Monday 24 December 2007

Glad Tidings

Wishing everyone a very merry Christmas and a joyful and peaceful New Year. Thanks so much for all the lovely comments I've received. I apprecite them so much and the effort and thoughts of everyone who's left one. Sorry for getting behind posting replies, time has a habit of completely disappearing in front of your eyes at this time of year!

All is calm, all is bright - well just about at No.25. The boys are tucked up, I've failed to make any jam tarts or sausage rolls but the house is clean and the table is even set. Presents are going under the tree and I might make it to bed before the boys get up again. But amid the hustle and bustle peace reigns and a stillness has settled. Hope everyone enjoys their Christmas and that its full of joy. A merry, merry Christmas and see you next year!



French Knots said...

Hope you and your family are having a lovely Christmas. x

Kathy said...

Merry Christmas. Your blog is lovely.

mollycupcakes said...

Hi Steph,

Hope you had a lovely Christmas day with the boys and your hubby.
Wishing you a very happy new year.

Your table looked gorgeous. And the tree is my fav out of all the ones I've seen.


Catherine x

Reginas Cottage said...

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas
with your family.The best wishes for
the next year.
Wonderful table!!!!!!!!!!!!

Racheal Miles said...

I hope you had a lovely christmas.

I love your blog.

Racheal x

No one is you ...& that's your power said...

hello your home is looking beautifull and your tree is lovely too. The picture of your little boy is so sweet XXHave a great new year

Anonymous said...

what beautiful pictures! I have missed a couple posts it seems but I have greatly enjoyed reading them and seeing the photos tonight. Your house looks lovely, I espcecially love the dresser with greenery above and your beautiful table and tree. Hope you had a great day!