Monday 18 March 2013

Time for Flowers

They say winter this year will last until well past Easter. I'm holding onto the fact that compared to recent years at least the weather is doing what its supposed to by the seasons - for now.

Spring doesn't properly start until next week anyway so I'm gritting my teeth against the frost and cold.
And flowers are really helping. Woody saw these hyacinths wrapped up in brown paper at a little village florist last week and thought I'd like them.
They're perfect, not too blowsy or heady and such a pretty mix. Spring in a jug.
Outside too, things are beginning to bloom
Every year I turn to primulas for a shot of colour for the pots and planters on my patio. This year they're mainly crimsons. orangey-reds and  ruby shades. I've popped some bellis daises into old terracota pots to keep them company.
Love this rich shade to perk up dreary, chilly mornings.


Waiting for spring is at least a little more colourful now. xx


Antonia Mullaly said...

ooh so inspired by your gardening, it's great to see the flowers blooming already they really do cheer us up don't they?

itsjustperi said...

It does look like Winter is here for a while yet doesn't it . This afternoon I was sitting watching snow blizzards and it was oh so cold .

Julie Clay Illustration said...

It's so cold and the little flowers peeping out are a delight, are those tulips in the vase, they look like hyacinths?? My bellis daisies are out too all different shapes and colours they are like little jewels in the green, I love them. I like the look of the blog. :)

Bobo Bun said...

Looking good Steph. How I wish I could get myself into gear to plant up for spring, but the naughty hens usually eat them anyways. They've even started chomping on our French doors and now I have huge chunks to woodfill. Hope yours aren't as naughty.

just Gai said...

Our garden, front and back, is a mess. The cold weather hasn't exactly inspired me. I'm waiting for half term to get out and tidy it up, ready for spring ... and summer!

Vintage Tea Time said...

Lovely hyacinths - I bet they smell fabulous! And a lovely colour of primula - very cheerful, as you say! x

Rose Fern said...

Beautiful flowers! Although I live in Greece, where the climate is generally warmer, it's still cold to enjoy the garden. I haven't done anything yet. There are some blooms though that signall that spring is on its way!

PS. How does your new template feels?Back in September, I thought of using it for my blog,I actually tried it for a month or so, but finally I used the classic template with a minimal heading.

LinenandRoses said...

Gorgeous hyacinths. I love all your planting in your pots outside. I'm longing to be out in the garden and start planting. Can't wait for the Spring to arrive. Fiona x

dottycookie said...

Yep, I could do with getting out there and planting up some colour. We do have primroses and a few daffs and the last of the snowdrops but pots of bright colour to tide us over would be lovely!

rusty duck said...

Hail storms we've had today in Devon. I'm still sitting here with fleece zipped up and a heater on for extra warmth. But you're right... the last couple of years the only decent weather has been in March. Perhaps this year we will actually get a more normal set of seasons?

Your cheery flowers do help!

old cottage industry said...

So jealous. We can't garden until May in the US midwest.

Karoline said...

Your flowers are looking lovely, every time I plan on going out to refresh my pots the weather takes a turn for the worse :( Roll on Spring

Katy Noelle said...

I just love the little peeks into your colourful world that you share with us. They're a bright spot for me, too! A little 'shot in the arm', so to speak. So, those sweet little flowers are doing double duty and bringing a bit of cheer way out beyond your porch and into the world! Amazing! =]

Entre linhas said...

Very beautifull garden