Saturday 16 February 2013

Winter's End

Sunshine on a Saturday in February is such a precious thing isn't it? After yet more snow earlier in the week, and a two hour journey to travel 8 miles home from work, I'm ready to say goodbye to winter.
We went east today, into Cheshire for a change and took the boys to explore the playgrounds and parkland at Tatton. Its a lovely, gentle, peaceful estate and we pop back every couple of years to see the deer and ride bikes along the tracks.

The woodland is a fun place to be with branches and supports left around for den building; just the thing for boys kept cooped up over the past few weekends.
The farm is a real step back in time with lots of wonderful rare breed cattle, horses, goats and pigs. Couldn't resist a look around the farm cottage and I was rushed straight into Land Girls in my head.

I loved the cosy setting and the attention to period detail but in February it was a cold, damp place and made me appreciate how hardy you needed to be and what a soft, pampered home I come from!
It was so good to feel the sun on our faces and the fresh air begin to blow winter away.
Not long left now, just a few short weeks and Spring, however cold and long it is, will be here with flowers, blossom and birdsong.

And more time for boys to play in the woods xxx

P.S Thank you so much for all your supportive and very moving comments on my last post. I appreciate you kind words and thoughtfulness so very muchxxx 

Saturday 9 February 2013

Pedal Therapy

Since the snow left, times have been rather busy and tough around here.

I work for part of the NHS in Staffordshire. I don't think I need to say much more. It has been a long story, one the families will live for always, but the past few weeks have been especially heartbreaking and depressing.

Although I hear of miracles happening all the time and of my colleagues who go above and beyond any call of duty, we are all ashamed and devastated. Everyone questions themselves continually and still we do not understand how what happened could have happened.
There are no simple answers. We must keep trying our hardest and remember what it means to care, whatever our roles and wherever we work whether on a ward, in the community or at a desk like me in another part of the region.

We will never forget those people who were so appallingly betrayed, deserved so much more and their families who will remain haunted forever.
There is little more I can say. I have been out on my bike a lot. Thinking. Thinking I am lucky to be able to make a difference. Fortunate to not have lost someone. In a good place to help take things forward.

Even from such tragedy there is always hope and I'm reminded that, whatever the consequence, I know I am resolved to never, ever walk on by.