What an experience! I'm just back from Blogtacular, a fantastic conference for bloggers held at the wondrous Royal Institution, off Piccadilly in London, by the very able Kat Molseworth & Kat Goldin.
I'm a bit naive about this side of blogging and had no real idea blogging events even existed or about the whole business side, so wasn't sure what to expect. In this part of the world blogging isn't the phenomenal community thing it is in places like Bristol or Brighton, or at least it seems. Any North Staffs/Peak District bloggers out there?
There was tons of interest at Blogtacular for very kind of blogger from workshops on styling, branding, how to use social media with intention and interviews with real life bloggers who've made it really big.
For me the highlight was undoubtedly the photo walk with the truly lovely and hugely inspiring Xanthe Berkeley. These are my snaps of our stroll around Mayfair, Piccadilly and Berkeley Square with a bunch of great people, colourful balloons and lots of enthusiasm.
And of course meeting other bloggers. It was brilliant to hang out with the ever so lovely Nina who I've blogged with for a long time and other smashing people including Gemma and Laura.
I've come home with a head full of ideas but the intention to keep my blog focused on what I love; capturing those precious family moments, our seasonal adventures, my growing garden and celebrating this little corner of England that I love so much.
Thanks for all your comments and following me over the seven years I've been blogging. I can't see me ever doing anything else and it's lovely having you along for the ride. Xxx
P.S you can see lots more on the conference and amazing shots from the photo walk by following #blogtacular & #blogtacularphotowalk on Instagram and Twitter.