Centre Parcs was fabulous, but we've never crammed so much into four days. To be honest we surprised ourselves by how much we enjoyed everything. It's not often that you get to experience things operating just exactly as they're promised is it and I think that unnerved us a bit at first.
The whole place is pristine, everything you could think of, from a clean, soft beach to play on, to continental-style dining on a warm summer's evening (even though there was a thunderstorm outside) was arranged to perfection. A bit odd at first but it was great to let someone else be in control of everything for once and just relax. And we were so lucky to have a free trip - Woody now has to write a double page newspaper spread on it but it was well worth it and we all had such a great time.
The whole place is pristine, everything you could think of, from a clean, soft beach to play on, to continental-style dining on a warm summer's evening (even though there was a thunderstorm outside) was arranged to perfection. A bit odd at first but it was great to let someone else be in control of everything for once and just relax. And we were so lucky to have a free trip - Woody now has to write a double page newspaper spread on it but it was well worth it and we all had such a great time.
I did mean to post the meme I'd been tagged with before I went but better late than never I guess.
1) What were you doing ten years ago? Working in the press & marketing department at the Tower of London, living on my own in a small flat and trying very hard to be grown up about it all and not miss home too much. In reality I was a bit rubbish at that bit and never really settled into being a city girl and came back up north after 18mths.
2) 5 things on your to-do list today?

Write a new to-do list!
Weed the patio - boring, but managed that with help from B and have a good look around the garden.
Weed the patio - boring, but managed that with help from B and have a good look around the garden.
Visit the model railway show - my boys love it and I do like to imagine myself wandering around the vintage 40s scenes!
Get more holiday washing done - sort of one the way.
See if our housemartins have finished their nest yet - almost, yippee!
3) 5 Snacks you enjoy? Hope this means treats too!
3) 5 Snacks you enjoy? Hope this means treats too!
Mint chocolates
French bread
Golden raisins
Fine green beans
A nice slice of hot buttered toast!
4) Things I would do if i was a billionaire?
4) Things I would do if i was a billionaire?
Support my favourite charity's more.
Buy an old house with an old garden and potter endlessly - and perhaps a holiday cottage in Cornwall too.
Start a really fabulous eiderdown collection - being able to afford them!
Treat the family lots.
I heard this today - Happiness is to enjoy the accumulation of the simple things in life - sounds like perfection to me so I'd carry on doing it.
5) Places I've lived
Staffordshire Moorlands
West London
South East London (cosmopolitan or what!)
I'm very behind the times on this one so I won't pass it on because I'm pretty sure everyone has had it. But if anyone does fancy having a go this is an open invitation from me.

holidays are lovely, but it's nice to be home in your own bed isn't it!
lovely to read your meme, I like the sound of the eiderdown collection.
Hi Steph, know what you mean about the washing and the ironing, makes you come down to earth with a bang. However, hopefully we are richer for the experience and memories are made and stored away. Your garden is looking lovely and I know where you are coming from with the eiderdowns, why are they so expensive and what on earth happened to all my Nanna's, because she had them on every bed? They were probably thrown away as being too old fashioned!! Dx
p.s. Love your new header, but had grown very fond of your dresser. I seemed to notice something different everytime I looked at it.
Glad you enjoyed your holiday but yes, it does take a long time to get over them!
Glad the holliday went well! and lucky you working at the Tower of London - I am not a huge fan of 'visitor attractions' but I absolutely love the tower!
Taryn had a fab time thanks! very strange for a 16 year old! hehehe
Hi Steph, glad you all had a great time- your photos are lovely!You'll have to let us know when Woodys' article is published!
I love your list of what you would do if you were a billionaire-I think you and I will be able to take over Cornwall with our winnings!x
Lovely new banner, I'm glad you liked centre parcs.. I think I said it before but we love it. I used to live in North London - nanny to 4 kids!
Lisa x
Hi Steph, sounds like you packed loads into those 4 days - no wonder you're ready for a rest. I went to Centreparcs once, but it was in January (and freezing)- I think you get much more out of a break there when the weather is warmer - Natalie x
Your garden is looking fabulous! I've spent 2 days sorting out my back border...
I always found Center Parcs exhausting, but I'll look forward to reading Woody's article.
I love the new banner too...
hi Steph, we have just got back from our holiday in the peak district, and I know what you mean by being whacked! I need another week to get over that one, the scenery was spectacular, and I loved every minute.
the picture on your header made me feel like I was back there, and I would love that view everyday.
glad you enjoyed your holiday too.
hi Steph, so glad you had a great holiday..they are a bit exhausting with little ones though!
I liked reading your tag, It's nice to know a bit more about everyone who joined in,I think I was lucky with my eiderdowns, I bought most of them quite cheaply on ebay before they started going for silly prices..the most expensive one sold on there went for £400!!!! we would all need to be billionaires to buy them at that price!(love the new header photo too!)
I know what you mean about holidays! and when you get home it all starts again...trying to catch-up with everything! Still it does look like you all had a great time - the photos are lovely.
I love your planted bath tub! I want an eiderdown now - after seeing prettyshabby's collection!
Carol x
So true - we always feel we need a holiday to get over a holiday! Nice to have a change of scene though. Loved your garden pics.
(Ps. If you don't ask you'll never know!) x
Love your new header pic Steph. What a gorgeous scene. Glad you had a lovely holiday.
Love your garden - check out my wisteria it smells gorgeous. The purple one finished and then appeared on the other side of the pergola - even better. Have been planiting loads and eating our ymmy lettuces. Glad you had a good hol
Glad you had such a good time Steph. It's not so much the holiday I find tiring it's the ironing and washing you have to do when you get back! Your garden is looking fab! Love your tag answers.
Thanks for the tablecloth gen Steph. I had seen them on ebay but not very cheaply! Will have another look and maybe get a red one for alternate days. x
Hello Steph,
Good to see you back and full of the joys of the short break, sounds like a great time was had by all.
Good to hear your tag answers, I love finding out more about everyone, I'm just nosey lol
Catherine x
I just love the picture of little A on the beach, such a wonderful age everything being new and exciting.
Sand yummy
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