Wednesday 12 December 2012

On Our Way

Dawn crept in the other morning in a glow of pink and gold under an iron frost.The view across the garden was still as still, a lovely peaceful way to ease into the season of festivities.
I'm trying really hard to hang onto that stillness but the old season of panic and headless-chickeness is descending! I guess we'll arrive at the big day in some sort of shape but there feels a fair bit to organise yet.
Christmas rituals are keeping me on track; shopping in our little town, dressing every corner with favourite old decorations and fairy lights to chase away the gloom.
And a tree. There has to be a twinkly tree up in plenty of time. So we're on our way there.


Cait O'Connor said...

Gorgeous pics,(especially the early morning ones) and the Christmassy ones have inspired me.

Heather L. said...

I love the tin with the robin. A stack of cards from the UK arrived yesterday and nearly everyone contained a robin in some form or other -- so precious!

Tea with Prudence said...

I just got lost in your images today. Oh so loverly.

I had memories of trampsing over an icy field like that in your first image many moons ago, and how crispy and cold it was.

And I have exactly the same santa claus ornament, the little wooden red one on the shelf. A friend bought it from me on a return visit to UK (we live in Oz now, so maybe got it at same shop! (prob not.)


Come Away With Me said...

It's very pleasant to peek into your world over there on the other side of the Atlantic and see what's going on for the season. Thank you for sharing it all with us.

haggiz said...

What gorgeous pics. It's making me feel very festive, the cold weather makes it feel so much more christmassy doesn't it x

Pilgrim at Kerjacob said...

To see the tin with the robin on - a delight.
My mother had a tin the same which she used to keep biscuits - she loved biscuits and a cup of tea !!
Happy memories.


Country Rabbit said...

lovely photographs! That frosty landscape!-bliss!!!!...I do love the lead up to Christmas despite it always being or seeming to be in a mad rush. I went to a lovely indoor antique and craft market last weekend and enjoyed seeing all the festive displays amongst the trinkets and antiques- Things are way toooo over priced these days even the charity shops seems out of my reach for gifty things. I miss picking up bargains. I love the atmosphere and jolly shoppers that gather in the markets though- friendly banter and happy faces.
I decorated my Mothers christmas cake she gave me last night...Ive made mince pies and will need to make some more for when my father arrives...I do love this time of year...happy festive wishes to you and your lovely family x

Lyn said...

All looking very beautiful and Christmassy ! X

auntp said...

I am writing from the Southern USA, and your pictures of a heavy frost and your surrounding area are beautiful and inspiring!

Unknown said...

Beautiful photos, I loved the Robin tin!
Happy Holidays,

Unknown said...

Your words make the anticipation of Christmas all the more wonderful. Elizabeth

Cuby said...

Have seen your name so came here to look. What a box of delights. Your little market in your local town looked so Christmassy. I love your still dawn photo and I covet the robin tin! Do visit me sometime.

Pink Feather Paradise said...

Christmas will be arriving here tomorrow... I dont feel particularly festive ... I am so missing all the usual foods and drinks ... but I must keep up the effort for the children ... it is for them after all ... loving your pictures ... thank you for booting me up the bum to get a move on ...xx

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos - the frosty weather may be cold but it is so stunning in a morning. I know what you mean about the panic descending - every year we try hard to be more organised and avoid it but every year we end up back at the same place. Why is that I wonder? Have a happy and peaceful Christmas I am sure everything will get done!

Annie Cholewa said...

Lovely festive pics :D

We're still without much in the way of decorations here but that will be remedied today and tomorrow.

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

Very lovely photos. I haven't got into the decorating of the house yet. I like to leave it very near to Christmas Eve so this year we will cut and bring in the tree at the weekend, with six year old to help!

Mama Macfennell said...

I've just come across your blog - such beautiful photos and nice to be reminded to be still and enjoy the moment rather than frantically rush about.