Do you think these could be snow clouds? All this promising that the Met Office is doing is getting my hopes up rather too high. I've got a suspicion we'll end up in the middle; missing it all.
Across the valley this morning it looks very frosty, bright now but very cold. A day for cosying in I think. My sister and her tiny ones are due over later so we're planning an afternoon of playtime and hot chocolates all round.
Even this pair are staying close to the fire, despite the garden hedge being full of tiny birds they love to chase and I'm glad for that. They're not the brightest felines and the birds have their tactics completely sussed.
I always put the feeders high up in the trees and this morning we've had a dozen long tailed tits, gold finches, blue tits, great tits, reed buntings and the robin all paying visits. The jay that comes for peanuts scares the living daylights out of my felines and the hens do a good job of keeping the furries away from the birds.
I made it out yesterday though on my new bike and surprised myself a bit (thanks for all the lovely, lovely comments on my last post btw!) The towpath was very muddy and it was hard going but I kept at it and headed down the valley for a few miles before turning for home. I thought maybe I'd chalked off about 6 miles but a friend showed me an app that maps your route and turns out it was just short of ten!
I can't quite believe it. Had to take some painkillers during the night because my poor old legs were really protesting, but today I feel great. Just need to pluck up some courage to get up a hill soon.
So I'm feeling pretty cheery and the first daffs of the year are making me smile too. And look what arrived from the greengrocer on Friday night...sunshine in a box! These clementines are delicious and aren't going to last us long.
So, a wintry weekend we have at last. I don't like it when we miss out seasons and as we never got our summer, I'd be disappointed if we don't get a winter either. Contrast is what its all about for me, not some samey, bleurrgh of never ending mildness and damp. So bring on the snow I say and the sunshine in June.
Happy Sunday