I have developed yet another unstoppable vintage
addiction. Even though I only own one table I can't seem to stop myself from buying up embroidered tablecloths on E
bay plus the odd tea cosy and tray cloth too! My own
embroidery project that I was so excited about a few weeks is progressing very slowly but I'm hoping these gorgeous new arrivals will inspire me on a bit.
The work is just incredible and so, so pretty. Its criminal being able to snap them up for less than I'd spend on a modern tablecloth but, like most
people who love this style, I truly appreciate being their lucky new owner and they will be so very loved in my little home.
Of course there is no chance of these beauties gracing our table at tea-time. Vintage linen+
spag bol+2 under 5s really
don't mix so instead I thought I'd show you my latest favourites and a few bits and pieces. I've got plans to put them to very good use as cushion covers, laundry bags and afternoon tea with mum in the garden, if the summer ever comes.
My favourite, (to be kept for special occassions), two circles of delicate daisies, roses, etc. In perfect nick but apologies for all the creases, I've not got around to ironing them all yet! 
Pretty baskets of flowers
Even a tea pot should have a pretty cover I say 
A sweet embroidered towel which I don't think will get very near to the sink.
I can't tell you how long I've been trying to win a sampler for and this was mine for just a fiver. Its ridiculous really but I am so incredibly pleased and will treasure it.
Isn't this needlepoint wonderful. I think it was intended as a cushion cover but will be going into a frame and up on the wall in the hall I think.

Not embroidered or linen but my lovely spotty, sage green, oilcloth really has had it and a replacement was desperately needed. I've been lusting after some gorgeous designs in the CK catalogue but I knew deep down that Woody would have left me if I'd spent our hard earned on a tablecloth for the boys to draw on, spill food on, climb on etc so imagine my giddy joy when a remnant, just the right size for our wee kitchen table popped up on
Ebay for £10 to buy immediately.
Somedays the CK fairy smiles on me!
Have a happy and not too chilly weekend.
Your cloths are just beautiful - you can definately never have enough of beautiful linen - I know I can't.
Wonderful table cloths, I collect them too as the embroidery is so lovely. Can we see a how your embroidery is coming along??
Gorgeous pics, I love all the linens. Just like you I can't resist buying anything with embroidery on, but if you could see how Jack looks after a bowl of spaghetti you'd understand why mine are strictly "adult only"!
Julia x
so pretty, and definitly for special occasions, although my mum has one that gets used all the time, and she didn't even get cross when red wine got spilt on it.....
All your linens are beautiful.
I share your additcion too.
I love to embrioder and have always wanted a sampler. I have just bought a white linen piece of material to make one, I am itching to get on with it! but as you may know I am still trying to finish a table cloth!!
I am having to refrain from looking on Ebay as I cannot stop myself from bidding on so many lovely things....it was costing me a fortune in the end - you keep on finding more lovely items just waiting to be bought. I also have an oil cloth in the table which I got a great discount on as the lady in the shop spooted a mark...now this could wasily turn into another addiction as there are so many pretty prints!
Must stop whaffling and get on with my table cloth!!!!
Really lovely pictures. I, too, am always picking up these little cloths and towels and often wonder about the women that worked on them so terribly hard.
What a great steal with your oilcloth. Cute and functional.
Knitty, Vintage and Rosy
I love oilcloth tablecloths, I tend to do all my potting up of seeds on ours, and then voila! it can be wiped clean-bliss.Yours is very pretty!
Are you off dancing this weekend?x
What a lovely collection of embroidered linens you have . I love the design on the tea cozy.
How pretty. Isn't ebay wonderful! Brilliant for finding unusual bits and bobs. I love it. Teresa x
Think it's a good idea to make them into tea cosies and cushions it's a shame to have them hidden away when you could enjoy them every day but like me so much to do and so little time! I wouldn't live without my oilcloth so practical for us mums your new ck one is fab looks lovely in front of your dresser which is gorgeous too - resisted the urge to paint mine but looking at yours it makes me want to paint it! Hope you don't mind if I add you to my favs list?
I love all your linens Steph, they are so pretty and nostalgic. I think, if I had to choose, the tea cosy would be my favourite but I wouldn't mind having any of them! Have a good weekend
Ah Ha that's where that Oil cloth went! I saved it in ebay again to come back to it later and it had gone! I now know where. It looks very good in your kitchen, I was going to save it for when i finish my studio.
these are lovely i remember sewing some like these when i was young as a kit not quite so lovely though- I've seen some cushions made from them by the white verandah thay look so lovely!
HI: You mentioned a catalogue, CK. What is that? Calvin Klein? I don't think that's likely, but since I am "across the Pond" it is the only thing which came to mind! I love vintage linens too and would enjoy looking at more. Thanks, Christy in Texas
These are so lovely! I loved the one on your last post too, they just seem so pretty spring like and innocent, sewn for the young ladies 'bottom drawer' no doubt and only used for best!
Love the bargain oilcloth too, isn't it a godsend with small boys about!!
The linens are so lovely! I have some my Grandmother bought from charity shops, and she used to starch them for me as well, but I don't have a table to put them on!
I always think it is a shame what price they bring, I know if I had sewed a cloth like that I wouldn't be able to part with it - they would have to bury me with it!
Your dresser is so pretty as well!
Such a pretty sampler Steph and what a bargain!
I have a thing for vintage linen too..
My grandfather had a textile factory in Belgium before the second world war and my mother brought some fine linens to England with her.. There is nothing finer than sleeping on pure linen sheets.. well maybe just one thing... that very pretty sampler of yours!!
Love MicheleXX
oooh what a lovely collection Steph. I especially love that tea cosy, reminds me of a Caroline Zoob design and my apple tree in the garden. Watch out for tomato soup on your lovely CK oilcloth, I have some interesting orange splodges on mine around the area my 3 year old sits funnily enough! All adds to the character I say.
What lovely things you have found for your house. I know that it would be a terrible mistake for our family finances if I was to even peep onto EBay but seeing these pictures makes me so tempted.
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