Thursday 22 April 2010

Happiness Is ...

A sunny afternoon after the end of a busy day, washing blowing in the breeze and a lovely view over the field where the hares are running.
A nice cup of tea and a new magazine which after a while of finding quite disappointing is really beginning to make me smile agin (cool caravans - enough said!)
Sitting back and taking it all in.
And sharing adventues with two little boys ("Thunderbird 1 is going to take off from your magazine mummy") and memories of our family's favourite holiday haunt when I was a child (aaahhhh Dorest, clotted cream, thatched cottages, Maiden Castle, Punch&Judy, sea swimming, fish and chips right where this picture is taken and glorious sunny days).
Summer is icumen I feel.


Katy Noelle said...

I just seem to be first up on everyone's post today. Steff, whenever I feel like I'm losing my focus on life and what blogland is all about, I come here. You seem to always remember what's REALLY magic in this life and that simple pleasures are the best, yes indeed!

Love, Katy (with a x and a o to say "thanks"!)

andamento said...


Claire said...

What more could you ask for Steph, sounds as though you just about have it all, already.
Lovely photos.

VintageVicki said...

I agree - this months Coast magazine is the best in a long while. Love the cool caravans feature -the book is on my wish list.

Catherine said...

Looks and sounds heavenly! Cx

bellaboo said...

Long Summer days spent lazing in the garden,walking on the beach,picnics and balmy evening barbeques...yes we've got it all to look forward too!
Would LOVE my garden to look out over the fields like yours.

Bellaboo :0)

melanie said...

Happiness indeed, bliss. :) xxx

jill said...

Just off to buy Coast magazine! Thanks for the tip off- we are offto Weymouth in summer as you say 'happy days!@
Jill Cambs.

silverpebble said...

What a lovely dreamy post. It's definitely on its way - it's like early summer already here - the sun is such a treat.

A Thrifty Mrs said...

Mmmm looks blissful. I could do with a day like that.

Dawn said...

And if the Met Office is to be believed we are in for a proper summery weekend :)

periwinkle said...

I only started to get Coast recently and didn't think much of it , maybe it had an off bit as those caravans look lovely


HI,I have read coast from the beging ,and subscribe, and I dont think its as good as it was , thoUght it was just me, so glad your dissapointed with it too! I really like your bird in your garden, is is a swan or goose? hope the sun keeps shining on all of us this weekend, we deserve It, bestest wishes,Linda.

Clover Yard said...

A lovely post Steph. How exciting that you have an allotment. Just found your blog mentioned on the blog of the Editor of Country Homes and Interiors! Here's the link - perhaps you've already seen it though.

harmony and rosie said...

I quite agree, except we don't get too many hares running around in London! I used to have a subscription to Coast Mag but let it lapse because I found it had lost the edge - perhaps I'll look up this edition!

Enjoy your weekend.

Kate x

ivana said...

Dear Steph,

I follow your blog all the way from Croatia for happiness is all you described: the art of journey, not reaching the destination! Love your photos and thanks for lovely moments...

Garden Girl said...

hasn't it been lovely? I picked up Coast magazine today as well, but put it down again when I realised that I own the book that they have taken all of the caravanny bits out of. I decided to go home and read that instead-saving myself £4! (what a tight arse!)

Anonymous said...

Do love your sunny happy blog! Very cheering.

Funkymonkey said...

I do agree with you about Coast magazine. I think perhaps I sometimes find the houses a bit minimalist for my taste. I'm loving the caravans this month.


Jo said...

Oh, I do agree - sitting in the garden with a cup of tea, watching the washing blowing....bliss!

We are taking our first trip to Dorset this summer. I'm looking forward to it even more after your lovely post!

Fondant Kiss said...

Morning! Pop on over to my blog as I have an award waiting for you! Have a wonderful day! xxx

Amanda said...

Just came across your blog whilst looking around for new ones to read and had to comment and say I fell in love with this post - how lovely x

Shirley said...

Hi Stephanie,
I check in from time to time as someone who lived in your neck of the woods. Still makes me feel homesick. We nearly bought one of those houses by the allotments, many moons ago now. I can recommend a good b&b at Weymouth - The Mayfair, right by the clock tower.

Pea Green Kitty said...

Looks perfick!
One of my favourite indulgences is to sit outside in the sun with a cuppa and a good book or magzine....

Jill said...

I have just come across your lovely blog. Nothing better than a lovely sunny day, washing on the line and your favourite magazine. Sometimes magazines please you sometimes they disappoint but I am an addict. I would love to add you to my favourite bloglist if that is okay!
hugs Jill