Monday 7 March 2011

Taste of Things to Come

It may have been cold and rather breezy but our real first taste of Spring yesterday was just wonderful. These two enjoyed it very much let me tell you. Nothing like making mud swamps up at the allotment and burying your dinosaurs to pass the afternoon.
The man of the house got stuck in too, he's the hard labour behind our allotment spoils while my thing is more of the cutting back and planting variety. This will be our third season up on The Avenue that may moons ago was the site of the Home Farm of the big manor in the village. The land was turned to allotments in 1940 and villagers have been digging for victory ever since.
The views are superb and there's a special peace and quiet up there that I don't find anywhere else. Because they're surrounded by houses the plots have no sheds or structures and there is no piped water and fires are not allowed. Ours is a very simple site and the more special for it. Just plants, compost and the odd bench and bath full of water. Perfect.
The soil is beautiful, it crumbles like chocolate cake and there's not a stone in sight. Very different to our little garden down the hill. This year, (with any luck) there'll be more flowers, salads, new potatoes, climbing beans, peas, radishes, broad beans, courgettes, strawberries, raspberries and hopefully a few squashes and pumpkins - if we get the weather.
And today - even though its too early, my favourite cut flower is back in the shops again. The scent of stocks fills the house and takes me right back to our May wedding day. Oh I am looking forward to happy Spring days. Are you too?


Emma Bradshaw said...

oh, how I have allotment envy! The boys look as if they are having so much fun ;0)
emma x

June said...

What a lovely posting. Your boys look as if they are having a great time. What is it about children and mud - my daughter when she was younger was forever in the garden making delicious mud pies(!)Those stocks look lovely - my grandmothers favourite flower.

Misty said...

Oh those beautiful flowers! Thanks for the glimpse of things to come!

Laura said...

Lovely flowers. I love Stocks too... they make me think of home and that smell is just amazing. Lovely post as always. Lx

Joanne said...

Another gorgeous post Stephanie!
Love the garden photos!
And your flowers are so beautfiul!
I have read all of Kate Morton's books and have so enjoyed them!
Happy Spring!(soon)

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon "Curlew Country" I am writing from Australia and have to tell you I love you "site". I find your writing very easy going and your photographs wonderful. I love the look of England!! We have had a very mild summer this year and we are now into Autumn, it is like someone has flicked a switch. Any how just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your site (and that lovely vntage dress) I just love anything vintage.

Kindest regards, Dianne

Naturally Carol said...

I haven't grown stocks since we lived in Canberra, seven years ago now..I really miss having the scent of them beautiful!

Please may I? said...

We have a very long waiting list or allotments here, so it's jus a case of being patient. That said I've got some serious planting to do this weekend and my poor garden is looking a little unloved!

Those flowers are beautiful, roll on summer!!

X x x

Rubyred said...

Oh that was a lovely little taster of things to come!
So wonderful that your boys are growing up with grow your own too!
Have a great week, may we have lots more sunshine!
Rachel x

Vintage Tea Time said...

Your boys look like they're having great fun - our grandsons love our allotment. Your soil looks fab - ours is full of stones:( Stocks are gorgeous, aren't they - I absolutely love the smell. Have a good week! Abby x

Ruth said...

Oh I just love that photo of the stocks and the candle - what a beautiful shot!

I like the look of your allotment - it looks a great size and good quality soil is everything. A group of friends and I are getting together so that we can create an allotment in a large neglected back garden in the village. You have inspired me to head up there this weekend to start some of the digging!

bibbitybob said...

You are very lucky to have an allotment, it looks like your little ones are enjoying helping.

I love stocks and yours look especially pretty in that little jug. With such glorious weather lately, I'm definitely feeling Spring like x

charl said...

we had an allotment but we just couldnt give it our full attention so we gave it up.. do regret it but it is a plan of ours for the future to have one again!!!..
love the pics of the stocks.

The Fairy Glade said...

Things are happening here too, albeit very slowly. Man person is in the process of building a new greenhouse so that we can extend the variety of crops that we usually grow. The hens are slowly coming back into lay and the bees are out and about collecting pollen from the early plants. There is a whiff of spring, although we woke to a heavy frost this morning and the thermometer reading -3.2! Like the larger pictures but haven't worked out how to do them yet. Dev x

salty pebble said...

lovely post as always- love your boys getting right stuck in! love it! best ways are muddy days! hehe ;0)...Im having a giveaway to win my illustration of squirrel and fairy if you'd like a go! ;0)x

best wishes! love the flowers! beautiful x

melanie said...

I can not wait for Spring!!! I did some gardening yesterday and really enjoyed it, despite the cold!! :) xx

Leisa said...

A lovely, lovely post - wishing you a lovely spring and summer in your allotment garden!
Oh how I love Stocks too - I think they would have to be among my favourites as well!

...Nina Nixon... said...

Ahhhhhh allotmenting - can't wait to get my hands dirty too.

Nina xxx

Anonymous said...

i've been enjoying the sunny weather and planning my veggies for the season, it's great isn't it. I notice you're reading the House at Riverton, I really enjoyed it.

blueberries in the fields said...

i am soo envious to see you can start gardenng in march ! sadly for me, i still have to wait and dream of greener and warmer days. we are buried in many inches of snow and it will take many a week for us to see a bit of grass. :(
yourblog is lovely !

periwinkle said...

ahhh I can smell those stocks from here ..........

Gill said...

I'm very jealous! I miss our garden from our last house where we grew quite a few bits and bobs. Here it is a 'low-maintenance' which means pebbles are everywhere. However, this year we are learning what we can grow in pots instead. Happy digging!

Love and stuff xx

Anonymous said...

Lovely to see you all enjoying your plot! My allotment neighbours are a family with two little lads - they have a great time up there, and we all enjoy their company. I'm looking forward to the annual sunflower competition I have with the lads - they alway win, no cheating!

Sarah Jones said...

Lovely post about the allotment. My sons used to love
digging mostly big holes!!
Am busy planning what to grow this year. Weather is really showing signs of Spring although it has been cold and frosty first thing in the mornings.
I am glad that Easter will be late this year as it will
give us a few more weeks hopefully for it to be warmer
and sunnier perfect for outdoors!!

Julie said...

Hi Steph,
I don't usually leave comments on any blog, in fact this is my first time. However I just wanted you to know I love your blog. Its so colourful intersting and comforting, in fact the business. Please keep it up. Like many I always love to hear whats afoot in Staffordshire and view your gorgeous photos.
Love Julie

blueberry hill said...

Lovely mud!!! Fab post. I had an allotment for a time, now I have a bigger garden...was just looking out the window today thinking where I would get my husband to dig next! I'm impressed that you are out already - so far all I have done is start chitting the potatoes, feels like an achievement at least!

Tea with Prudence said...

Ahh, the wonderful allotment.

They are soo wonderfully British.

Do you have to carry your tools up there each time? Or do you have somewhere to leave them up there?

There is nothing quite like the joy of getting out in the garden. Especially with the promise of produce.

Thanks for sharing your, as usual, wonderful photographs.
