- Dear, dear, far-away friends to stay for a too-short, flying visit on Friday night. Mr F is Woody's greatest pal, was his best man and when his wife and I share notes we're convinced that they're two halves of the same person. We miss them and their two adorable little people so much now they live 300 miles away. Sharing a curry, favourite toys, lots of laughs and the latest news was bliss.
- My little furry friend being slightly on the mend. Poor girl has been eating us out house and home but losing wieght like water. A bit of help from the vet has seen her calm down a little and rest and I think put a bit more weight back on. Fingers crossed.
- The discovery of a new hairdresser in town! My visits to the shearer are few and far between, time is precious and this new little place has vintage chandeliers, white plasterwork mirrors and interiors magazines and not just trashy mags to while away the time. Oh and the haircut was the best I've had in ages too - hurrah!
- A surprise Sunday lunch at a cosy country inn for for my cousin's birthday. Delicious food, lovely family time and a sunny afternoon.
- Watching our little chaps dance and dance at their friend's birthday party. Hilarious and ever so heart-warming all at once.
- Bubbles at bathtime - fun, fun, fun!
Oh it was so, so nice. Sometimes our weekends fizzle out or end up fraught and a bit angsty which I loathe. This was a corker though and we've promised ourselves lots more.
So back to normal this week but tonight I caught five minutes at my favourite winter spot, cosy in the kitchen at my old table with a cuppa, delightful white hyacinths and a chance to quickly flick through some pretty pictures.
It might be busy but it's not a bad life!
P.S. Thanks for all the lovely comments on my last post, especially those about my rug.
I picked it up at the Collector's Market from a favourite stall that sells all sorts of old junk where I occassionally find a bargain. I've been on the hunt for a rug similar to this for months and I almost shrieked with glee when I found it - then nearly fainted when the chap only asked for £2.50! Can't quite believe my luck.
What lovely, special moments you have had, cherish them I say :)
Lovely hyacinths, we have some in a very special place and I can't wait for them to bloom,
I am having a giveaway if you would like to join in :)
I bet those Hyacinths smell wonderful!!
And your rug is to die for! ;-)
I think the current financial situation the country is in has us all going back to basics, and has made us realise perhaps how lucky we are! I am glad you had a fab weekend and I raise my cup of tea to plenty more!
Wonderful moments.
And wow re: your new hairdressers, I need one of those around my way.
Hello my dear....i just adore your kitchen*green with envy* i would love a dresser and table in ours.....but until that day arrives I'll content myself by popping to you! I really enjoy your blog...its so very pretty!xxx
Hurrah for weekends, spending time with family and friends are what wekend are all about! The washing and hoovering will always need doing!! Have fun!
Beautiful hyacinths and lovely pics!
The hairdressers sounds fab! I think we all want your gorgeous rug, what a great buy!
Have a great week! Claire xx
Hi Steph, isn't it just brilliant when you have a weekend like that? sets you up for the week ahead.Your little kitty has the sweetest face..bless her..that's just what's happening with our oldest cat at the moment. I think I would be squealing too at that pretty £2.50 find!
Hope you have a week as good as your weekend was x
Your boys are adorable Steph - I know what you mean about weekends, its difficult not to use them as catch up days....
My hyacinths came through pink this time...which was nice but I was expecting white!! I used to think they had a real old lady smell but love them now!! Perhaps I'm turning into an old lady?x
what a wonderful weekend, let's hope you have plenty more like it.
Your kitchen looks lovely, I would love a dresser like your, one day.....perhaps!
Wouldn't mind paying a visit to your hairdressers.
Enjoy your week
Take care
Beki xxx
Sounds like a perfect weekend - how lovely. Nice to be able to savour it through the dull work week days too.
Love your kitchen - it's just how I would want mine, if I won the lottery and could afford it.
Hyacinths look great too - the cornishware bowl is just perfect for them x x
Phew! I am exhausted after YOUR weekend! Sounds just perfect.
Well, £2.50! Blimey you are a lucky gal!
Enjoy the scent of your Hyacinths, mine have gone over, so a new one is almost there!
Hyacinths,mmm ,lovely!
We seem to be having 'getting stuff done' weekends at the moment, could do with taking a leaf out of your weekend book.
Love the bubble bath shots! Too cute!
Sounds like the perfect weekend, it's so nice when you manage to do lots of nice things, without any disagreements or bickering. Loving the cosy spot at your dining table, I bet the hyacinths smell lovely, and that pretty rug was a steal!
Your weekend sounds lovely Steph. It is hard to always make them end on a good note, but thank heavens for the times they do. Lovely pictures xxx
lovely hyacinths Steph. I'm waitin patiently for mine to flower. I'm sure it will be soon though. Love the photos of your two boys having fun.
Hi Steph I would give anything for 5 mins peace. Here at the fairyglade we all have chesty coughs, in triplicate and surround sound. I cough, she coughs, he coughs..you get the picture. All day and worse, all night. Love the hyacinths, the rug and the bubbles. Dev X
OH Steph, I haven't commented in quite a while...but have been visiting your lovely blog regularly! I feel refreshed each time I come by!!...Those two little men of yours are just the cutest! :) Wishing you more relaxing moments! :)....Your friend, Heidi XO
What a lovely weekend.Love your kitchen too! I'm trying to persuade my husband that we NEED to paint our dresser!
Rachel x
Those Hyacinths look wonderful and makes me smile because Spring just around the corner yeay!
Lovely to hear all about your family filled weekend. The big question in our house every weekend is So what shall we do today? lol
And it drives me crazy when it all goes wrong and you feel like you've just spent the days saying No! and stop that. When you have ones like yours they're fab.
Have another fabulous one tomorrow sweetie.
Catherine x
Weekends like that are magic aren't they? really good for the spirits. Lovely rug.
Twiggy x
Sounds like a lovely weekend. Hope your furry friend is feeling a lot better now - we have an elderly puss eating us out of house and home too even though the vet has given the needed treatment:)
Hi....Have tagged you...
My cat was losing weight but eating a lot and he had an overactive thiroid so I guess the vet may test for that. He lived for ages after with medicatuion every day
hope she is better soon
Hope your pussy cat is better
Sam xx
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