So, looking back through the most recent batch of pictures these are a few favourites.
:: Wild flowers filling the bank by the school playground (aren't these the most amazing foxgloves!)
:: Going home from school the river way and being just in time to see the steam train chuff past undergoing repairs (two very excited boys let me tell you!)
:: Enjoying the table all cleared after tea
:: The allotment's starting to take shape at last (ignore the weeds!), you can see the beds at last and we're even growing some veg!
First crop - baby radishes, but there are broad beans, broccoli, purple sprouting, calabrese, dwarf green beans, late carrots, strawberries and raspberries, courgettes and pumpkins on the go. Think we might have a bit of a glut come August but I'm just pleased to have some space to grow. Looking forward to an autumn & winter of sorting and planning now to make sure we use all our space properly to give us a bit of something every month. Not quite the Good Life but a good try at least! 
:: The first rose from the David Austin St Swithun I planted last year. The rain had started to lash down on it and I couldn't bear to see it flop so it got snipped off and popped into a jug of flowers from the garden.
:: The first rose from the David Austin St Swithun I planted last year. The rain had started to lash down on it and I couldn't bear to see it flop so it got snipped off and popped into a jug of flowers from the garden.
Apologies too for being away a while. It's been a tough few weeks here at number 25, what with the car expiring and the laptop at the same time , there's been little or no getting about. So the bank is empty (again!) but we are back on the road and do have a very swish and lovely new laptop to play with.
Oh I really have missed keeping up with everyone but hopefully will be around to say hello in between my temperature hitting the roof and falling back under the covers for another snooze !xx
Oh get well soon. Tonsillitis is horrid xxxx
Love all the photographs though x
Tonsilitus seems to be going round the blogosphere! Get well soon, hope it's not contagious over the internet!
Get well soon!
Hope you feel better soon, sore throats are so horrible. I really missed your lovely blog. Your allotment is looking good and I love those flowers in the cornishware jug. Karenx
Get well soon.
the dining room is beautiful! x
I'm sending you my 'get well soon wishes' in return. Tonsilitis is the worst as my poor little Florrie suffers from it all the time!
Speedy recovery and maybe a tub of Ben and Jerry's??
Nina x
How i do so enjoy your pretty housey alaways looks so fresh and bright...x
Oh, poor you. Hope you feel better soon Steph.
Your allotment looks fantastic. Although I have a good sized veg patch, these days more often than not it's nearly empty. If I have too much to do in the 'flowery part' of the garden, the veg planting gets left which I always regret later in the season.
I've got courgettes and tomatoes to look forward to though!
I've enjoyed seeing your lovely dresser again too as I'm thinking of painting mine. It does show off all your bit's and pieces very nicely.
Deb x
Poor you Steph. Hope you are feeling a little better today and resting plenty. Gorgeous pictures of wild flowers and the bee is very sweet. Lucy and i have been trying to mark which butterflies, moths and birds we see and it does make sure you take notice of what's going on. Much love xx
Hope you get better soon, keep taking it easy - tonsilitis is awful.
Your allotment is looking fab, lots of different crops on the go and everyone has a few weeds.
I hope you're soon feeling much better, you have some lovely photos, I love the wild flowers and your stripey jug full of flowers is gorgeous.
Sue xx
Tonsilitis is yuk, get well soon. I have been having some success with my first raised beds for veggies, pop over and visit my radish pics here (i'm ridiculously pleased with them)
Hope you feel better soon. Those Foxgloves are enough to cheer up anyone..amazing!
Your allotment is looking good.
Beautiful photos as always Steph, your dining room is lovely! Hope you feel better soon :) XX
What a run you've had lately. Hope your sore throat is healing itself and you can get back out there properly. Some lovely photos Steph.
Lisa x
Sorry you are unwell. Best wishes getting better soon. Congrats on first veggies! And such beautiful photos you found of foxgloves and the train. For a sick person laying in bed, you are very cheery! :)
I've had something lurking too, still not right after two weeks!! I must "keep calm and carry on" Eat all those fresh veg . . . . and you'll soon be right as rain!!
Lovely photos Steph, hope your tonsilitis gets better soon. Glad the veg patch is on the go, you've done some really great work!
Jess x
your kitchen is gorgeous! Hope you are feeling better soon.x
ooo I like those foxgloves!
Sorry to hear you've been under the weather, Steph, hope you're on the mend. Gorgeous photos in your blog, very much enjoyed those, thank you. As you can imagine, there will be two excited "boys" in my house when I show them your steam engine photo!
Hen x
I hope you are feeling better. I just found your blog and love it. Wonderful pictures. Can't wait to read more. Sounds like you have a wonderful life. As an artist and creative type I can really appreciate all the inspiration you have around you. I live about 20 minutes from the ocean.
Hi Steph, that top photo is just beautiful. Nothing better than flowers from the garden.
really pretty photos, i always like looking at your posts, i hope you're feeling better soon
felicity xx
The allotment is really coming along. Hope you are well soon.
Hi Hope that you get well soon. Your photos are beautiful! The first picture in particular!
Isabelle x
I hope you get to feeling better real soon! I wish that I could grow foxgloves like that. Wow!
What an amazing place to live and grown, thank you for sharing the photos!!!
I hope you are over the worst now ? Your flower pics are gorgeous , unfortunately we have to wait until nexy year for our foxgloves to flower - I love seeing the bees crawl in and out of the little bells :-)
Thanks for the lovely post.. and i really love those flowers. They look really pretty!
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