Some days we all need a pick me up don't we. When there are muddling things on your mind, troubles brewing, some horrid lurgy lurking and that feeling that things are a bit unbalanced, you just need something to make you smile - and look what did it for me today!

I've been hankering after a knitted tea cosy for ever (and I can't really explain why because I'm more of a cheap coffee drinker to be honest - dreadfully uncouth me; a mug of
Kenco instant is always preferred!). They do remind me of my grandparents house though and these ones with the flowers are ever so sweet and really do make me feel jolly.

There are a couple of other recent treasures here too; a vintage annual for the boys' bookcase, a very pretty £1 sweets tin and a new/old crochet blanket bought for a couple of pounds on
ebay. Now I almost
daren't mention this but the new
Cath catalogue was waiting for me when I got home too! Hope everyone finally got there's last time around - I ended up getting a second one so if anyone is still in need of the first
Autumn edition do let me know.

So at the very least I'm feeling much cosier and a bit more settled. A sit down with a cuppa has helped
enormously and we've decided to ring the changes a bit at home; which I'm hoping will give my sweet, tired husband a bit of peace and some much needed quiet (no, I'm not clearing off or buying him a shed - we're giving up a few hours income in pursuit of the old work/life balance dream!)
Much better - even skinter, but much better for a happier home.
Hope something is making you feel cosy too.
That teacosy reminds me of the ones my grandmother use to make. She seemed to knit a new one every month!
I do love a tea cosy - just perfect for a pot of tea. Hope you are all feeling less tired and I think sometimes sacrificing a few hours income can make all the difference!
I'd say so!
What a happy scene that looks....CK and tea.....oh bliss!x
Ohooo four of my favorites in your post for me, thank you :)
Knitted tea cosies, CK, tea, and boy's annuals.
I have been a feeling a little like you too, so thanks for the lovely uplift
Oh thank you for leaving a nice note and comment on my blog. I agree it's fun to compare differences and similarities across the ocean. So many of us dot the planet, all enjoying a cup of tea and a moment of peace and quiet.
Hi Steph,
I'm in love with your sweetie tin and the cosy is fab too. I've built up quite a collection of cosies and I don't even drink tea! Your kitchen looks marvellously cosy.
Cath K catalogue has turned up already this season. There I was, feeling oh so special to be back on the Cath K radar and I look at the address sheet to see it was sent to Andy! I feel very unloved!
Good to hear you're able to give up a few hours at work, I always marvel at mums who manage to work and run the home. Good on you.
Hen xxx
I use a teacosy every day...I even take one on holiday with me! Tea tastes better when it's kept hot and cosy!!
We traded quality of life rather than quantity a fair few years ago and have never been happier - I can whole heartedly reccomend it. And it does make you look at things a whole lot differently.
And 'oohhhhh' I think that even if you don't drink tea, there is something cosy about a tea cosy. All welcoming and warming - delicious!
My nan use to have several and knit her own I seem to remember though it's something you don't see that much anymore. Such a shame as they are just as lovely to look at as the teapot!
Have a lovely day,
Nina x
Have been feeling all nostalgic today,and your lovely post made me feel more so!Have a knitted one and a Greengate one.Do people use egg cosies as well I wonder?
Your mention of dropping work hours for more quality time has struck a chord here as we've been discussing hubby doing the same. I think priorities certainly change when children come along!
Love the tea cosy - it made me smile.
I'm off to Windsor tomorrow to the new CK shop which is having a bit of an opening 'party' - apparently they are giving out free badges, and I'm a sucker for a freebie!
I love tea cosies Steph and like you, mostly drink cheapo coffee apart from at the weekend!
Wrll done for making that move workwise - scary, but I bet you won't regret it.Thanks for the comments on my blog - I've got a little giveaway in return for some homework if you fancy a go! x
ahh that made me feel instantly cosy and crave a cup of tea! :D love the tea cosy!!
Knitted tea cosy and granny blanket - I feel a warm glow coming at me over the ether! What lovely pics to brighten up the morning!
Pomona x
there is nothing like that cosey feeling,i do like the winter when the evenings start earlier you close the curtains & shut out the world,light a candle,put the heating on,snuggle up under your favourite throw make a hot choci & open a scrummy packet of biscuits & then putting on a old black & white film which takes you back to your childhood.and of course my little man oscar has to be snuggled up by my side,bliss!!
You found some wonderful treasures! Love the tea cosy -- not something we see much here in the states. Must think about trying to make one, I think ;-).
Steph, in answer to your question ... YES! I love tea cozies! I am actually on the look out for one, but I refuse to pay $35 it, so I guess I shall have to continue to watch garage sales and antique malls until I find the perfect cozy for me! During the winter months, I am a real "tea granny", and cozies just keep the tea piping hot so much longer, so I hope I find one soon!
Cheers ~
Love the pretty pics. xxx
I love pretty teapots and tea cosies but I am also a coffee drinker. Have recently begun to drink peppermint tea so now have an excuse to use the cosies! Find I always reach for it when I need comfort!!
BTW I love your blog! Stumbled across it today and have been browsing since!
fab tea cosy! I was looking at some very similar on a shopping trip to the Big Smoke today.
I have received my new Cth catalogue, although it doesn't seem long since the last one! Have you designed your sock puppet yet?!
Hope you are feeling better, sweetie. Lots of tea, and digestive biscuits, that will sort you out.
That is certainly an impressive tea cosy! :) x
Hi Steph, That's a particularly gorgeous teacosy. I am knitting one at the moment but am not sure it will fit on my big pot without a bit of stretching! I always love it when there's a picture of your dresser it's so lovely. Hope you all feeling more relaxed and happy with the changes you are making. Karenx
There is something quite homely and reasuring about a knitted tea cosy. Maybe it's because it reminds us of grandparents & childhood? It does for me. I like the one you've found, very sweet!
You did really well with that tin. I recently saw the same tin for sale but with a sugar written on it selling for £25.
Hope you are feeling brighter today ;-)
Isabelle x
I love tea cosies too. I only have two at the moment but can see yet another collection developing there. Your cosy is really pretty, I haven't seen one like it. Here's my e-mail address for your details tjlangley@blueyonder.co.uk.
I definitely think a tea cosy makes things look more homely and warm - all woolen things do. I've recently been drawn to the teapot culture. When you dash about all day the teapot rarely features but I am beginnning to realise that it is good to have a teapot and use it regularly. It is a tool for relaxing and slowing down and also spending time with others. It is most necessary I have decided. xxx
Sometimes I read a blog post and I want to step right into the picture. Your first picture (well all of them had the same effect after that first soothing feeling of comfort) made me want to reach out and touch it all.
I hate to admit to such a bad feeling, but I'm just a bit envious of your sweetie tin (my wedding bouquet was anenomes so I have a thing for them).
Good for you all striking the balance. We gave up holidays and fandango lives ages ago to just enjoy being together. Can be a bit stressful with the purse sometimes, but worth it.
Love Lisa x
Knitted anything does it for me Steph! But that cosy is particularly jolly!
I am sifting through mounds of dreary post and saving my CK catalogue as a reward at the end, I bet I dont last!
Love Sarah x
hello Steph...lovely tea cosy you have there, really sweet, I love it!
I'm intrigued to see what Mr Steph will be up to..I have got a tired husband too..lots of working away at the moment,he wants to do a plastering course though..not very relaxing is it!!!
have a lovely weekend x
Ooh, yes, I've been on the lookout for a tea cosy for ages, but all the ones I find are in disgusting colours.
I'm new to your blog and I like it a lot.
Love the first picture - sums up the way to while away 20 minutes or so - oddly I blogged very similar yesterday!!
Good luck with regaining a better work life balance.
We've tried hard to do the same in recent months and it is starting to pay off :)
Tea cozies add warmth to a room when it is a cold and dreary day! My mom has given me several of them that have been passed down. I must say though I have not used them, but I do love a good cup of tea!
Oh your September posts have all been just yummy!!
I just found your blog today... and that cozy is wonderful! Since it's crocheted, I think I may be able to make one similar for myself - or at least have fun trying!
I know just that feeling...of being off balance. I know it all too well... :(
Your pictures are entirely cozy! Love your new treasures!
I'm feeling cozy just looking at your little tableau.
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