Saturday 18 January 2014

New Start

I can't believe I'm typing this. It's a complete New Year cliche but, I've started running!

So far it's a mixture of walks and runs with a helpful chap coaching me through via The Guardian's free beginner's running podcast.

I have proper trainers for the very first time in my life, which is a bit of a shock, so I'm actually out of my wellies for once (and the onesie!). I've realised that however carefully I eat, the hours and hours I'm desk bound will never help me to shift the mummy tummy and more that I've got.

Cycling has really helped me to get stronger and have a lot more stamina without my lungs collapsing. But it's not so great for burning fat when you go my speed, so I'm hoping combined with running, I might get to enjoy being on the beach this summer, as well as being fitter and healthier all round. 

I love being outside and cycling & running are getting me out more often these days. My friend Jo, who I know from the British Cycling network for women Breeze, has given me some brilliant tips and support as she runs too. One great thing she recommends is to take a photo everytime you're out which really appeals to me. 
So this is from today's jog down the towpath, past the lovely old flint mill. The next couple are from where I'm aiming for, a run round the 4mile lake near home where we walked with our friends last weekend. Hoping to do this in the next couple of weeks. Eek.
I've signed up for Pilates too. I did it years ago and hoping to tone up and maybe get a flatter tum? Can miracles happen? Mainly though I'm having fun. It's taken me forever to get the confidence not to be scared of exercise. I'm surprising myself and maybe even enjoying it?

I've got until July to turn things around. Wish me luck!