There's nothing better on a bright sunny morning than pottering about the collector's market if you ask me. I was up with the lark yesterday (oh why do children wake up earlier in the holidays!) and decided to make the most of it and head into town.
Once a month there's the added attraction of the Fine Foods Festival too and yesterday there was organic meat, local honey and herbs, handmade bread and fantastic cheeses to enjoy as well.
But my main focus were the stalls and although I have to admit things were a bit pricey I do love to just meander and chat to the dealers I know and admire the wonderful things on offer.
Plants were my main purchase; sweet williams for the border, bellis and marguerites for pots. I came home the fields way, up spindly lanes so that I could see one of my favourite views of the village.
The picture is a bit hazy but the sun was so bright yesterday it was hard to capture it. This is the back way into the old part of the village where a cluster of very ancient cottages huddle around the church and school.
And I spent the rest of the day in the garden, potting up and sowing seeds sent by the lovely Anna
There are wonderful things including round courgettes, patio aubergines and some winter squashes. Just look at these pretty handmade seed packets in lovely Cath papers. Thanks so much Anna, you're ever so kind. Can't wait for them to get going so we can plant them up at the allotment.
Now I hope you're not expecting too much of our little plot! We've only got six of the twelve beds underway at the moment because we've spent most of the past few weekends covering the paths to try and hold back the weeds. So far we have first and second early potatoes in the ground, along with a few sprouts (eeuggh!)for Woody, early peas and broad beans.
(our neighbour's plot - oh to be this organised!)
The raspberry canes at the bottom of the plot have been cut back and the compost bins sorted out. It'll be all go from now on with carrots, parsnips, lettuce and radish on the list for this afternoon. Hope the sun is shining where you are. Have a lovely week.
Hi Steph, we are exactly the same, we have early and late spuds in along with broad beans and peas. I also bought sweet williams yesterday, LOVE THEM SO!
We will attempt to sow carrots and parsnips today, assuming we don't get waylaid, which is more than likely!
Happy spring gardening,
Sarah x
Your pots look so pretty ! love the primulas in the old warering can :0)
Jacquie x
Your garden is going to be so colourful this Summer! Lovely to have an allotment,but they must be hard work...but worth it to be able to go out and pick all those wonderful fresh veggies.
Bellaboo :0)
That made me laugh...eeuggh sprouts! I LOVE sprouts and have often been known to cut them up really small and put them into dishes, especially lasagne and spag bol to disguise them from my children when they were younger. Where i got the nickname Mrs Croply from (Vicar of Dibley)i've no idea!!!
You always take such lovely sunny photos. x
I agree with Victora.... you take lovely sunny photographs, always so happy! Is the market at Ashbourne? I havent been there for ages, some lovely shops and a nice market there! x
What a wonderful way to spend a Saturday. :) xxx
oooh looks so promising! and love the seed packets !
Thank you so much for this tour around your territory! You've taken me to such beautiful places far away from my city scenes.
Best wishes on that gardening. It surely seems as if you are off to a great start.
The plots looking good, and the seed packets and your potted plants look really pretty. xx Pixie xx
Ah, don't fret - in a couple of weeks your neighbour's plot will be greened over - it's inevitable!
We have first and second earlies in, plus we've planted chard, peas, mangetout and - oh rats, I've forgotten already. Just as well it's labelled! Oh yes, cavolo nero. Lots of weeding and digging going on in preparation for all the seedlings I'm bringing on at home. Exciting times!
Your pots are simply delicious.
The sun has been shining brightly here too, what a gorgeous looking market you have, and all those gorgeous views on the way home - lucky you! The allotment plans sound very exciting, we are planning a bit of foodie growing in our back garden too this year - have fun with your planting!
Love Julia x x x
Oh I did like the way you came home via the fields, and the picture of all your pots and watering cans planted up is delicious.
It's lovely to hear about your veg progress. Sweet WIlliams though, have never been a favourite - until recently, when I realised how pretty they are. I think I was sweet williamed out as a child - my grandad used to grow acrea of them on his plot.
Hi Steph
Loved your walk back, it looks so picturesque.
Thanks for your lovely comments as always and especially of late. Sorry I've taken a while to get back to you.
Enjoy your peace tomorrow.
Lisa x
Hi there! I'm quite new to your blog and I'm really enjoying it. I've lived in Surrey for almost 20 years now but born and bred in Leek. It's lovely to see your pictures of the market place, it hasn't changed a bit. Good luck with the allotment.
Sorry I'm popping in late - the allotment looks like it is coming on great....I haven't a clue how our's is going - that's the other half's department, but I'm sure I'll get roped in soon.
take care and have a fabulous week,
Nina xx
What a fun day! I wish we had things like that here, but it is not to be. You had a nice walk home, and I just love your allotment! I like seeing what everyone is doing at this time of the year with their garden.
Sweet Williams always remind me of my granda :-). Your allotment is going to be great , good luck
Love the primroses in the watering can, mine are bright and beautiful in their pots, but I'm gettting myself a watering can next year (I only have a plastic one at the moment!
Thanks for sharing, good luck with the seeds.
a-m x
Question - why do children wake up earlier in the holidays?
When my two were small - 6 - 8 - they would be up at six at the weekends and in the holidays. School days were quite a different story!
We asked them one - early - morning, why this was. the answer was that they did not want to miss any of the weekends, as they didn't want to go to school very much they didn't want to get up early.
Out of the mouths......
What a nice garden, and soooo much space. I have done mine in wooden tray's; square foor gardening. Works good!
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