Thursday 13 March 2014

Shop Local - #theyearinbooks

It might be shrouded in fog today but my little town is still looking beautiful. 

It's battled hard through these tough times and doing great,thanks to some really positive people who live and work here and fight for it. (I'm at the cool hairdresser's this morning - I'm not cool at all but they're lovely - and how fab are these tables!) Now we've got more ace independent shops than you can shake a stick at, including what I think is the best bookshop in the world.

Although I've been hopeless about blogging about it, I've been joining in with Laura's marvellous project #theyearinbooks 

I don't get into town as often these days to physically choose a book in the shop, but they do have a great ordering service and I can collect when I pop in. If, rarely, they can't get what I want I came across this ace alternative to Amazon, recommended to me on twitter. 

Through Hive Books you can still get a great discount but also choose to support your local bookshop who get a donation from the sale. What a great idea! And of course your local bookshop pays tax too! I'll be buying all my online books this way. Maybe worth a look? 

(Please be aware this is a genuine post about my passion for supporting local shops and businesses. I've not been sponsored to say this x)


VeggieMummy said...

Fantastic idea - I always feel so guilty buying books from Amazon. I'll have to give it a try.

Pilgrim at Kerjacob said...

I love Leek, some years ago I looked after a lady who lived in Burslem and every Saturday we came to Leek to meet up with an elderly lady for lunch at the Clock shop. I loved the market, the fact that it was still a REAL town and there was no doubting that you were in Leek. Every time I go back to the UK I go up to Leek,I think it's wonderful and you are very lucky to be near to such a great place. If you're ever in Shropshire go to visit Bishop's Castle especially on market day - you'll love it - guaranteed.


Katy Noelle said...

Awww!! I love our local little bookshops! I love REAL bookshops like crazy - what magical places they are!!!! and, it's such a funny coincidence but I was just going into town to go to the bookstore to pick something up but.... the ice was glistening on the trees and.... forty five minutes of picture taking later, they were closed! ;)

Such a cutie with your face behind the book! =)


Cathy Daniel said...

Your town looks so pretty and it's great that it has lots of independent little shops. We should support these like mad! I know, personally, that I can never seem to pass a bookshop without popping in. It's such a nice friendly way to shop! xCathy

Campfire said...

Ah, King Edward Street! I shouldn't really read this blog, it makes me so homesick. Lovely old buildings, in a lovely old town. Thanks for showing these.