I'm in bed, with my back - which is sort of obvious really, but the back is actually the reason I'm in bed if you see what I mean. My back always been a reliable sort of back, no real twinges or tweaks, capable of hauling a hefty bag of compost or equally a small wriggling child about, no problem.
Until New Year's Eve.
Woken up by my biggest little man and, it being my turn for the early shift, I sat up but didn't really make it. I don't remember much about angles from school but somewhere in-between lying flat and 45 degrees,
something went ping and I've been in agony ever since.

Today things got much worse. When I couldn't stand or sit without crying I was sent back to bed with provisions, some reading material and a bit of light mending to do. Thankfully the horse tranquillisers Woody purloined at the chemist are working wonders and an old-fashioned hot water bottle in the small
of my back (for which I've managed to cobble together a cover from a favourite
Cath Kidston remnant whilst marooned up here) is stopping any more yelping.
But I've got good company. I popped to town briefly yesterday and had a peek at the sales, in our little town that means
WHSmith's and New Look really, which to be honest is about as much as I can handle. I much prefer the more civilised online sales, battling my way through the jumble sale of hot, city centre shops just makes me cross! And I do always seem to have more joy when I just drop into town, look what I got yesterday, these most fantastic Carol Klein books that I've had my eyes on for ages - £5 each!

We're on the waiting list for an allotment in the village so in the meantime I'll be reading up on what we can grow in our small garden and on the patio aside from courgettes and
tomatoes that we grew last summer, (I really adore French Beans so hopefully she can tell me what to do!) They're beautifully photographed and the
recipes in the cookbook are very
straightforward, perfect for this rather
unadventurous cook.

And do you like my new '
ganzie' (or
cardi if you're not from round these parts), another £5 bargain which has made me even happier because I talked myself out of buying it a while ago and now it's mine for 1/4 of the price. Oh hurrah!
So it's not all bad news here at No.25. I'm tucked up, gazing at
gardening books and visiting some of my favourite blogs. My sympathies go to anyone with a bad back out there, it's horrible. Sure mine will get better soon and I promise to look after it properly from now on, (thinking about it, maybe hauling about that goat-sized Christmas turkey, or wearing proper heels for the first time in six months to my mum's big birthday party, might have had something to do with it. Blimey I really am starting to show my age!)
Happy New Year and thank you for all the lovely New year wishes. Back soon, with less screeching I hope.
Get well soon.
I sympathise with you - I'm sitting here with a hot wheat bag on my back. I often have backache-this time it might have something to do with playing on the children's Wii fit :) Hope you get better soon. Pj
Ouch oh poor you...hope your back mends soon, just make sure that you haven't done anything to one of your discs. Anyway thought I would finally post and say hello as have been nosering at your lovely blog for some time and not left a message, so hello.
Hope you feel better soon! I can appreciate how you feel: I remember the day I woke up with Wrye Neck. Sods law my OH was working out of London that day: it took me about an hour just to get out of bed! x
Oh dear, sounds horrendous, do hope you feel better soon. Perfect that you got your new books, though. We grew French beans up a wigwam, they were fantastic, had millions of the things!!!
Hen x
P.S. Like the eiderdown!
Really sorry to hear about your back. I've never suffered with mine but my Mum does and I know how horrid it can be. I hope it feels much better soon. At least you have good reading and the computer and from the look of that tray of tea and biscuits, you're being well looked after. Take care.
I hope your back gets better soon.
I am in bed too..a similar scene to yours...laptop on bed, reading material handy..and various medicinal supplies,jugs of water,you name it!!
Big hugs from me ;-)
Oh poor you, bad luck about your back....really hope you up and about soon....lovely cardi...xx
Hi Steph, poor you, hope the back gets better soon. Nothing worse than a bad back. I have spent the day putting away all my decorations. Everywhere looks so bare, bit depressing really. Take care, Dev X
That's not much fun. I hop eyour back feels better very soon. Love the cardi! Happy new Year to you, Kathryn.
Aww.. sweetie pie, I hope your back gets back to normal soon, and I hope woody is looking after you and the boys are on their best behaviour.
Lucky you've got some bargain books to read in the meantime, and well done for being so industrious too, what a lovely hottie cover!
I'm so sorry, Steph! My back's been giving me twinges lately and I cannot imagine how awful it would be if it truly went out. Hope you feel better soon!
And congrats on the good finds!
Oh, poor you, I do sympathise - I've been having nasty twinges recently - I think it's from picking up horses feet to clean out their hooves! some of them are naughty and lean on you while you're doing it!
Good finds with the books though! I've got the Carol Klein veg growing one, and I love it!
Willow x
Oh no, poor you :( Hope your back gets better soon x
Get well soon. The books look great and the cardi looks lovely.
oouch, take care of yourself. xxxxx
Hope your back is feeling better very quickly.
Loving the banner picture - that's a perfect winters view - all the better when it can be savoured from the inside of a warm and cosy house!
Ouch! Get well soon Steph. I know how much it hurts as I 'do' my back from time to time. Let's hope you continue to get plenty of tea and sympathy (and Jaffa cakes) until you're fully mobile again.
Sue xx
I hope your back gets better soon , i suffer with a frozen shoulder and i have trouble with my lower back too they are old war wounds from my years as a groom !!
Sara x
popped over from mels blog and poor you with your bad back there is not much worse than having to deal with a painful back injury hope its better soon ! love the cardi :-)
Lesley x
Hello Steph, I can sympathize with you. I hope you're on the mend soon. At least you're convalescing in style.
Bertie x
You poor soul. Hope you are up and about soon. With kids it will more likely be when you are able, as opposed to when it is advisable to be up. I am ill with my sinuses but not bad enough to be in bed, although I do have a very good Torey hayden book!
Hoping that your back will soon recover strength and that you will spring from that restful bed.
Meanwhile, it surely does seem as if you are enjoying the rest, and getting all sorts of ideas and inspiration that will see great results as the year goes forth.
Happy New Year.
Oh poor you Steph (though snuggling up in such a cosy bed sounds bliss right now). Hope it gets better soon and Happy New Year to you xx
Youch sounds sore! Hope it mends very soon.
Loving your new cardi too, very pretty.
Oh Steph, poor you backs are horrid when they 'go' you can't do much without one!!
Hope you're back to normal soon..love the new cardi!
Hi dearie, am so sory you are suffering- I slipped a disc in my back years ago and know how miserable it can be. Lying on the floor helped, as did lying on my back and bringing my knees up to my chest and sort of 'rocking'!! you may not be able to manage that though! I just remember the physio teaching me to do it.
The Carol Klein veg book is fab, I use it alot for my allotment. I haven't got her cooking one yet though-£5?! Bargain. We only have a new look and WH Smith in our town too-guess what I'm doing tomorrow?!
Get well soon x
Hello Steph,
Thanks for your message. I do hope your crochet goes well, I think crochet is having a serious revival! Although I have been going to classes, the teacher doesn't have much time for one-on-one attention and I've mainly taught myself from an ancient 70's book I bought in a charity shop! My nan actually made the blanket behind golly, years ago when I went to uni. She never taught me, wish she had, and she's a bit doolally now, bless her! Look forward to seeing how you get on.
Hen x
Hello again Steph. Hope you get this. In answer to the question of Lostwithiel, I do know it and it is in a very pretty part of Cornwall - of course! Close to Launceston and lovely fishing villages such as Mevagissey which you would love. Lostwithiel itself is surrounded by gorgeous rural villages and used to be full of antique shops though I am not sure if that is still the case. St Austell nearby but I must admit I am not a fan, but Truro is only about 40mins away (and only ten from me!!!) and is so lovely. Great tea rooms called Charlottes there where you can have proper high tea, fabric shop with the biggest collection of fabric I've ever seen and so on. Port Isaac is also quite close I think - well, nowhere is far down here really. If you want to chat more about this my email is on my blog profile xx
Hi, how is your back, hopefully by now your back to normal! Great bargains, hope you get your allotement soon, how exciting to start growing your own!! Claire xx
Oh Steph, I am sorry to hear about your back. Hope you are up and about soon. Looks like you squirreled some fab things back to your bed though - the books look great. I am after "The Thrifty Gardener" by Alys Fowler. Have you read it? She was featured in this month's Easy Living magazine (which I'm growing quite fond of). I have just amused myself by typing the word "Rose" into the John Lewis website and then drooled over the many lovely things that I can't afford. Easily pleased me! Look forward to keeping up with your antics in 2009.
Love, Carolx
Happy New Year to you Steph! Sorry to hear about your back, pain that reduces you to tears is never good. Hope things are a little easier for you today, what a way to welcome in the New Year. Love that caridgan/ Glad you liked the gardening books, my hubby designed the Grow your own Veg one! Take care
Hope your backs better now, put mine out just before Christmas and lurched along at a fraction of my usual speed.
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