Up close you can really see now that the garden is waking up again. I'm a bit scatterbrained about bulbs and either shove lots of the same colour in when meaning to have a mix (as above!) or totally forget (as in the four allium bulbs in my kitchen cupboard.) Evey year I aim to be more methodical but hey ho.
I love Tete-a-tete, so strong but weeny. The forget-me-not seedlings are romping away too. They're very invasive but that sea of spring blue is the next best thing to bluebells if you ask me and much easier to achieve.
My dad chucks a few sacks of his amazing compost my way every year and with it come forget-me-nots and lots of foxgloves. Flowers for free and I don't find them a bother at all, you just have to rip them out when they start to go over and then they're gone for the year. As under planting for wall flowers and late tulips I think forget-me-nots are just the thing.
Inside too there is a burst of Spring. In my doldrums at the weekend Woody and his mum brought home some beautiful tulips and a couple of pots of hyacinths to cheer me up and they really have done the trick. Aren't these blowsy beauties?
In the kitchen there is more pink as these hyacinths emerge, just along the window sill from some more sculptural tulips.

I can't help but smile when I see them and my heart has leapt right out of my boots. And making me the happiest of all is this little self sown pulmonaria, emerging from the drystone wall by the garden steps. I think its called Soldiers & Sailors for its red and blue petals and in a few more days will look glorious.
Spring proper is almost here.
really great post!!! it is a huge inspiration!!!
Lovely photographs - great to see some colour in the garden.
Such beautiful photos and a lovely post.
Your garden is looking lovely. Glad to hear your feeling brighter.
Big hugs.
X x x
I think we are on the cusp, Spring is on the march, and the baton has been handed over for the year, bye Winter! Yay!
I have been thinking of your last post, and hope that you too are on the way to more peaceful times. Personally I am inspired by your tenacity to stay positive and hang on to the values you hold dear. An extra pat on the back if you haven't had one today, your strength is so impressive.
Wow, spring is really aaaaaaaaall over the place!
Lucky girl!
I have really enjoying all these photgraphs. The tulips are beautiful; some of my favourite flowers.
Good to hear to are feeling better about things this week.
I agree. Every time I go out to hang out the washing, I have to wander round looking for new changes to each plant!
Those tulips are beautiful - so perfect they look fake!
Such cheerful, hopeful and inspiring pictures! x
Lovely to see all the colour again isn't it ..
Lots of lovely flowers and bulbs emerging now - great! Lovely pics! I've got some of the pink tulips at the moment - they really are fab - so pretty and cheering. X
Gorgeous Spring!
Love your photos...so glad that just as Spring is emerging to brighten our days, so are you!
Glad to hear you are in a better frame of mind. Spring helps us put a better spin on life. Everything will work out... that's what my hubby always tells me when I'm freaking out about a zillion and one things... and, as long as you have health and happiness, everything else can be worked out. Beautiful pictures. Lx
Very nice!
Dear Steph,
What gorgeous photographs. Glad you're feeling a bit more the ticket. It will all come out in the wash you know. You're a creative person and making the pennies stretch will be a challenge you can win if anyone can.
Love Julie
You take the most glorious pictures. I think Spring is truly on her way!
Spring is certainly in the air - lovely photos. Makes me want to don my wellies and go out into the garden!
beautiful post, I came across your lovely blog today, thanks for your inspiration, btw, love your splurge dress too!
Curlewcountry, I am so distressed by the news from Japan, that it is truly lovely to click here and see the beauty that nature can bestow. Thank you so much for these photos.
And of course, now I will return to the news from Japan.
Just caught up with you Steph and it sounds as though you are going through it just now. I think a lot of us are struggling a little and waiting for that spring rush that makes all seem well again. Hang on in there honey and keep your fantastically positive thoughts going xx
there is somthing pretty inspirational about the beginning of spring isnt there.. you do look at things differently
hope things work out ok for your family it feels pretty stressful when its happening doesnt it. my hubbys working days were cut for a while and then i was made redundant.. it did seem pretty dire and on paper i did wonder how we managing to live..but we did and you do.. and things do have a habit of turning up when you least expect it!!!
pep talk over !!
dear steph,
you have spring in your sweet house and in your great garden,it's just wonderful!!!!
i love all the flowers!
lovely pics.
have a wonderful day,
love regina
Your garden is showing all the wonderful signs that Spring is on it's way! Here in Somerset, our garden is still a bit behind for some reasons :-) Enjoyed your lovely photos.
Isabelle x
What utterly gorgeous, heartening pictures - they've certainly perked me up to look at them! Flowers for free are the best kind - I can hardly wait for my forget-me-nots to flower - they're self-seeded. Magic.
Such beautiful photos, Steph I feel more cheerful for looking at them as its grey and damp here in Sussex. Love your charity shop purchases too. I am sure everything will turn out well for you - you have such a positive spirit. Karen X
Hmmmm, what a lovely blog you have! Going to save this for a cup of tea (undoubtably something on a plate alongside) and have a good read...fee x
Ooooh, you are making me jealous!
I totally agree about the forget-me-nots. They romp all over my garden, and love to get under the rose bushes, but they look flippin' brilliant!
I find them in pots and crags and crannies, everywhere.
We are in autumn at the mo', so no spring bulbs yet, but at least the garden will quieten down for a while, giving me a chance to catch up with it.
Your mantelpiece shot looks diving. Gorgeous clock. And it all looks so - clean..
Must find my duster
Nice blog! Check out mine when you get a chance, I think you'll enjoy it!
amazing blooms! i've linked up for some time now but it's my first time to comment. i love your blog and i look forward to following regularly.
Gosh I just LOVE springtime colors (especially those purple flowers!), your photos are very VERY nice :)
You have such a pretty garden...
Your flowers and photos are amazing too!
Love your photographs and am always amazed at how further ahead your flowers are than up here. We still have snowdrops and apart from a brave crocus here and there, not much else. Daffodils are some way off! We've just had a fresh fall of snow on the higher hills and it was down to minus 4C last night!
I reaalllyy love the blue jug that you ave your tulips in. gorgeous! x
These spring flowers are just gorgeous! Can't feel anything but happy looking at them!
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