble said...

Surely everyone is cheesed off now. I think you were very restrained. Those sweet williams remind me of my grandparents. So lovely. I leaened something today - they're related to pinks. You must think me silly not to know that - I can see it now of course!

lavender attic said...

Hi Steph
I love Sweet Williams too. My friend bought me some the other day, and I have some in the garden for cutting for the house.
Lovely bunting x

dottycookie said...

Yes, I'm a fan of sweet williams too! Not so keen on how rapidly their water goes nasty, but their happy colours make up for it!

Fleur Cotton said...

Beautiful Sweet Wiliams ... I just must have a bunch too.

I also love them as they are an inexpensive treat too.

Fleur xx

Hayley said...

Your kitchen dresser is so lovely with akl your vintage pretty things and I adore sweet williams- they remind me so much of my childhood.I cant find an in garden centres up here!! xx

Anonymous said...

Sending some of our California sunshine your way...look for it soon;)

Beautiful, simple flowers.

blessings, jill

Barri-Jayne said...

Lovely photos! I love Sweet William and I love your dresser!!! x

Maria said...

I am not going to mention it!
Loved your post and fab dresser....
Sweet williams are the bees knees!
They last for ages too...
Am hoping the sunshines on your week!
Maria x

Justine said...

Lovely photos, as always.
Thank goodness the sun is shining today. Although how long it will last is anyone's guess!

galant said...

I adore Sweet Williams, the scent of cloves, the flowers (with nemesia) of my childhood - not blowsy peonies or English roses, lovely though they are, but the button-bright berry shades of this lovely dianthus-family flower!
Margaret P

Anonymous said...

Sweet Williams - that's you dear daughter of mine. Lovely blog too, love Mum (Williams)