Friday 24 December 2010


Christmas Eve is possibly my favourite day of the year, even more exciting than tomorrow. It's the anticipation. Since we've been married we've developed a few traditions for this special day which I couldn't be without.
Early in the morning I head for the town. Not for any serious shopping but to pick up everything I've ordered and maybe a few last minute treats. There is something so wonderful and cheery about seeing all the stall holders and shop keepers I shop with all year today.

First stop is Harrisons for our box of fruit and veg, artfully packed and carried to the car for me (beat that for service supermarkets). Then onto Meakins the butcher to collect the turkey and trimmings.
In the lovely Victorian market hall I picked up the cheese, butter, salmon and potted shrimps I am rather partial to.
Then across the square to the wonderful delicatessen run by an Italian family how really know how to do food and festiveness.
And then there was just enough time to pause and listen to the Salvation Army band play carols in -7C. Brave souls and very much appreciated.

Everyone had a merry Christmas or a joke or smile to give today and its a precious feeling I will treasure all year. As Margot Leadbetter says "Christmas doesn't come in a van, it's what you make of it that counts" and I couldn't agree more.
Then it was time to head for home, pull out the icing sugar, cocoa and other delicious things to make our Yule Log.
And now with sticky fingers, the sun setting and carols on the radio, I'm just about ready. Roll on tomorrow. Peace and goodwill to everyone and a very merry Christmas!


Priscilla said...

I totally agree the anticipation is wonderful! We went out today to pick up a pie we ordered and other little pressies.. Such a magical time. Happy Christmas!

Priscilla x

Rubyred said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family!
I love the anticipation too.We've had a morning of baking and a family lunch!
The candles and fairylights are glowing, can't wait till tomorrow!
Rachel x

VintageVicki said...

Mrs Leadbetter of course was right :)

Off to watch 2 of mine play in a brass open air service in a while - need to wrap up warm and have a full hipflask too ;)

Merry Christmas xx

Hesta Nesta said...

Have a wonderful Christmas and new year and I wholeheartedly agree with Margot!
Jo xx

KC'sCourt! said...

Merry Christmas
Julie xxxxxx

periwinkle said...

Merry christmas x

Frances said...

I share your feeling about loving Christmas Eve, and thank you for taking that camera along with you. It's fun to see your market treasures.

Though I live in New York, I also love seeking out individual markets for certain items. This morning I also bundled up, and rode the subway down to the Union Square farmers market to buy fresh, really fresh greenery for my tiny apartment. I also found some wonderful dried lavender, and so now my home has such marvelous scents.

Happy Christmas to you!

Naturally Carol said...

Merry Christmas!!

Sally said...

Merry Christmas! Ive read your blog for ages now and it's lovely. I'm from near Leek too, but I missed the Market today, shame because I love the brass band outside home and colonial!

Fixing My Thoughts said...

I agree that Christmas Eve is almost magical! Merry Christmas to All! Bess

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Your market looks incredible. Its not wonder you go there.
Merry Christmas to you and your family. May you create some fabulous memories to cherish.

Gloria said...

Thank you for those photos, they are simply great! I've never seen brussels sprouts in their glory, like your photo shows. Wow, so fresh. Hope your Christmas is happy and blessed.

Marylène said...

Thank you so much for this lovely post about your Xmas traditions ! So nice ! I have just a smile when I've seen the Brussel sprouts : I'm from Belgium and it is so difficult to cook brussel sprouts for my 3 children because they hate it ! :))
Have a nice and peaceful Xmas Time

caravanartist said...

Love the photographs and glad you've got lots of good local, independent shops as we still have. They are to be treasured! I always think that baking and the festival of lessons and carols go together and managed to co-ordinate them again this year. For me it's when Christmas really begins.

Victoria said...

This is a lovely festive post :) Am going to have a nice long catch up of your blog.x

The Curious Cat said...

Lovely traditions and agree with you on the fact that it is all about anticipation! Hope you had a lovely festive season! xxx

LinenandRoses said...

Your Christmas Eve sounds absolutely wonderful. Just as it should be, very traditional. I agree that the anticipation is often the best bit. Hope you had a lovely Christmas Day too. x

Nilla K said...

Oh how I wish we had a market like that where I live. Thank you for bringing me along!