Sunday 2 December 2007

The advent of Advent

I love this advent calendar. I bought in the tourist information centre in Hebden Bridge ages ago and its such a find, a beautiful German calendar with windows that light up if you put candles behind it. Its a three-fold design and is delighting the boys. I love advent calendars and the wonderful mixture of panic and anticipation they help to build that's the same every year and I revel in it. Much to do yet but the present buying is almost done - phew!

Yesterday was my longed for trip to York and it was marvellous. Busy, but marvellous and exactly the day me and my lovely friend Lucy were hoping for. Crisp, festive and tons of shopping. I rolled up at Lucy's gorgeous new cottage in the Peak District a bit late and we headed off north fuelled with bacon rolls and incredibly we were strolling down Stonegate full of festive sprirt by 11 o'clock!

We had a whole heap of interiors shops to get around as well as the St Nicholas Fayre and somehow we managed it a very calm and relaxed fashion. I must admit the market was pretty disappointing, no chalet-style stalls and only one or two had anything I fancied buying but in the I didn't bother. To be honest York has enough delights to empty my purse and we bought some lovely things, some of which I've already put away so can't show you, how silly.

This was my favourite treat though - only a pair of knee-socks but they're from my most favourite clothes shop, Noa Noa. Well favourite for browsing in as I've never stretched to buying anything before but I love everything they stock. Beautifully wrapped and boxed, just for little me, heaven knows what they do for gift-wrapping. They're just gorgeous and will be lovely with my brown suede Mary Jane's. I know, I'm getting a bit over-excited about a pair of socks but they really are lovely (despite the awful photo - no zoom - aagggggghhh!)

I've got another shop I've fallen in love with. The White Verandah sells divine vintage treasures from kitchenalia, pictures, eiderdowns, glass and jewellery, alongside handmade bags, cushions and other beautifully designed gifts by the lovely and very talented Jess. Do visit and I defy you to come away empty-handed - I didn't!

These are some pictures I've been wittering on about and wanted to share, our wonderful new view. The first is down the road from our bedroom window, across the rooftops, over the Churnet Valley. A close-up would be wonderful but I hope this gives a good impression of what a lucky thing I am to see this every morning. The other is up the road from the same window and I am not getting a lot done because I'm spending just too long gazing at them!


jessica daisy said...

Hi Steph, I'm glad you had such a lovely time in York, it sounds like a great day out!
Thank's for the plug, and thanks for my first order. I'm posting out today. Let me know when you get it. (fingers crossed)

Carol said...

Hi Steph, I loved York.
It sound like you had great time.
I am off to see Noa Noa now.
Have a lovely evening.
Carol xx

Country Cottage Chic said...

I remember when our advent calendars were card with little pictures behind each door - usually with a nativity picture on the front. Nowadays it seems everything goes including Simpsons, Barbie etc - not very Christmassy are they?

Lucy Bloom said...

Hi Steph, take heart, this time last year my kitchen didn't exist, and it still has a bare concrete floor and many other things that need finishing! Things will get done eventually, your views are stunning, I would swap my kitchen for yellow walls and plastic units to have a view like that anytime!

Anonymous said...

so glad you had a nice time in York. Its a place I have always wanted to visit. Dont worry about bragging about your socks, you are not alone. Im after a special pair this year too! Oh by the way, I love 60's houses. they are so roomy and bright!

Vintage to Victorian said...

I've only been to York once - and that was probably about 20 years ago! But I loved it then, and have often thought it would be nice to go back. What a lovely day you had - and socks, too!

Beautiful views to look out on every day. Lucky girl!

I'm impressed to read that your Christmas shopping is almost done. I haven't even thought about it yet. I suppose I ought to start soon!

Sue x

Alchamillamolly said...

Goodness me how can oyu have nearly finished your Xmas shopping?? I have to get a wedding over on Sunday and then I will start thinking about it. I did shop online at the weekend and tonight I was able to get my daughter the Special Edition Dirty Dancing DVD for all my Nectar points! Feeling quite smug about that! Love your views...........