I love a robin. On Christmas cards or the bird table, they are most definitely my favourite garden bird. All summer a young male has been fluttering about our garden and I've been hoping so much he'd adopt our little patch as his territory and it looks as though the huge amount of cash I've spent on gruesome
mealworms and juicy fruity seed has paid off. He's all ruby red now and strutting his stuff on the decking like no-one's business, chasing off the cat and singing his heart out.

Last Christmas I put this lovely, lovely picture of a vintage robin tin in my festive scrapbook and I've been trying to track one down ever since. I've seen a few come and go on
ebay for silly amounts of money so I thought I'd have to make do with my lovely picture instead. But on a whim I searched again last week and I'm not sure how it happened but I got one - for £3! You have no idea of ridiculously pleased I am. So the robin in my garden is joined by few more in my kitchen, yippee!

Another little creature has come to stay too. Thanks again to Deb who's fabulous treasure trove
This Vintage Life is my favourite place to find the most special and reasonable vintage treasures. I'm perhaps not really what you'd call a dog person, having only ever owned cats, but the look on Stanley's face was just irresistible and he looks at home already (despite my dodgy close-ups).
Autumn in creeping on here in the Moorlands and the last couple of days have been balmy, bathed in a warm, honeyed light that only September
brings and is so welcome after the drenching we've been having.
I've been busy
cosying up our home against the damp, misty mornings and chilly nights that have arrived. The thick, tapestry curtains are up in the sitting room and all the eiderdowns are draped on beds and sofas, (this is where I hole up under mine in the evenings, "mine and mummy's cosy corner", says B.)

This weekend will see the cheery, blue spotted oilcloth come off the kitchen table to be replaced with faded red linen and the winter cushions on will be back on the settee in the conservatory. Really need to get my bulbs into the new garden border and I've finally made a start on revamping the kitchen. How
dreadful is this! Navy and yellow, not my thing at all. And I've never seen another blue sink in my life!

We've lived with it for too long but after the weekend it'll be gone for good. Back soon with some pictures and maybe a crumble or too. Enjoy the sunshine this weekend.
Love how you are changing your decor for cosying up for winter. Can't say I have ever seen a blue sink in a kitchen either! Rachaelxo
I love robins too, they seem so characterful.
You must be so pleased with your tin, it's such a great feeling when you finally get your hands on something you've been lusting after for ages.
Hen x
Ahhh! That was so nice - a tiny peek at your china dresser and my feel-good factor soars. I didn't realise how addicted I had become!
I'm absolutely crazy for robins. I don't see many but when I see one I feel so happy. I'm always looking for pictures of robins in the internet and all kind of things that have a robin in it. Another thing I like very much is hens, geese and ducks, much more then dogs and cats.
Your china is so nice and feminine. Very nice indeed.
Here we are feeling the Autumn too. For my hapiness and sadness of many, we are feeling it on time, this year. Most people is complaning about it and I rejoice. They look at me as I am crazy.
About your kitchen. I ca't wait to see the improvements!
What a pretty tin! We had an allotment when we lived in London and there was a robin who used to sit on the handle of the wheel barrow and watch us dig. He even took a worm from my hand once. They are such brave little birds!
You could probably sell that sink for a lot of money, it's bound to have some retro appeal! LOL
So are you going to redo the whole kitchen or give the old one a new lease of life?
Hi Steph, that robin tin is sooo pretty. I don't know what I would do without ebay. If you are patient enough then eventually you will get what you are looking for. Having said that a fab eiderdown for £12 is probably not an option! Good luck with the kitchen. Look forward to seeing the pics.
I love robins too even if they can get quite terrotorial. Your tin is lovely, as is your cosy corner. Hmm blue sink!!! Is the whole kitchen getting a makeover?
Lisa x
Your living room looks so cosy and inviting! Love the robin tin, it must have been destiny!
ooking forward to kitchen updates.
Julia xx
What a lovely robin tin, I love it when the robins come on to the allotment when I am digging. Thanks for the comment, it was the most perfect day!
I am at my happiest in the autumn, its so comforting and cosy time of year.
Hi there, me again. What did you put in the search on ebay when you were looking for the tin, my mum would love something like that for xmas. She is so hard to buy for usually. Have tried the obvious "robin tin" Dev X
Such a beautiful tin.. I think we have both been eyeing up the same tins on Ebay and yes indeed.. they do fetch ridiculous amounts.. the Christmassy ones.
Well done for perseverance...!
All good things come to those who wait.. including robin tins!
Have fun with your kitchen re-vamp..
Michele xx
I thought I would say hello. I have a love of similar things which is not too common in New Zealand although 'm sure there are more of us here. I look forward to your postings and pictures. They are always so heartwarming and real. You have a gift for words. I can't wait to see the kitchen progress. I would so love to live in a sunny cottage.
Looking forward to seeing your kitchen improvements...love the cosy corner in your lounge.
lovely tin steph, isnt it just a great feeling when you get something you've wanted for ages for a song! love the grumpy look on that little dogs face too..
best of luck with the revamp, I love seeing before and afters..blue sinks hey, my parents have a navy loo once..hmm..nice!!
It is a gorgeous tin, well worth the wait. Good luck with your kitchen, can't say I've ever seen a blue kitchen sink before!
what a gorgeous tin, I love robins too and can't stand to hear anyone saying that they the bird of death. Rubbish, silly old wifes tails lol
Cute Stanley doggie very Cath Kidston. He looks right at home with all the pretty vintage china.
Isn't this time of year lovely, getting all cosy on the sofa and in bed, toastie eiderdowns and bed socks. Heavenly.
Can't wait to see the new look kitchen, hope it's everythng you've been dreaming of.
If you need any new kitchen utensils, please drop me an email, I have a nice duck egg that looks like it will match. Order more than 3 items and I'll give you free postage sweetie.
Many hugs,
Catherine x
That robin tin is so sweet.
I love the cosy corner, it looks just that.
Robins have such big characters don't they? We are lucky to always have them nesting in the garden. Last year they found their way into the garage through a tiny hole in the roof and made a nest on top of my belt sander! We could still use the garage but one day we opened the door and the teeniest baby was on the floor! Panic! Do we leave it? Do we put it back? And then another one appeared. In the end we left Mum to sort it out. I used to buy mealworms but they weren't that fussed; they love Bettys layers pellets though and come right into the eglu to pinch them! I spend hours every Spring watching the birds nest building and the chicks coming and going...it's one of my biggest joys. And we buy a 20kg bag of seed virtually every month! But you have to help them out don't you?
My parents had a blue sink until recently; they thought it was great!
(Stanley looks right at home amongst your flowery china!)
Rockin Robins!!
Love your cosy corner and no I havent seen another blue sink either! Do we guess from the squares on the wall that you are intending to go green?? on the decor. Is this a full new kitchen or a revamp with paint etc?? Keep us posted. PS how is your job going?
Wow, how cosy your corner looks!! I LOVE the summer time, but there is nothing quite like an open fire and snuggled up on the sofa with a cosy eiderdown...oh and perhaps a glass of wine?!! x
Thanks for that Steph, am currently watching a Huntley & Palmer one that finishes in a couple of days. Dev X
Love the tin Steph, it's very cute. Your home is looking lovely and cosy, just right for snuggling in. I must admit a few of our eiderdowns have made it downstairs over the past few weeks. Good luck with the kitchen (and the sink)
Isn't it a wonderful feeling to finally find that certain thing that you have been looking for for such a long time at the right price?
I love watching the birds from my window too.
By the way, I love your blog, keep it up.
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