Tuesday 15 January 2013


Winter at last...swirling, great feathers of flakes blanketed all before it yesterday morning.

Our littlest chap went to school on a sledge and snowmen were built on the playing fields.

After the school drop off I tried in vain to get into the city but failed. Gridlock and snow heaving down meant nothing moved.

So I turned tail, headed home and thanks to modern technology cosied into work at the desk in our bedroom and watched my view grow more magnificet by the minute.
And I had some lovely company. The hedgerow was filled with finches and tits, siskins, redpolls and buntings.
And when the east wind blows and brings us snow, it brings a flock of fieldfares our way too. Every now and again they took off and flew in formation around the valley, before heading down onto our decking for apples and fat pellets.
My perfect sort of day in the office!


Miss Holly said...

Oh I couldn't be happier for you!!! We may get some tomorrow as well!!!!

sweetbriardreams said...

I love the snow, it makes us look at our surroundings so differently. Lovely photos!!

...Nina Nixon... said...

So beautiful Steph - we have blackbirds darting around when the snow comes in.

Nina x

Come Away With Me said...

It is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing your views with us. It is like a picture postcard to me.

Lyn said...

Oh how lovely, my sort of day at the office too! It does look beautiful but ours is only left on the hills, thankfully the roads are clear. Xxx

Vintage Tea Time said...

Lovely photos. Lucky you - we only had the tiniest amount of snow - which instantly became slush :( - here.

haggiz said...

What beautiful photos and how lucky to have that fabulous view and all those birds. Julie x

Rose Fern said...

I love the snow. I particularly enjoy the utter silence when it falls.I find it really strange, don't you?

Emma Bradshaw said...

I am most jealous - we've hardly had any snow here, no sledging! pah!

Adele said...

Those days are special, to be teasured - even if you did have to work. I took my class of 5yr olds out to feel the snow falling before it all vanished by the end of the day (here in the south): then read 'Elmer in the Snow'. Magic. Love your blog - thanks.

Katy Noelle said...

Magic! =]

Emily said...

Oh, I'm so envious! Thanks for inviting us in to peek out your window and experience the enchantment.

Mary Anne Komar said...

Thank you so much for sharing your little bit of snowy paradise with all the lovely birds!

sandiart said...

Oh how stunning. Look at all the birds, gorgeous little things.
xx Sandi

Maria said...

JUST wanted to say' your blog was one of the first I fell upon many moons ago...Lovely!
Don't you just love the quiet 'hush' the snow brings along as it falls...
Like time standing still. We must remember the wild birds too. A lovely post, thanks for sharing.~ Take time to dream, love Maria x

Rustic Vintage Country said...

Lovely snowy photos and you have soooo much more than us! x

Patricia said...

What lovely photos. I'm so envious as we've had just a dusting of snow here in Essex, more like a heavy frost really.

Country Rabbit said...

I cannot imagine a more perfect landscape than one that is covered in the sparkling white stuff! i adore the snow...growing up on an island on the East coast we used to get some terrific snow covereed winters where everything just stopped# knee deep in snow!...but since living in Devon we hardly get any...well, yes on the moors...but none where I am, though the temps always seem that much more humid here...i tell you what we do get a lot of and that is rain!!!! heehee,

id love to swap some of that for a snow covered landscape just for one day...

enjoy it steph with your lovely boys x

Unknown said...

How beautiful! No snow down south, just a thick layer of frost on the car windows...wishing you fun in the snow! Sharon

LandGirl1980 said...

Waiting for this to hit us over the weekend. Great pics!

sustainablemum said...

What a great way to spend the day in the office.

magpieandbutton said...

What a lovely day in the office! It all looks rather wonderful there. Thanks for sharing such nice photographs, Maggie.

Frances said...

There is something about the first real snow of winter that brings out the child in me (and perhaps also in other folks.) To see familiar sights transformed is a treat, as is the possibility of sledding (as we say here in the States,) making snow men and...throwing snowballs, too.

Your photos have transported me to a lovely winter wonderland offering all the above potential.

If you did get to build a snow man, please do post a photo! We had overnight snow, but were left with chilly rain all day as the the sun rose behind thick cloud cover. Not so much fun!


LinenandRoses said...

Looks beautiful. We've had a bit but I think we've got more coming our way tomorrow and Saturday. Where we used to live in Oxfordshire we used to get fieldfares coming when it snowed. I loved watching them. Fiona x

Jay said...

What a gorgeous view you have, we've had plenty of snow here in East Anglia, much to the children's delight. I love the photos you've posted.