And with fingers crossed we don't crash in a big heap at the bottom! Cripes, where is all the time going? I've finished work though - yippee - I'm feeling festive and have already eaten my own weight in chocolates! Had lots of fun catching up with friends over the last few days, its been so nice to swap news and shopping traumas.

- Fruits and foliage - I don't buy flowers in November and December. They feel so much like spring and I try to hold it back because the pre-Christmas anticipation zips by so quickly. Admittedly I go a bit bonkers in the New Year for daffs and buy a bunch of flowers a week until October. In midwinter though I love ilix, laurel, fir, holly, mistletoe, snow berries, fir cones and for Christmas we add bowls of satsumas, whole nuts, brightly wrapped sweets and cranberries.
- The wrist tape dispenser is a thing of beauty - and unbelievabely the one I bought last year has turned up, didn't vanish in the move and I've even remembered to buy a refill! No more snipping tape, tearing my hair out when I can't find the end of it, trying to unpeel it from the cat - aaggh! Someone is smiling on me.
- I do love Christmas cards - and I put up favourite ones we've been given in the past back up every year. I've got packets and packets and even hang up blank ones because the pictures are so lovely. Blimey, tragic or what, we do get some proper ones honestly!
- My dad's annual festive joke has passed on to my little family, "So kids, Christmas morning breakfast, what's it to be? Cereal or chocolates? Shall I get the milk?" - We eat lunch early to give the boys chance to play in the afternoon or go for a walk so we never have a big breakfast and treat of the year is choosing a curly-wurly if you really fancy it.
Hope everyone has a lovely, busy, but not too hectic week.
Hello Steph
YES YES & YES again to your Christmas musings!
Flowers are essential and are so intrinsically part of Christmas for me too..
The wrist dispenser is a wondrous thing.. if only I could remember to buy the refills!
Enjoy your wrapping frenzy.. enjoy Christmas and all that it brings.
Warm wishes and love
what lovely christmas thoughts! I love your idea of bowls of fruits and sweets - but the sweets wouldn't last long in my house!
good luck with all the lists, I'm jealous of your tape dispenser, I haven't wrapped a thing, and it's unlikely to start on friday - the kids finish school tomorrow.....
thanks for joining in!
Lovely, lovely cards!
The wrist dispenser is great and saves so much time. I like nicely wrapped parcels but it drives me to distraction when I am getting near the end.
I love flowers at any time but at festive time the laurels, holly, snowberries and twigs have a lot to offer.
Enjoy your wrapping and the chocs.
We've been through 3 tins (large) of Cadburys Heroes in 2 weeks, and I can't just blame the children!
The new house looks amazing, you've only been there for minutes and already it looks great!
Have a lovely Christmas!
Julia x
Hi Steph
I may not get another chance, so just want to wish you a wonderful first Christmas in your new home. Have a super time with all your boys and I look forward to reading all about your exploits in 2008.
I'm hoping I'll eventually be ready for Christmas but much as I hate to admit it I have an awful feeling a lot of the cards I write won't arrive until that limbo time between Christmas and New Year. Much as I hate to say it - better late than never!!
All best wishes
Sue x
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