Saturday 25 October 2014

Goodbye Garden

It's that moment of the year when the garden begins to retreat and now it's becoming all about the view instead.

It could feel a bit melancholic but there's a richness and beauty about late October that I just can't get enough of. I'm lucky that I adore all the seasons and don't mind the slide into winter one bit. The drama of fierce weather and wildlife visitors will soon be here. 
There's s solitary dahlia left flowering in my old dolly tub but instead of flowers now there's foliage setting the garden ablaze. The leaves of the perennial sunflower are shining as brightly as the flowers did throughout September and the ivy that cloaks our fence is one of those variegated varieties that glows on a gloomy day.

A few late bees are making the most of the nectar bar that the traditional green ivy hosts and I've seen a tiny wren flitting in and out making a shelter for winter. Geese are flying into the valley again and I'm really enjoying seeing the songbirds flocking back into the garden.

Everything leans now, lots of plants with elegant seedheads I'll leave standing, however lopsidedly, to catch the frosts and give another show. After Bonfire Night I'll tidy away the spent fireworks and have a look at what is really past its best in the border. Structure, where I have it is, good but soggy, raggy, blackened hankies of leaves, rotting on the stems, look quite sad so they'll come out and feed the compost heap.
The hawthorn hedge is looking ragged now and the rowan tree is already stripped of it's fruit and bare of leaves. Now we can see across the fields to the farm and the russet beech wood that calls to us to explore again before winter steals all colour. 

I've still got tulip bulbs to plant but narcissi, crocus and miniature iris are already snug in their pots. I garden very little in the winter months, our patch is so small there's not all that much to do other than feed the birds. So I'll enjoy this last blaze of colour until it's time to say goodby for now to the garden and thank you for a glorious year x


VeggieMummy said...

What a lovely view you have - a great compensation for the Winter when everything in the garden is dormant. x

Anonymous said...

Your garden is slowing down whereas we are now getting into planting our summer veggjes.
Your view is amazing, so green and beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Steph for your garden tour! I just love seeing the garden and views in all the seasons. Amazing- we too have had this extended beautiful fall. Time to say goodbye and put the garden to sleep for us too.

Alison said...

Gosh that reminds me I have some more bulbs in the shed I need to get in the ground! Your nasturtiums still look great and I would kill for a view like yours over the fields xx

Mac n' Janet said...

I enjoy the Autumn garden, it's finally cool enough to visit it again, to work in it and plan for spring. Summer is so hot here that all you can do is water the garden and hope for the best.

Pat said...

It is already to hot down here in SA! Last night we thankfully had the first real rains, now my poor little gasping garden has had some relief :)
Pat x

Vintage Sheet Addict said...

The views beyond your garden are amazing, I've only been able to go in my garden 3 times this year, plenty of sitting sessions but not enough doing sessions. It's been very difficult not to garden but my health just isn't allowing me too.....I need to garden, it's good for my soul, I really, really need a plan for next year....I can't let another gardening year go by! :) xxx

Curlew Country said...

Oh I'm really sorry to hear you've not been well, it's frustrating not to be able to get in the garden. I'm very short on time so rely in perennials and pots on the patio mostly. Maybe pots you can do bit by bit would be easier? Do hope you can enjoy your garden again soon x thanks for the lovely comment x

Leanne said...

Oh dear. My garden is disgraceful. I keep intending on going out there to have a tidy, but other things get in the way. My garden suffers from having a northern aspect, so it has been rather damp and listless for a little while. And my views are from the upstairs windows. I really should get out there and have a tidy.
Leanne xx