Monday 24 August 2009

A Husband's Work Is Never Done

I am married to a domestic god. The laundry basket and washing line hold no fears for Woody and he keeps a watchful eye on the weather at all times. Even at the end of a balmy late summer afternoon he spies a chance to get another load aired and dried.
I am a lucky woman indeed.

I'm not just sitting here on my bench completely idling though (honestly), I have a birthday cake in the oven so all's fair on the domestic front.

But ok, I did do a little bit of gazing down the valley - just too lovely to resist!

(Do hope a bumper load of CK catalogues dropped through everyone's letterboxes this morning. This is the first time I've ever received one directly despite buying a few things and numerous phone calls to check I'm on the mailing list. Not the best customer service in the world!)


...Nina Nixon... said...

What a lucky find - a hubby that does the washing and then hangs it out!!

No CK catalogue here this time round much to 'my' hubby's delight - and purse.

Nina x

Leisa said...

What beautiful pics - you must pinch yourself that you have such beautiful views from your home. A happy birthday to your little one too.

Claire said...

Cooee from Downunder Steph, you have got yourself a treasure in Woody. Such a beautiful view down the valley I would be lucky to get anything done if I had that view. Love visiting your blog and am slightly jealous that CK catalogues aren't delivered here in Oz.

Sue said...

Lucky you to have such a domesticated Hubby. Mine is getting there, he can put things into the washing machine and bring things in off the line, just how he thinks they get onto the line I don't know.

He must think it's those washing faries that always provide him with a clean shirt for work, neatly ironed and ready to wear!!

Sue xx

Pomona said...

They seem to have left me off their list this time round - I obviously don't spend enough money with them! You have a washing line just like mine - are yours old hop poles as well?!

Glad I have found your blog!

Pomona x

A Farmers Wife said...

I must be getting your copies Steph i usually get 3! But i know how annoying it is not getting one-i spend loads there and they wont send me any fabric samples!
You should count yourself a very very lucky girl, my partner is never home to be able do do anything at all and it would be so lovely to have someone else just wash up for a day!
Beautiful views, cant beat the countryside can you?!
kirsty x

Lalabibaby @ Dreaming of The Simple Life said...

Lucky you .... I've been trying to get mine more domesticated for 30 years now and have failed miserably. I think it may be genetic with some men or do they cock it up completely on purpose because they know we will take over ??????

The Curious Cat said...

ooo i see you have changed your banner...I might have to do that once I reach my one year anniversary! Your hubby sounds like one of a kind - definitely a keeper! Cute cake too! xxx

sarah-jane down the lane said...

Nope! no sign on the horizon yet!why oh why? Similar washing line story on my blog! not hubby though, just little ole me, he did take me out for supper though so all is well!
Have a good week, Sarah x

Funkymonkey said...

My hubby is alos good at hanging out the washing. Still waiting for the CK catalogue though.


MelMel said...

Not had mine making do with the website....not the same as flicking thru it tho with a cup of tea and cake!

What a wonderful garden you have....pretty!
AND how lucky you are to have a brill husband who can find the white goods in your house.....
Maybe I ought to take the cuetain away from in front of the washiinf chine then Olly will see it!!!

Anonymous said...

Just popping by, as I do from time to time. Yours really is such a delightful blog. Keep it up!

bellaboo said...

Your hubby is a such a sweety!I wish I had views like yours from our garden.Talking of Cath Kidston,I've still got a £50 voucher...a birthday spend.Waiting to see what the new catalogue holds!!

Bellaboo x

Nita in South Carolina said...

If I lived in your house, there would be neither clean laundry nor cakes, because I would never be able to tear myself away from that gorgeous view long enough to get anything done!

Suzy's Vintage Attic said...

I have to say that I too am lucky, my husband helps out with various household chores. He just gets on with it when he sees something needs doing. It's never just left for me to do. A blessing!

Aah, the CK catalogue... I totally agree with you, despite frequent online purchases. I had to order my catalogue and it still hasn't arrived a week on, I am still waiting...

Lovely view!

Take care
Isabelle x

Joshy and belle said...

lovely views and cake, my ck hasnt come yet i tried to order one but it wouldn't let me, sob, sniff!! fliss xx

The Fairy Glade said...

Oh no, I must be off their favourites list because I haven't received mine yet..Have drooled over the website, absolutely covet one of their messenger or bucket bags. I can but dream....Sigh! Dev x

Fiona said...

Sounds like a very domesticated hubbie. Mind you I can't complain. Mine is very good too, although not at this moment as he is watching Arsenal just now which is when he is at his least domesticated! I finally got my CK mag but made the mistake of taking it camping with me to look at and it's now looking a little worse for ware!

Garden Girl said...

my CK catalogue literally arrived the following day after I commented. But agree with you, the customer service on the mailing list front is not good at all. I have recieved 2 out of 4 catalogues so far, how random is that?!