I can't wait for spring to really begin. Even though its April already I'm impatient for some long warm days and flowers in my garden. No summer to speak of last year has left me - the girl who usually can't wait for the leaves to fall off the trees - yearning for hazy mornings when its warm even before you get up, long slow afternoons by the river, plenty of cricket and balmy evenings watching the swifts dive.

Thank you for all the lovely comments about the 40s night. I felt a bit odd about putting pictures of myself on here, there's only been a small one until now, I'm so flattered by all the sweet things everyone has said, you're so very kind and its such a treat to have a place to share things without feeling ridiculous. It means an awful lot to me and haven't stopped blushing all week! -

Streams with plenty of pebbles to throw in are pretty much my boys favourite thing. Hours can be whiled away plopping stones into puddles and streams. Little A completely wore himself out - hard work this chucking lark, but fabulous training for your bowling arm according to Daddy! 

your nature walk sounds lots of fun!
oh I can almost smell those beautiful blue hyacinths! Now the clocks have gone forward the warmer weather will soon be here and then we'll be wondering where the summer went,let alone spring!
Looks like you live in a lovely area Steph...how nice for your boys to grow up appreciating the nature around them. I think it's so important..I did the same with mine..and still do, but they get embarrassed nowadays of me pointing out flowers and creatures to them now theyre 15+16, but I'm sure it sinks in!!
Sairer x
Oh your boys are so cute, bless the little Bill oddie lol
Loving the hat.
But that will be a great place to dip of all sorts of creatures in the Spring when it finally gets here.
Beautiful photos Steph. And lovely flowers, we've still got our Easter display up I'm not letting go of it just yet hehe!
Have a great weekend sweetie, catch you next week.
Catherine x
Ahhh, look at that little chap in his waterproof suit! What a sweetie pie! I don't think it will be long now until we get some warm weather (despite the snow being forecast for Sunday-shh!) It is beautiful here this afternoon, I just wish I was out in the sunshine rather than stuck behind a desk, pretending to work! Have a lovely weekend x
Hi Steph, That woodland walk looks really lovely, so many bumble bees around at the moment. My girls break up today and I can't wait to get out walking with them, fingers crossed. Love your hyacinths, what a beautiful colour.
I have made a blue corsage and put it in my Etsy shop if you're still interested, no worries if you're not! Have a good weekend
ooh! you are making me feel clucky all over again! (just don't tell my husband!)
summer is nearly here - and it is lighter now! HONEST!!!!
How lucky you are to have that walk close by it looks lovely. I have fond childhood memories of playing in the woods which were at the top of our garden! Your boys look adorable. Like your little ones all in one suit! You could take some paper boats with you next time - the blue hyacinths are gorgeous.
Boys + pebbles + water = a really good combination! Even my verging- on-being-a-teen can't resist the mix! But he also gets fed up with me squealing about butterflies and birds now he's older.
It's so lovely to see you and your family appreciating your local area, so thank you for sharing it.
Your walk by the stream looks lovely - I am going to have to invest in some waterproof trousers though, my little girl loves splashing in puddles etc - but she always ends up on her bum in the water! I can't wait for Summer to arrive either - last year was such a disappointment - Natalie x
What is it about boys, stones and water? Sounds like a lovely walk, one you can go on again and again.
I have the exact same hyacinths on my front doorstep and the smell is divine.
Julia x
Hi Steph, those blue hyacinths are gorgeous, lovely walk you took. I think we have to make the most of any brief periods of good weather, goodness know what it will do next, more cold forecast I think, it's completely mad!
Have a good week,
Lucy x
Steph that looked like so much fun and how lucky are you to have such a beautiful forest in walking distance.
What lovely photos of your nature walk! You live in a beautiful area Steph.
You live in a lovely place,can't wait to see the summer pictures. Your little ones look so cute. Baby G has 8 teeth now , they are literally all coming through together bless him
Lisa x
I remember days with my own babies walking through the woods and by streams....gosh the time flys and am doing with my grandchildren now....Your boys are so gorgeous, I would have to cuddle and kiss them all the time...just like I do my Freddie and Rocco.
Lovely pictures Steph.
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