There's something so wonderful about this time of year.
Ordinarily I'm not the type of person who's wild about change (if it was up to me I'd always go back to the same place for our holidays) but every day at the moment there are changes to see and it's so exciting.
Today I noticed everywhere borders of vivid orange against the wet black tarmac on our way to school. Seeing the leaves whirl behind us when we whizzed past in the car was a thrill.

Anticipation is the feeling that describes autumn for me, tinged with a teeny bit of fear, just like when you know a thunderstorm is on the way.
(Not exactly the full Country Living version but our little nature tray is brim full of autumn treasure).
Thankfully the weather is rarely that severe here, so I can look forward to winter and the changes it brings.
It's been mild and calm for a while, I'm ready for a gale now that'll thrash the treetops, roar the clouds down the valley and rattle and whistle around the eaves. Not for days on end of course but I do love a bit of dramatic weather every now and again!
(The view over my neighbours garden and a Magic Apple Tree) Our garden's throwing a final fling. I'm quite enjoying this bright clash of purple asters and satsuma orange nasturtiums. The view down the garden has changed, speckles of fading birch leaves dot the lawn and woodsmoke curls across us from the house below.

Winter is on the way and we're getting ready to batten down the hatches before it strikes - yippee!

Anticipation is the feeling that describes autumn for me, tinged with a teeny bit of fear, just like when you know a thunderstorm is on the way.
(Not exactly the full Country Living version but our little nature tray is brim full of autumn treasure).

Lovely photo's Steph, it's amazing how long the plans are carrying on for this year - one of my clematis is just flowering, and my fushias have come out in bud again!
What a beautiful eiderdown, just right for keeping warm under when if winter ever does strike.
I completely understand the feeling of getting ready for the cold months ahead. I get great pleasure out of making the house all cozy for the cold weather. Autumn is well underway here too.
I was driving towards a row of trees edging the road and the breeze was blowing the leaves like snowfall across the road it was so lovely to watch...We have been preparing for winter, all I have to do is move the guinea pigs to their winter living quarters, I love Autumn, the colours and getting teh open fire ready for lighting, plus my mum has those pink plates... and what a lovely idea of the nature basket...
Cheers Alex
Hi Steph. Oh, I've got a cup that matches your teapot so I'll be round in a bit! Lovely post as ever and I agree with all of it. Don't like change either but am loving the anticipation of what's ahead. LOVE gales (North Cornish coast girl, me) though I also love these balmy Autumn days so happy either way. Pretty nature table xx
Your bed is looking very snug and cosy. If I was to put our eiderdown on the bed already I'd be very unpopular as my fiance is always over hot. We're still sleeping with windows open at night! I just snuggle under the duvet on my side! Love the picture of your shelf too. Pink and green is such a lovely combination.
Beautiful shots. It is lovely preparing for those cold months ahead. Although that said, if the weather stays as mild as it is the prep will have been in vain! Haha and eeek!
Your bed looks so lovely and cosy.
battening down the hatches sounds good to me. You have such a lovely view from your house.
Lisa x
ooooh such dreamy photos!! Lovely!!!
Love your blog to bits!!!
Love from the Jersey Shore USA
xoxo Jenny Holiday
Autumn suddenly seemed to arrived didnt it? all of a sudden the leaves have turned and everywhere looks beautiful..and smells so lovely and earthy.I can totally appreciate your love of this season.
They are lovely Autumnal photos,I must admit I like getting ready for the winter too..cosy nights,fires,eiderdowns and frosty mornings..ooooh bliss!
Lovely post as always Steph. I just love this time of year and your phots sum it all up for me. Thank you.
I am with you, I love dramatic changes in the seasons (I would be useless and depressed in hot dry Aus!) I am intrigued about the Magic apple tree........
I am going to do a similar season tray as yours, I think it was very country living.
Enjoy the Autumn
Hi Steph,
This month has been one of diversity, that's for sure....sunday was glorious sunshine here, we've seen rain too and today is sunnny but chilly.....who knows what we are in for this weekend....
The autumn colour is very welcome though.
Love the little nature collection in your basket!
Keep warm,
Lovely, cozy photos Steph.
I love your photos!
Thank goodness for the seasons,even though they do seem a little peculiar at times! ;-)
Wonderful autumn photographs, such a marvellous time of year.
There is something very reassuring about Autumn for me and I loved your feelings about Autumn and the slight tinge of fear..It is the fear of the unknown of what lies ahead in the long dark winter.
I find that aspect of Autumn exciting and I suppose I long for a really cold.. arctic winter..of the kind I remember as a child.
Your garden looks fabulous Steph and all your hard work has paid off with dividends!
Michele x
I love the photo's,i am loving your blog! x
Your blog is so enchanting. I just found it by chance. Brings back memories of growing up in England.
Wonderful pictures, I do so miss being in the country.
Rosie x
Beautiful photos, Autumn is so exciting. YOu can smell the changes in the air
Hope this comment gets left, I have tried three times!
What a beautiful post! I so wish I could enjoy a British autumn! It all loves so dreamy! Thanks for sharing!
i Steph, you are very lucky, I would love to drive down that road covered in autumn colors, the air must be so crisp and fresh with the rain.
I always love to see photos of your home!
It looks so lovely and cozy!
Debbie Moss
Oh I'm just loving Autumn too, I love all the colours.
I have just done a post on all the Autumn things I have decorated our house with at the mo, I do love to decorate with the seasons!
Love Alison x
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