Before I get going thank, thank, thank you to everyone who left a comment on my birthday party post. I can't tell you how smashing it feels to hear from so many like-minded souls and not feel like my ideas are a bit too old-fashioned or dull anymore. The ideas and advice you've all so kindly given has set my mind racing off with all sorts of plans and the birthday-boy-to-be has been consulted.
All on his own he's come up with two brilliant themes, but can't decide which one he likes best yet, either Jungles or Knights & Castles, which is looking like the front runner at present. Phew, I knew that medieval history degree would come in handy one day! Thank you for everyone's very generous support and I wish I could send you all each a beautiful posy like this lovely one from the WI market. The honeysuckle and roses smell divine - hope you enjoy it!

I've been tagged by the lovely
Fairy Glade to show the view from the kitchen window (great idea for a tag) and this is it. Mostly I'm looking at various bits of plastic and drying washing but my view is also full of flowers and the wonderful rolling countryside beyond.
The mowed field opposite is a delight for the boys, for two days it's been busy with tractors, new-fangled bailing machines with a whizzy plastic wrapping thingy and trailers loading it all back to the barn. I adore our view and the huge bonus is that when we have visitors there's usually a scrum over who gets to wash up and enjoy the view!

My sources of vintage finds seem to have dried up lately and I've not come across any treasures for a while. Oh well, perhaps I'm due for a bargain haul around the corner. I did find this lovely straw hat though in a charity shop. I do love a hat, woolly in the winter, straw in the summer, especially in the sun because I can't bear the heat. It's a bit of a struggle to find one that fits though because I have rather a long bonce, hoods never keep my face dry in the rain and hats rarely fit. So imagine my delight when this pretty thing was a perfect fit.

I took off a rather nasty bunch of green feathers and a straw flower and replaced them with some vintage lace and a silk rose I've had stashed away for a while. I'm quite pleased with the result - just need some balmy summer weather to float around wearing it in now!
Edited the next day to say: What a plank! I am, of course, supposed to tag other lovely bloggers having being tagged myself. So, hoping they'd like to take part, I tag these delightful ladies to see the view from their kitchen windows:
Oh my Steph! What a delightful view - Oh for the day when I get to experience the English countryside! I love your clothesline. A beautiful posy of flowers too - I hope my honeysuckle grows fast!!
And wouldn't it look pretty with that lovely dress you had for the dance!
The posy of flowers is charming, an English garden in a jug.
I'm glad you got your party dilemma sorted, I've already started planning for the boys and its 3 weeks away yet, oh dear thats not that far is it? You have got yourself a gorgeous view there, much better than my back wall! Hope you are having a lovely weekend
Lisa x
Oooh, great hat Steph! I have a rather large head so tend to only have hats in the winter which are stretchy!
Your kitchen window view is certainly more inspiring than mine...I look out beyond my garden onto a corrugated iron school home ec room! Very exciting!
Glad the home party idea is happening, you'll have a ball x
I was just thinking what a lovely hat why can't I find any like that before I read the rest of your post and the reason then became clear. I can't find them like that becasue you trimmed it yourself. How pretty is it?? Very very tis my answer.
Nice view have to go now getting far too envious.
Keely x
Lovely hat Steph, I've always wanted to wear those cute Beanie hats but my head is so small I look faintly ridiculous in them, how do I know this - my family nearly die laughing whenever I try one on!
Gorgeous view from your kitchen window, no wonder you moved there.
Julia x
Love the view from your window Steph - the countryside is gorgeous. What a fun tag. I also love your straw hat. Looks wonderful on you.
Hi Steph, Bit behind with my blog reading/posting this week so will get around to the tag in my next post. Love the hat - I just can't wear them. They never seem to suit me! Deb x
Hi, I am quite ne to your blog and just wanted to say I am really enjoying it, your photos of flowers are just lovely,I think it great to keep some retro ideas for childrens parties, I too had visions of a 70s/80s party, my how time flys! ha,ha
Love the hat you found, see you again soon
Priscilla x
Lovely view Steph, your garden is looking very pretty and the scenery around you is beautiful. Glad you're feeling better about the party. My daughter wanted a Narnia party once in the garden and we made lots of bunting and cut out cardboard shields to put on the trees (perhaps your son would like these), Your hat is so pretty, really suits you
oh what a lovely view of those rolling hills..I think even I wouldnt mind washing up if I had that to look at!
You look great in a hat and its a lovely hat..I have the thickest hair EVER so can never find a hat to fit..they just ping off!
What a fantastic tag! Luckily my view is in full bloom, so watch this space! Thankyou.
Hi Steph
The view from your kitchen window is beautiful I can see why you chose your house being surrounded by lovely countryside, your pots of flowers are coming on a treat I like your old tin bath I have one like that!
Your little boy's ideas for his party sound good we had an old fashioned style party at home for Emily with bunting and various party games and it was really successful. If I was to do anything different I would of kept the numbers down by inviting less it did get a bit crazy in our little house. Hope it all comes together it can be had work but also enjoyable organising it all!
Hope your plants are ok with all this blustery weather were having!
So happy your little man is thinking a long the same lines as you.
The knights party sounds great can my Ben come, he likes all things knights lol
Big Kid.
Lovely photos Steph.
Catherine x
Hi Steph, Such a great blog today!...Taking photos from your kitchen window?...I wish I had thought of that!! As usual I think your backyard & view is out of the pages of a charming "fairytale"... Also I was reading in this month's Country Living. There is a house in it that is supposedly located in the Peak District...I immediately thought of you & the photo on your blog!...I feel so English at the moment!...Have a great week!...Heidi XO
Pretty, pretty pictures to start my day with. Love to see washing on a line and your view is gorgeous Steph. I particularly love that posy of flowers xx
Hi Steph, back from the dead I am. Just left a reply about the party. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
Hi Steph, what a pretty hat. I have a similar problem in that my head is small..don't laugh, it's true! Everything I try on covers my face, mind you that is probably not such a bad thing. Woolly bobble hats are fine, but look a bit daft at weddings and the like. Dev X
Oh what a gorgeous view. You're very lucky indeed. I have to walk to the end of the street to get a view over lovely fields like that. Can't complain though as this time last year I was living in London and a long long way from fields. So having beautiful countryside at the end of the street is wonderful. Love the new hat too!
I know I haven't been around in a while but I'm Just stopping by quickly to let you know that I've moved blog homes, you can now find me at:
Hope you can drop by sometime, I'll be back soon to catch up with you.
Thats a great view Steph, do you get to see lots of birds flying over the fields. I used to love hearing the Skylarks.
Great hat too.
Rosie x
I love a hat too Steph! But what a lovely view you have....I wish I looked out onto a view like that. The garden is looking good too! my garden is full of plastic! toys! but it keeps them amused so they have to stay there.
I hope the party goes well.
Carol x
I would be baking and washing up all day with a view like that!!!
Steph - your kitchen view is stunning, I have one similar - in my dreams! Actually my nook is my view. Love the hat, so pretty and looks great on you. I hadn't thought about filling the planter for winter, but I love your idea of putting heathers in - thanks for the tip!
Have a lovely weekend,
Lucy x
Hello Steph..I'm back again! I'd like to pass on an award to you..I've left it at my blog when you get a mo!
Lovely blog! This is our first visit, and we shall return!
I love your hat, and i think you have inspired me to find one of my own for wearing in the garden. Il feel all summery and romantic when wearing it and probably dance through the house in a twirling fashion while my husband looks on rolling his eyes.
Lindsay XX
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