Our little boys are growing up so quickly. And we've had tons of fun celebrating.

The cookbooks were raided for ideas and I gave it my best shot. I'm not the best cook so it was a relief to see it all eaten and some very smiley faces, even if the dragon arrived without his wings.
We did the old fashioned thing; a few good friends, games in the garden and jelly and ice cream.
Special summer days.
Time to pack up now and set off for the south-west, hence the new header. Holiday time is here.
Back soon with tales from the sea.
What lovely photos and sounds like a perfect family party to celebrate.
A lovely family party.Have a great holiday and I am looking forward to seeing your photos.
Gorgeous summer celebration! What could be better than a multi-coloured honeycomb ball, puff the magic dragon cake and some jolly bunting...looks like heaven Steph. Have fun in Kernow, send my love,
Sarah x
I love the cake and what gorgeous cheery photos.
Have a great holiday.
Sam x
That is without doubt my favourite type of party. looks lovely & what a great cake!
Aaah you can't beat a good old fashioned party! Enjoy your holidays x
What lovely parties! They are so special because of the personal details you added!
I always love your posts!! Lucky you to have those sweet boys....have a wonderful holiday!!!
I love that bunting.
Have a wonderful holiday.
Anne xx
Happy times! Have a lovely holiday by the sea, Bx
Both you and another favorite, colourful blogger away on hols! Will miss you but look forward to your blog when back - lucklily am new so lots of archives to peruse! Have fun :)
Can't beat a proper birthday party - am loving that dragon cake :)
Happy birthday gorgeous chap! awww bless you've made sucha lovely job of the cake and sammies! wonderful!!!!
bet that was a day to remember! My daughter Sophia turns 5 in a month!
Enjoy your holiday!!!!
x kazzy x
wow, you did really well with all your makes!!
Thank You for shareing your sons get together,the best kind really isn't it.Have a great holiday,we too are heading to that part of Cornwall at the begining of October for my ?? birthday!!! LOVE the bunting too
Best Wishes to you all
Sue xxx
Have a lovey holiday
Your photos are beautiful - homade parties are just the best.
The old fashioned parties are the best!
What a fabulous cake - I'm not sure I'd have had the heart to cut into it! Hope you have a lovely holiday.
For birthday boy -
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday, happy birthday,
Happy birthday to you.
Love from Mum
Best. Dragon. Cake. EVER!
Lovely! I have a party to sort for next week and you have given me some ideas. Cx
Happy belated birthday wishes to your now 5 yr old ... hope you are having a great holiday
What a happy series of photos! I love the sssandwich ssssnake!
Gorgeous photos! The party food looks great! Happy Birthday to the new 5 year old. It's amazing how quickly time speeds by!
Barrina x
What a lovely family party, a day to remember :) xxx
Happy birthday to your little one, Steph!!!
Such a nice dragon sandwich! Great idea!
LOVE the new header Steph. Guess I know where you are headed! Have fun and bring back lots of piccs x
The cake looks so cute! I cannot remember that I have ever seen such a lovely cake (in Germany) before. What a nice Idea. Could you please betray the name of the cookbook? My little boy will wack out if I create a cake like this. Have a nice holiday. Kindest regards Nicole
Simple parties are always the best and make such wonderful childhood memories! The dragons were wonderful! Have a fun holiday!
Lovely photos and blog.
But what a shame you have caged hens - they're hardly free range are they?
It's strange how now that hen keeping has become so popular people think they're being humane to their poultry keeping them in a hen house and "run"
Your hens won't be able to run far in that!
People rightly frown upon battery hens conditions but then confine their own hens.
Obviously your flowers are more important to you than your hens welfare which is a shame.
Dear Anonymous
Please keep your uninformed, arrogant opinions to yourself and don't darken my blog again thank you.
You know nothing about how I keep my hens - these pictures were from their first couple of days with us. The farm who supplied them advised we keep them enclosed for a few days while they settled in. They are very happy, free to range hens actually.
That ok with you now know-all?
Actually, I don't feel you needed to be so defensive in response. There were a lot of valid points raised by Anonymous about hen-keeping, even if not applicable to you. I myself have read recently about quite a few cases where hens have been got at by foxes. In my view people often do not take their responsibilities seriously enough with regard to hens' safety.
I appreciate that the commenter did not and could not know the full circumstances of how you keep your own hens, but I am still rather glad to see someone showing concern for animal welfare. Perhaps it isn't necessary in this instance, but sometimes it wouldn't have gone amiss. It's harsh to be unfairly judged, naturally.
Know-all? Uninformed? Arrogant? Golly Step aren't you over reacting a bit, if you don't like a comment just delete it that way you won't darken the tone of your blog yourself.
Anonymous because I don't have a blog but I have enjoyed reading yours' apart from this little bit of unpleasantness that is.
dear Anonymous,
i'll say it how we do in New Jersey: STFU already! youre a guest here, treat it as such. Steph, carry on.
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