Does anyone else put a jug of flowers on a table and almost think of reasons to walk past them at any opportunity for a gaze?! Its amazing how flowers can lift you spirits isn't it and they're my favourite thing about the summer (wherever it went). This bunch of gorgeous shell pink stocks were a gift from my darling sister Rachel the other day when I was laid low with the lurgy, so sweet of her. I love stocks, especially the scent and I had them in my wedding bouquet. The cold's finally on the way out and I can smell them at last.

And this is a picture of my lovely hydrangeas I've been meaning to post. I want to dry them and according to Martha Stewart (who I think is supposed to be the goddess of the American home) in her magazine (which I bought in a petrol station in Hathersage which was a bit of an odd place to see something like this) I'm supposed to cut an inch off the bottom, put them in an inch of water, let it evaporate and then let the flowes dry out. Fingers crossed.
We went to the Leek Collector's Market today with the hope of finding a few bits and bobs but it was a bit quiet thanks to the miserable weather and I didn't come away with anything apart from some lovely smoked mackerel and cheeses from the farmer's market. I've got my eye out for a glass (but not crystal cut) candlestick, a china cup and saucer with a faded pink rose design and a wicker (help!) bicycle basket (I actually saw one of these last week for a fiver and didn't buy it for some silly reason). Obviously I don't need any of things but I really would like them if I can get them for a bargain.
Talking of which - I can hardly believe this - after months of trying I have finally won a vintage paisley eiderdown on ebay! I've lost out on so many because I could only afford to splash out around £40 and they really do go for a fortune, but this one was meant for me - yippee! Its quite pale with pink and red paisleys, just right to go with my faded red gingham and patchwork quilt. Its seems a bit daft to spend money on something which is only going to sit on the end of my bed but I love it.
So off to enjoy the rest of Saturday evening, Woody does a shift sub-editing on the paper on Saturdays so although its a bit lonesome its become my regular cosy evening of reading homes magazines, cutting out the best bits to fill my interiors scrapbooks, watching awful tv like X-factor which I cannot help watching, watching lovely tv like Doc Martin and Coast afterwards and eating my favourite chocolates (After Dinner mints, not a woman of refined tastes am I?!). Bliss.
Lovely eiderdown, sounds as though you got a bit of a bargain!
When I have the evenings to myself I do the same things as you, homes mags, yummy food and trashy tv!
Were simple creatures arnt we!:)!
Jennifer x
Congrats on the eiderdown - I've won a few on ebay in the past but I had to persevere as I didn't want to spend a fortune either! I've got some hydrangeas drying in a vase in my hall at the moment and they're a beautiufl pink, lilac, silvery shade - gorgeous. I know exactly what you mean about flowers in the home, even when I'm watching a film on the sofa my eyes drift over to the corner of the room to look at the flowers! Have a great weekend
Kim x
The eiderdown is lovely, you should enjoy that so much in your home. I too love having flowers in a jug - it's always to have flowers inside.
Your eiderdown does sound like a real bargain. I never see anything really interesting on eBay - I guess I just don't look in the right places!
I love the hydrangeas and you are so right about the jug of flowers...I love to stop and admire them whenever I put a jug on the table.
Like Jennifer, I always enjoy an evening on my own as it gives me an opportunity to watch what I like and catch up on my magazine reading.
Marie x
Jugs and flowers are just made for one another, I always feel guilty when I splash out on some flowers for myself, but they always make me smile when I walk past them for the rest of the week, which makes up for the guilt. As for that beautiful eiderdown, congratulations! I've bought two, both from ebay, after many disappointing weeks of being outbid at the last minute, I eventually gave in and stumped up about £60 quid each for them, but It was worth it cause I love them! I might post some pictures to show you - maybe we could start off a eiderdown show and tell week!
I love the idea of an eiderdown show & tell! We could add any tips/places about where to buy them for less than £100, how to clean them up easily and lovely pics of how people display them. Mine's not arrived yet so I can't yet get the ball rolling but I'll definitely join in.
Hello again,
I notice a few people are looking for eiderdowns, I have a couple in the shop at the moment, if you, or fellow bloggers might be interested let me know!
Jennifer x
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