I'm still in shock to be honest. My application was a bit of a "give it a whirl" thing and blimey I've gone and got the post! I'll be very sad to leave the lovely team I work with and I'll miss the work too because the countryside is so close to my heart and this job is quite different. But it means I'll be working much closer to home, no more 80 mile round trips to the office, three times a week, and instead I'll be round the corner from my mum-in-laws, in a nice little market town.
I'm feeling a bit over-whelmed and daunted by the size of the task and I keep having wobbles that it's all beyond me. But it really is time for a change and this could be the beginning of bigger and better things for all of us.
So, no more leaving for work at 7.15am and getting home just as the boys are going to bed and time for fun like this before they do. More time for Woody to concentrate on his writing and comedy dreams and a few more pennies in the pot to keep the wolf from the door and buy fabulous treats like these...

So that's where I've been this week. Sorry for getting a bit behind with replies and catching up with everyone but as soon as my head stops spinning I'll be back up to speed. Blimey, I need a sit down!
Hi Steph
Congrats on the new job. Lovely photo of the boys and how nice that you'll get more fun time with them.
Congrats on the new job! i had a similar thing recently where I went for a job thinking "what the hell" with only 8 months experience I'll never get it and then blow me down I got it and now have my own office, a much much shorter commute and more money to boot!
Don't give me ideas, I have a fabric addiction and now I'm looking at your lovely new cushion and thinking "hmm, I wonder if I can get one like that?!". :-)
oh well done Steph...hope you'll be really happy in your new job!Love the new header photo..I'm terrible for pillowcases too..they are like cushions you can never have too many..well that's what I keep telling myself anyway!
I love your photos so much!I'm in New Zealand and always look forward to your posts.I have the same Laura Ashley pillowcase (posy one)and got it on Trade Me.You can do the job I'm sure and congratulations! Your title header picture is so beautiful.I'm not sure how to do that on my new site yet.
That's fantastic news, Well done!
I hope that settle in to your new job quickly and that you get to enjoy more time with your beautiful boys.
Love the pillowcases, and your new header, so pretty!
Well done Steph!
Goodness me.. how do you fit it all in? I am beginning to feel a bit of a lush with my lot.. No commuting for me..only a trip downstairs to the kitchen table.. my workshop!
I am totally with you on the bed linen addiction.. I collect monogrammed linen sheets when I can find them. The more the merrier I say!
Good luck with your new job.. I am intrigued to know what it is or is it a secret?
Great news about the job Steph ~ well done!
i've been playing about with a new header too...Yours is great, there's nothing like washing dried on the line...the candy striped pillowcases make me very nostalgic as I had them on my bed as a child. I can't find a pair either! x
Hi Steph, congratulations on yur new job. Not having to travel a long distance makes all the difference to yur day. I love the new banner and rmeber having those stripy pillowcases when I was little.
Hi Steph, I may have missed it but have you said what your new job is? What will you be doing, or is it a secret (lap dancing perhaps....lol)!! Tell me to mind my own business if you want. Love the pillow cases too, you are so lucky to find these things, why do I never see things like that? BYe for now Dev X
congratulations on your new job, that's so great, and fantastic to cut down your commute, and have more time at home with your lovely family.
Hi Steph,
if you like SKP have you read Ken Follet's Pillars of the Earth? It's a really fine book about the building of a cathedral and the lives of the people involved. I've just bought the hardback edition of the sequel World Without End from WHSmith for a fiver.
Well done with the job! I can totally sympathise with your current hours as I'm currently commuting into London every day and leaving the house at 7am and getting in just before eight! It's horrible isn't it? I feel I don't have a life during the week. I'm searching for something new at the moment and will take inspiration from you that it is possible to find something nearer to home. Love the new pillowcases. I'm searching for blue candy stripe at the moment.
Congratulations Steph that's wonderful news! How lovely that you'll have shorter days at work and longer days at home, must be good. And no need to justify the pillowcase obsession to me, I understand it completely! Good luck
Congrats on the new job. Your pillowcases are very pretty....you're not the only one who snaps them up!
Congrats on the new job , you must be so pleased to have more family time. Lovely pillowcases too, I haven't seen the striped ones anywhere for ages - it's nice to see them again
lisa x
Congratulations! I hope that your new job and lifestyle are a huge success. I love your pillowcases - I too have a bit of a thing for them but rarely find them in charity shops, so well done!
Cathy XX
Good luck Steph....I am sure you will be fine. How exciting!
I have little obsessions...well some may call them big obsessions - namely Mr N...I love your vintage linens...all of them. But most of all you must enjoy the extra moments with your boys...they grow all too fast! I still adore my boy and he is 24! Gosh that really makes me feel old.
Big hugs for your new adventure.
Carol xx
Steph, It was so nice to hear from you!!...Congratulations on your new job!!!...sounds like it will offer you alot more time at home, which is so nice!...And I think this last post of yours has fully inspired me to start collecting these amazingly pretty pillowcases!!!! I can't stand it anymore! I'm finding some & then posting about it!!! Have a great week!...Heidi XO
Hello Steph and congrats on the new job. Just think of the time NOT spent in a car! Love the photos of the boys and also the pillowcases - I used to have the stripey ones when I was a little girl. Feel quite nostalgic now! xx
Hi Steph, well done on the new job - I'm sure you'll be great, and it sounds much more convenient for you - p.s - love the vintage pillowcases - Natalie x
Hi Steph
Congrats on your new job I know what you mean pastures new can all be a bit daunting I'm sure you will be fine it must be shattering doing all that driving it sounds ideal for you well done it's funny how things crop up and surprise you in life!
Love those pillowcases!
Fantastic news Steph - I am thrilled for you. Good luck with that first day.
Awww Steph,
How fabulous, I'm so pleased you've got the job and can now spend more family time together. It sounds like just the ticket. And you're be fine sweetie, just wait and see.
Loving the pillows, my thing is teatowels lol I have loads. and just like others on here in blogland some are just for looking at lol big sigh in the background from Ben hehe!
Many hugs.
Catherine x
Well done on the new job.
The candy stripe pillow slips brought back memories for me, my mum had a lot of candy striped bedding in the 1960s.
Hi Steph,
Thanks for your lovely comments today.
Blogging is such a strange phenomenon (I had to check that!)isn't it? It took me so long to pluck up the courage to start and I would probably never have done so if it were not for the website. I still find it amazing that anybody reads my waffle! And how lovely it is to see a new comment in your inbox. People you don't know but feel you do. I don't know anybody that likes old things like me and suddenly you find there are lot's of people out there just like you - you're not alone!
Btw - you should get a newsletter as I think you signed up for it on the website?
Have a nice day, x
Well done Steph on your new job. I'm so loving those pillowcases and as a girl with the same pillowcase addiction I know exactly how you feel!
Hope the job goes well..x
Congratulations Steph, it must be the month for new ventures! How exciting and lovely that you can spend more time with the boys as well. Time moves so quickly, and as you say, now you can have even more fun than usual! Love the pillow cases. I stood in the charity shop for ages this morning umming and aahing over 4 curtains, lovely and flowery, green before deciding to part with £5. They are an inch too short for the windows...ARGHHH! Not the money that I'm upset about, just the fact that I love them and they are too short. Poo. I am no seamstress, either, unfortunately. Double poo.x
LOVE the pillowcases :)
Congratulations on your new job. I am in complete sympathy with your wanting to do away with your commute, and am very glad that you're making that happen.
Best of luck!
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