Friday 20 July 2007

Boo, hiss, sob.

The people who made an offer on our house have pulled out. I'm so disappointed. Why make an offer on a property if you're not really serious about buying it? It's beyond me. I should have known better, oh well. I've had a good old sob, bought some chocolate and Period Ideas magazine so I feel a bit brighter now. Could have been worse, our friends were packed, removal van ready and their buyer pulled out on moving day, apparently £10,000 short and he'd known all along.

So, back to the rigmarole of tidying up, hoping for viewings etc. Boo-hoo. At least it's Friday and we have our weekly treat of home-made curry and rice, indian snacks then go mad and have After Dinner Mints and Bottlegreen's elderflower sorbet for dessert. Bliss! Curling up with a magazine and lovely gardening programmes on TV is such a treat. Can't wait, I need it today.

1 comment:

Perfectly Lovely said...

Poor you, it must be awful..keep smiling though, it wont take long for someone new to fall in love with your house.
