Wednesday 8 December 2010


Naturally I'm not what you could call a risk taker. To be honest I'm rather cautious but yesterday I couldn't resist the urge any longer to get away from the main roads and see how the landscape around the village has been transformed.
I'm so glad that I did. The lanes from the school were pretty hairy but the farmers have been very busy keeping them clear of snow and a few piles of grit on the tricky bends have made it a bit easier to negotiate. 
Magical is the only way to describe the scene. Dawn and dusk brought delicate, pink tinged skies and the ice crystals clinging to every branch and leaf are breathtaking.
The past few days have been been like being in The Snow Queen. Winter's spell is cast over us.
Tomorrow we're expecting a thaw and perhaps the spell will lift. But for now I am enchanted and only wish it would stay for Christmas.
P.S I have been messing about with the format of my blog so I could get larger pictures in - no idea what I've done! Things are looking rather odd. Hope to have it fixed soon!


Katy Noelle said...

Dear Steff,

It is just wonderful magic! We've had icy, freezing cold weather (well below freezing, actually) but no snow. We only see the occasional snowflake drift past. Thanks for sharing yours!

Love, Katy

Garden Girl said...

are we the only county in England to have no snow?? It looks beautiful up there Steph. I actually like the larger photos!xxx

Madelief said...

It looks like a winter wonderland indeed! Enjoy!

Lieve groet, Madelief

LinenandRoses said...

Beautiful pictures. We haven't had very much snow at all but we have had the freezing fog that has made everything pretty and frozen. But nothing like your area looks. From what I've heard there's a chance that the snow might be back for Christmas even if it does thaw this week so you may still get a white Christmas.

June said...

Hi there,
Great minds think alike. If you pop over to my blog you'll see what I mean but the farmers your end seem nicer than the one our end!
The snow has mostly gone here but I read somewhere that we may get some more soon! I think your blog is great!

Louise said...

oh, hasn't it been so, so beautiful!

I feel very lucky that when I was 17 and learning to drive, my dad used to take me up around The Mermaid when it snowed! We lived near there and he wanted to make sure I was a capable bad weather driver - I'm so grateful to him for that as it means now I feel quite happy and reasonable confident to got exploring when the roads become bad. Sadly, this year I've not had a lot of time to enjoy the wonderland yet and it's fast disappearing before I've managed to take any good photos:( although we did visit Chatsworth on Sunday and I have a few nice photos from then to blog soon!

I have especially enjoyed all the hoar frost we have had and the wonderful mists. I too am hoping the snow will return to give us a white christmas. That's when I'll have the time to enjoy and photograph it properly!

Your photos are lovely, I'm glad your shared them!


...Nina Nixon... said...

Magical and enchanting - just need to find that pesky lampost.

I wish the Snow Queen would come and wave her magic wand, but alas we only have Mr murk and grey lingering around these parts - not even a show from Jack Frost at all.

Nina xxx

ps. I like the larger pictures. Nxx

Penny said...

Really magical and enchanting landscape xox

topchelseagirl said...

Beautiful photos! I'm glad it has all melted here, it is such a palaver trying to get to and from work.

Bobo Bun said...

Fabulous large pictures Steph. You have proper beautiful snow there, we had gloomy snow with freezing fog. Crisp days with blue skies are best.

Lisa x

Rose H (UK) said...

I agree with every word - the countryside is amazingly beautiful at the moment. Love the photos.
I'm just off to visit the Snow Queen!

Ellie said...

I LOVE the bigger photos and especially when they are as beautiful and as festive as these!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful winter wonderland, indeed !
Here, in Belgium, it looks a little bit like this ( less snow ) and I hope that it will be like this for Xmas !
I like larger pictures ! Have a nice evening !

bellaboo said...

Beautiful pictures! You just want to keep taking them don't's not often we get Christmas card scenes like that.
All melted here,but still freezing cold! Brrrr. :0)

Adele said...

My sister and I have the very same christmas trees as those at the top of your blog - although we are considerably older than you!! Mine has been by my bedside at Christmas for 52 years. This year will be poignant, as our Mum died at the end of the summer and she bought us those trees. I will have some of her 1950s baubles on my tree for the very first time this year.
Enjoying your blog thanks.

Karen said...

Such beautiful pictures - hope the snow and frost lasts as long as you want it to! We had 10 inches this time last week but it all went overnight on Saturday in heavy rain.
Bet your boys are enjoying it. Karen X

Naturally Carol said...

I am still really enjoying all your snow pictures...thank you for sharing your winter wonderland!

madebymum said...

love your photos keep cosy.

Anonymous said...

Hi Steph,I've been following your blog for quite a while and when i read it, it really brightens my day - I live in a coastal Australian town and having a heatwave at the moment so I'm loving your snowy scenes and dream about holidaying/living in the UK one day - my son is keen on attending Stratfordshire Uni.
Happy Christmas - Regards, Sue T.


Every where looks wonderful, i half expected the snow queen to whizz by on a sliegh, we still have loads of snow on the ground here in Yorkshire , and dare i say it, i am just getting a bit fed up off it and more is to come next week ,if i could stay at home i wouldnt mind but traveling to work on vey remote roads is scarey, but a feast for the eye for sure, keep warm and safe, Linda x x

Anonymous said...

so magical its amazing how different the landscape can look from day to day .
xx fee

Pipany said...

It's gorgeous Steph. Very very lovely indeed. Hope it stays cosy for you this weekend. Like the larger pics - how did you do that? x

Funkymonkey said...

Lovely, lovely photos Steph. There's not been a great deal of snow here but we had a beautiful hoar frost the other morning that made my walk to the railway station very enjoyable despite the bitter cold. Please share how to get images larger on Blogger. I've tried without success.


- said...

Beautiful pics!

caravanartist said...

I love your photographs - what a wonderful landscape. We've had loads of snow up here too, but a thaw started today and the world has begun to drip!

Emma Herian said...

Truely stunning pictures, very magical indeed! Ours has all disappeared but stunning frosty mornings!

Joshy and belle said...

Blogger is being weird with me too, it had all my yellow spelling mistakes highlighted on my post, its taken me most of the evening to sort it out!

Your winter wonderland looks lovely, our snow has long melted and gone now!

For my bunting I used 'the wise robin' ladybird book, i had two copies! there are a few on ebay at the moment for 99p.

fliss xxx

Jill said...

I have just come across your lovely blog and have enjoyed alot of your older posts. The photos look lovely like something out of the Snow Queen!

salty pebble said...

soooo beautifully *** magical***

Montana said...

Bonjour, J'écris de France pour vous dire que j'aime beaucoup votre blog, je m'y suis promenée un petit peu, je reviendrais sûrement. Vous faites de jolies photos, et j'aime bien ce coté "folk country". A bientôt. Montana

Trixie@ the vintage bothy said...

Hi I just found your blog and love it.
Tracey x

Julia said...

Wonderful photographs, especially the close up of the seed head!! Beautiful!

Much love, keep warm
Julia x x x

Kellie Collis said...

These shots are stunning! Enjoy the glorious day, Kellie xx