I'm not quite sure if I'm coming or going? I am so far behind visiting my lovely blogging friends, behind with my own and I'm sure I've just met myself coming in the front door. I'm sorry to be so out of touch at the moment with everyone, the school holidays, finishing my job and getting ready to start the new one, plus the big 5
th birthday have left time for little else. Sorry not to be around much but come September I promise to be back in the old routine and fully back in the land of blog. Hope everyone is enjoying the summer, well splashing in the puddles at least.

This little pile of oldish and
newish books have been keeping me company over the past few weeks. Reminders of books I had when I was girl and learnt so much from; and books new to me, full of wonderful discoveries like where the potato growing regions of Britain are and which breed of goose flies in first in the autumn. Essential stuff.
Hi Steph,
The colours of your old books are wonderful, they all look like you've spent hours arranging them.
Looked like a beautiful sunny day at the show.
Can't wait to hear all about the party and best ever leaving present.
Good luck with your new job sweetie.
Many hugs
Catherine x
Lovely books. The show looks fantastic, we visited our local country fair a week or so ago and thought that two 3 year olds would be bored. Not a bit of it, they thought it was magic!
Good luck with your new job.
Twiggy x
The books look lovely - there's something special about old books that you just don't get with new ones. The show looks like good fun. The Summer does seem to run away with us all - looking forward to more blogging from you come September!
Cathy X
Hello Steph and glad you're ok. I think it is fairly quiet generally in the land of blog, but will get back to normal I expect come Sept (something to look forward to). xx
Sometimes it's hard to know where time goes isn't it? I just can't believe August is nearly over.
'Life' comes before blogging though!
What a lovely day you must have had at the show...something to remember when the drizzly days reappear!
Deb x
Nothing like a country show is there! Remember that old ladybird weather book form when my kids were little. Good luck when you start your new job.
Rosie x
I love your lovely blog. Thanks
You can't beat old books, they look lovely lined up. At least you had beautiful weather for the show, we could do with some of that sunshine now!
I loved the Fair! That relly brings back memories! Looking forward to more postings from Curlew Country!!
I truly hope that soon, you will be back to your old routine on posting more and visiting us all...
I so LOVE your blog... I added YOU as my favorites, so i can stop often...
Enjoy the month of August... Even if it rains a lot!
Kisses Kisses
Debbie Moss
No need to apologise Steph.. we all seem to be chasing our tails these days.. and you have enough plates spinning to worry about keeping up with your blog..
Good luck with your new job... I hope you settle in quickly and easily and above all.. are happy in your new work place.
Michele x
ooh blue skies..haven't seen any of those in a while!..ladybird books are having a real revival at the mo arent they? I so wish I had kept all of mine..
I've put a link from my latest blog to yours as I had recently discovered I used to know the singer at your 1940s dance..it was only when I googled her name that I found out! I thought, I recognise those seamed-stockinged legs..and they were yours! lol.
anyway..enjoy the rest of your summer holidays. x
Never having blogged over the summer holidays before I know how you feel - it's hard isn't it, but I think most people are in the same boat so I wouldn't worry. Looking forward to seeing your leaving pressie
lisa x
Hi Steph,
Hope you've found a moment to catch your breath! I've passed on a award to you..see blog!
Deb x
Hi Steph
What a lovely collection of books! I've got lots of catching up to do as I've been on hols. Your sidebar photos are wonderful :-)
I think everyone is feeling too busy to blog lately, including myself!
I love your cow photos, i want some one day! Cows, not photos!
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