Thursday 29 April 2010


Finally, after weeks and weeks of enquiring, when I called in at the cat shelter yesterday the lady in the shop said yes, they did have two furry, little creatures waiting for a cosy new home. Hurrah, hurrah! Although we still miss our old girls, the time feels right now to have some mowzers about the place again (as long as they don't actually go and bring any home!)

And so back to our house came this gorgeous little pair who despite many warnings, have settled in immediately and made themselves right at home.
So meet Bertie the tabby (I've been desperate to call a cat Bertie for years!) He's roughly 8 1/2 weeks old and bless him we are his third home already. He'd gone to live with another family but unfortunately their little baby developed an allergic reaction to his fur and he had to be returned. Luckily for us we're all cat-proof (scratches aside). He's extremely funny, loves a cuddle and looks as if butter wouldn't melt!
And here is beautiful Bella, a little younger and a very dainty lady. She is the timider of the two (hence not so many pictures yet) but believe me she can hold her own and the pair of them are pummelling each other to bits. They're strangers to each other so are battling things out a bit but I think peace is starting to break out and already they're curling up for naps and happy to eat together too.
It's fantastic to have animals in the house again (I don't really get affectionate about goldfish if I'm honest) and kittens are such amazing fun. Our little boys are thrilled and completely fascinated. Archie especially has really taken to looking after them, maybe because he's not the smallest for a change, and I keep finding him curled up next to their basket giving a bit of advice on taking a nap and drinking milk.
There's been much rooting around retrieving furry bodies from tight corners, hissing, wiping up, cooing and cuddling and for some it's all been a bit exhausting. What else can you say but ahhhhh. Happy days ahead.


Rose H (UK) said...

Congratulations! Bertie & Bella are so beautiful. I reckon that having a cat (or two!) makes a house a home.

MountainMom (Rachel) said...

As soon as I saw the title to your post, I knew it must be about a cat! But two! And kittens! That's so nice for your family to expand by two. You'll have to make them some fun cat towers and hiding places and beds. My kids love to make our cat houses with cardboard boxes and blankets and decorations. Also I have to give one more tidbit of advice, which is that it is so helpful to have extra litter boxes. We have one cat but give him a double big litter station and it makes life easier in many ways. Yours are so little but they keep getting bigger. They are so cute. Congratulations on your new babies.

Miss Holly said...

Ok, so I'm having a total cuteness attack!!! I LOVE kitties!! they are heaven.. we have 7 and a visiting #8 and 9!!! lucky you!

Claire said...

Hey Steph,I will second Rose's comment. Having a cat around actually makes a house a home, all that purring, patting and playing. The boys will have soooo much fun with them.
Lovely names you have chosen. I think we might be seeing quite a bit more of them in future posts.

GardenOfDaisies said...

OH I'm so glad you took them both!!! Cats need company! Yours really are adorable little creatures!! We got our cats from the shelter too.

Jacquie said...

Oh those two are so cute !!! I love tabby cats especially,their markings are beautiful.Little Bella is adorable too.
My husband is allergic so we can't have any :0(

Sam said...

They are adorable!!
Sam x

Hen said...

Oooh, Steph, I'm so jealous! You lucky things. It doesn't get much better than little furry friends. Funnily enough, when mine were kittens, I couldn't wait to see what they'd look like as adult cats and of course, once they were adult cats, I wanted them to be kittens again. So lovely for your boys to have kittens at their age.
Love Hen xxx

Fondant Kiss said...

OHHHH lucky lucky you, these two cutiepies are lucky to have you too! I soooo want a kitty again but my old lady Jazz would not make it welcome at all! Lots more piccies soon I hope.
They truly are a handful....of joy!

Pink Feather Paradise said...

I can't help it but ...ahhhh how beautiful are they.... our tabby is no longer a kitten and to prove Mr P wrong ours was going outside to loo once she was all jabbed and had been to the vet to have a little op so we had no more kittens to contend with... she did get harrassed by a lumbering great ginger tom and that tom started to come in our cat flap and spray our kitchen... right up until the dog had him cornered and I had to intervene... and ours loves to bring little furry friends home... generally alive! perhaps your two will not eel the need to support your family with little titbits! lol

Chin tickles to the two little furry bundles and hugs to the family

x Alex

KC'sCourt! said...

They are gorgeus!

andamento said...

They're both lovely! I'd like another cat, perhaps next summer...

Jackie said...

Bella and Bertie are both SOOOOO adorable - I'm so jealous!! And that last photo is just superb x

Celia Hart said...

How adorable... they look as if they have found a good home with you.

My studio assistants looked much the same a that when we collected them from Cat Protection - they are celebrating their 4th birthdays this week (date unknown as they were abandoned in a cardboard box).

The kitten stage is exhausting fun - enjoy!


Anonymous said...

How gorgeous are they! Both Bertie and Bella have such character in their little faces. I'm sure you'll have lots of adventures with them as they grow and gain confidence.

driftwood said...

oh how gorgeous, enjoy xxxx

bellaboo said...

Oh,they are both absolutely adorable! I think it's great for kids to grow up with animals,understanding that a little life is dependent on them to feed and care for them.
You are all going to have such fun with the two 'B's'...and we will enjoy watching them grow too!

Bellaboo :0)

Shsjndkdns said...

Ohhhhh they are gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous and such lovely names too. I hope you will enjoy years of love and fun with them!

gayle said...

Just so cute. I absolutely love kittens, they are heartmelting. I have such a thing about them. Our last one went missing, but I remember getting her from the home and then spending many weeks being pounced at from behind tables etc, then you begin to wonder what you have done! So cute, such a pain, but so lovable!

Katy Noelle said...

Oh, no! This is waaaaaaaaaay too cute!!! Did you know that we have puppies - 9, in fact. In only a few days now, we'll be doing the picking up and training thing, too! I'll think of you and know that I'm not alone, OK? =] I love your precious pictures of them and your description of your youngest bonding with them!

Oh, I almost forgot! We had a canary named "Birdie" Wooster and, now, we have a rooster named, of course, Bertie Rooster! (Er, you know the P.G. Wodehouse stories,right? Silly question?!) Anyway, I'm right with you on the Bertie thing.

Did you know that the longest living goldfish was British? He was won at a fair and lived to be around 45 yrs old! Did you know that they recognize people and, even, wag their tails? However, if you are cat people, it's, perhaps, best to avoid the fish!

I'm so happy for you! Kate x

silverpebble said...

Oh, they're very lovely indeed. I especially love the picture of little Bella looking surprised. Congratulations on your new babies.

Pea Green Kitty said...

Congratulations on your new family additions, I'm so envious. I would love some more kitties, or dogs, or rabbits, or horses for that matter!
You have picked such cute names too, I am glad they have now found thier forever home. A happy story for once.
Have fun!

Garden Girl said...

OOOOooooooooooohhhhhhh!!!! how FABULOUS! Steph, they are bee-yootiful! how much fun are you guys having right now?! I remember when we first had Monty, searching around the house trying to find him if we went missing, and then finding him curled up in the smallest place imaginable!

Have lots of fun

...Nina Nixon... said...

'Oh, oh, awwwwww' they are just perfect. Oh my I've gone all gooey eyed.

Have a lovely, lovely weekend,

Nina x

ps. word verification is :: fluffs!! How perfect is that?

Amanda said...

Oh they are gorgeous, so many happy times ahead of you all!

MyCretanlife said...

I just love the markings Bertie has on the side of his face. they look lovely. so striking. And as for Bella well isn't she so cute. Is she all black?

Karen said...

They are gorgeous, Steph. May they bring you all much fun and pleasure. We are getting two cats later in the year - can't have them now as a BIG dog is coming with my cousin to house-sit when we go to Cornwall in July. As they will be rescue cats we thought it best to wait until he'd gone home! Karen X

melanie said...

How cute! They are gorgeous! xxx

Bobo Bun said...

Fantastic Steph. They are just perfect. Your boys will really enjoy watching this little pair grow.

Lisa x

Pipany said...

Oh they are lovely Steph. Hope you enjoy your new additions xx

Ines said...

Oh- so lovely cats!

I found you at Katy´s blog and I hope, it´s ok, that I added you to my blogroll...

Have much fun with these little babies- we have also 3 cats...

Hugs- Ines

Jane said...

Hi there!
Congratulations on your adoptions!
We have 13 cats (all indoors; we live in rural Canada and there are too many scary wild animals for cats to be outdoors). Just a word of advice...please do not give cats milk.It gives them tummy ache and diarrhea.
Enjoy your babies...they will give you years of pleasure and love.


Ho ,so so sweet, I have a tabby male/ black female combination,brother and sister ,got them about same age as yours, we say our black girl Orla has only two expressions ,shocked and very shocked!!I did a lot of Har HOING when i saw there sweet faces, lots of love and fun ahead, bestest wishes ,Linda.

Attic24 said...

Steph your kitties are totally adorable!!!!!! I love cats and hope that one day when Little B is a bit older we might get a kitty at number 24, my old tabby cat passed away about 4 yrs ago now and I still miss her.

While I'm here having a chat with you (hello!), I really want to say Thankyou so sosososososoosoooo much for your last post where you talked a little about Coast magazine. Been a while since I had that mag (i agree totally, it can be v hit and miss), but when you mentioned Caravans, well I had to go get it. Went and bought it last Saturday morning, then as fate would have it, later that day we learnt about an old caravan that was for sale (I was even still carrying the mag in my bag at the time). We went to look at it last Sunday and decided there and then on the spot to buy it!!!!!!!!!!!!! A long held dream for us, we are soo excited here at number24, at long last we have our very own caravan!! Picked her up today and spent some v happy hours cleaning her, sitting in her drinking tea and generally being very happy planning all sorts of prettifying etc. Next saturday we get to take her camping, omgoodness, I think I could burst with excitement !
So...long winded way of saying THANKYOU for somehow setting us on our way to our Caravan Dream. I'll be writing more about it on my blog when I get chance.
Love to you

Taminator said...

I love your photos! Congrats on the new family members. The only thing better than a cat is...two! Or even three.

Rosie said...

Bella and Bertie are so gorgeous, Steph - I remember when our two were little ones like that. They bring such joy don't they? I bet you are all having great fun with them:)

Suzy's Vintage Attic said...

Miss P and I have been having fun looking at the photos of the kittens. We are both huge fans of cats and these photos made us say aahhh. Love Bella's startled facial expression!

They are such sweeties!

Have a lovely weekend
Warm wishes
Isabelle x

Bertie Meadows said...

Hello Steph, those two are real cuties. I love the names ;).

Bertie x

saraeden said...

Oh they are just so cute x

Sara x

harmony and rosie said...

Oh they are absolutely adorable, lucky children. We're coming under considerable pressure and are sorely tempted ourselves. I read it's really good for the immune system to have animals around the house.

Kate x

kalie brynn. said...

Oh my word, this is torturing me! I want some kitties so bad, congrats on your little cuties!

Helsie said...

Having animals teaches children lots os valuable lessons and makes a house really a home.

sarah-jane down the lane said...

Welcome, welcome Bertie nad Bella. What lucky kitties to have found such a cosy loving home with you all. I suspect there has been clawing of crochet and eiderdowns afoot? tee hee.

Hope you are all well in the land of the Curlews?

Sarah x

prettyshabby said...

oh Steph they are soooooooooo cute!!
I love the names and Bella's expression!
Bertie is the splitting image of my childhood cat Harvey..whom I have such happy memories of I even named my son after him (well his middle name anyway..much to his horror!)

gorgeousness in a furry outfit! xx