Monday 24th December 2007 to Sunday 6th January 2008
In the change from cold to mild, easterly to southwesterly, high pressure to lower pressure, there is a possibility of snow, briefly. It may well be a short lived event as the trend is for little precipitation of any sort.
If there is snow, it's likely to be on Christmas Eve.
In the change from cold to mild, easterly to southwesterly, high pressure to lower pressure, there is a possibility of snow, briefly. It may well be a short lived event as the trend is for little precipitation of any sort.
If there is snow, it's likely to be on Christmas Eve.
I'm not sure I can contain the excitement. Even the TV weather woman said she might have a fiver on a White Christmas this year. Oh my word!

Its been a very busy but very festive week. Hasn't the weather been great, bloomin' freezing but fab. In two different shops yesterday I heard people saying;
"Ooh its so cold,"
"I know, but it's very festive"
"Yes it's nice, really Christmassy",
I couldn't agree more and got a bit dewy-eyed and nostalgic!
The frost on our road hasn't melted for three days and the drive to work has been magical. Ice-rimed trees, ghostly looking branches and misty hollows mixed with blinking fairy lights in the distance looks so gorgeous.
Christmas came early this week with the arrival of the most gorgeous present from the very talented Lucy Bloom. I was really lucky to win her fabulous giveaway and the gifts could have been hand picked for me. Wrapped in a festive envelope they were carefully wrapped in snowy tissue paper tied with red string. I wish, wish, wish my infuriating camera batteries hadn't run out because I would have loved to have shared a picture of this work of art and the beautiful gifts. As soon as I get to town to replace them I'll show them off. Thanks so much Lucy! Do have a look at her lovely blog and very tempting shop.

Thank you for the birthday wishes for Woody, his 40th was a great but quiet day, just what he wanted. The voucher for a glider flight went down very well (phew, what else do you buy for the man who wants nothing and hates heights, but tells you often what a fantastic experience it would be?!)
For once he manged to scrape the time together for an afternoon off so we bundled Arch into the car and trundled across the White Peak to our favourite cafe only to find it shut! Trauma of the highest order - days off are rare as hen's teeth for Woody but for once, thankfully, my brain was in gear and I remembered a gorgeous bistro in Bakewell I'd been to before so we popped in there and had a smashing lunch.
It was so lovely spending some proper time with him with the chance to actually chat and have a mooch about together. His real treat is a weekend with his mates in the Lake District in the spring, drinking Guiness in a cosy pub and deciding whether they're quite up to dragging themsleves up Scafell Pike or not. (Have you seen Three Men in Boat with Gryff Rhys Jones - I think its going to be rather a lot like that?!?). Hopefully we'll make it out tonight for a stroll to our new local The Boat. So happy birthday to my lovely bloke who is the world to me and our little boys. Thanks for sharing everything with us, love you very much. Sxxx
Ohh.... A white christmas, how fantastic, it would be magical wouldn't it!
I glad you manage to safe the day on Woody's day off, quick thinking batman, and congratulations on winning another giveaway, this time you actually got it in one piece!
Warm wishes for the weekend, Jessx
Hello Steph
I so so wish we could have some of that snow down here is balmy Bath.. please send some down if you have more than you can cope with.
I shall now go and visit metcheck to see what our chances are of a white Christmas.
A very Happy Belated Birthday to Woody..
I loved watching 3 men in a boat! Ohh a white Christmas, fingers crossed. Lucky you winning Lucy's giveaway, what a pretty prize. I bet they'll look lovely in your new home. Keep warm
lucky, lucky you - i moved to N.E Scotland in the hope of a white Christmas......
for the fourth day in a row i have put washing on the line outside!!!!
have a great week and i will keep my fingers crossed for you to have a snow flurry on the big day.
tracy x
sounds like you had a lovely day, out.
I love the frost we've been having too, as pretty as snow, but not as messy!
thanks for stopping by my blog, looking forward to reading your christmas random thoughts, I loved your traditions from an earlier post.
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