Saturday 19 April 2014

All of a Hurry

There's not a lot of artistry to my pictures this week; snapshots of fun times we've had as we whizz about are all I've had time to capture.

Last Sunday Woody and his best friend ran and finished their first ever marathon - the London Marathon. It was an epic and emotional day and I'm still overcome with pride. They raised thousands for the Childhood Eye Cancer Trust too, a cause very close to our hearts. 

So things have been a little busy and now here's Easter. I've had a couple of days at home catching up with my boys. They seem to be so busy too, what with school, new interests and their friends, so I've made sure too snatch some precious time back with them.

In the sunshine on Good Friday I helped Arch to plant his peas. He's rather a pea addict so we've gone for shoots and seedlings to maximise one of his favourite tastes.
Today's been much cloudier and very chilly. We were up at the cricket club at the top of the road just after breakfast watching him in his very first match. He loved it; now he thinks he's Flintoff.
Then later it was Barney time. He's been asking for ages to make a cake so I stood back today and he made a smashing lemon drizzle for tomorrow's Easter lunch with the family at mum and dad's. He did the lot with me hovering a little nervously, but he did brilliantly.

Tomorrow I'm looking forward to taking some time to stop, eat some cake and enjoy the holiday. Hope you're enjoying yours. Happy Easter x


Sandra said...

Beautiful photos, and the Lemon Drizzle Cake looks soooo good.

Have a wonderful Easter :)

Claire/Just a little less said...

Love the new blog look with your beautiful countryside header. Have a lovely, lovely Easter xo

Hazel said...

Well done to the marathon runners- that's fantastic.

My son is Barney too- there aren't many of them about :-) Is he a Barnaby?
My Barney is 13 and loves making cakes when he can get his older sister out of the kitchen. In fact...we need a cake...we have lemons...we may be joining you!

driftwood said...

happy Easter Steph, congrats to your husband on the marathon and enjoy that cake! x

Curlew Country said...

Hi Hazel, another Barney -hurrah! No not many if them are there (lots of dogs though we find!). My Barney is just Barney, named after Bernard Sumner from New Order, that's his nickname and they're my husbands favourite band. We were really stuck for a name and were watching a DVD of them in concert and that was it! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Enjoy your cake and happy Easter xx

Unknown said...

Beautiful - I love the Easter holidays - hope you have a wonderful day x

SandyshoesCornwall said...

Great times, I love the fact that you got to spend time with each of your boys and give them some special attention. I struggle a bit with this, and it's my oldest who misses out but we'll get there. I can't believe how many spring flowers are out, I keep meaning to photograph them but we're always whizzing by. I bet your garden looks lovely. Have a great Easter holiday x

Aqeela said...

Lovely happy blog post... and is that william morris wallpaper you have? Ive been reading your blog for years, simple tales of simple pleasures... just what i like to blog about too.

Aqeela xx