The holidays have been busy but I've been keeping my beady eyes out wherever we've been and I'm very delighted with this amazing haul of treasures that have found a new place in our home for just pennies.

The colour of the jug I spied at the Collector's Market yesterday had my heart in palpitations; I can just see a few sprigs of berried holy looking very festive in there in a few months time. The book was a £1 bargain from the Friday Trestle Market and the same day I found another vintage mirror to add to my growing collection.

Bright early sunshine this morning (long gone!) saw Barney and I at the big car boot in town. We've never got along to that one before but goodness what a fab old car boot it is. We came home laden with dinosaurs, this lovely abacus, a few lovely old books and the most wonderful crochet blanket for 50p! I think our grand totoal spend was around £3.50; brillant - must get back along to it before it closes up for the winter.

These old Christmas tree candles were from the car boot too. The box is a bit grimy but I'm a sucker for vintage Christmas packaging. Don't think they'll be going on the tree though!

Oh I do love Granny Squares! I've still not mastered crochet myself, I promise not to pass this beauty off as my handiwork. The woman who sold it to me looked at me as if I must be a bit crackers to want it - clearly not discovered the vintage market which must be why she only asked for fifty pence.

And this was another £1 find from the flea market which I couldn't resist. My first job after graduating was at the Tower of London and this lovely worn old tin brought back some happy memories.

I think this painting came from the same place and reminds me of a beautiful picture in the old
Ladybird weather book that I love.
So I'm feeling a rather lucky and pretty thrifty girl. Either that or I'm very easily pleased!
Enjoy the Bank Holiday everyone. Hope it stays dry.xxx
Lovely treasures! The crochet blanket is gorgeous.
I always feel as if I need to rescue the granny square afghans too. It seems so sad to leave them.
You did find some great treasures!
You always find treasure - I only spot junk!!
Fantastic finds, I'm a little jealous! Well done, what a lovely blanket, all that work & wool to be sold just for 50p.
What lovely finds you got, and can't believe how little you spent! Well done you!
Laura x
Since having an offer accepted on a money pit house - I have started to get the jitters spending money (sniff) - so denied myself the guilty pleasure of booting yesterday - so your post cheered me up lots and lots - glad that someone like me got some great bargains!!!!!
Looks like you have had a great weekend! I love those old mirrors - they remind me of my grandmother's house when I was small. She had one above the fireplace.
Pomona x
A crocheted blanket for 50p....and it's gorgeous, you lucky thing, I'm SO jealous.
Sue xx
Both lucky, thrifty and easy to please. I've always thought being easy to please is a great virtue. Makes life a much better place to be. X
50p for a crochet blanket- I think she was the one that is bonkers!!! What a fantastic haul and I adore the other bits and bobs you picked up too - grrrreat!
Nina x
OOh, such lovely goodies, you certainly did do well there lady! Ive got a couple of those mirrors, but they reside under my chest of drawers, along with the other house items which have yet to find homes on walls/shelves! Mine are so heavy that hubby says he doesnt think our walls could hold them! Darn it!
Thanks ever so much for popping by my blog-im really really touched as you're one of my top three fave blogs!!!!! And i glad you found the harvest info useful for the boys! Kirsty x
Beautiful finds. I love the crochet blanket best. What a bargain!
What amazing finds! That crochet blanket is gorgeous.Why don't I ever see bargains like that?
Gosh the crochet blanket was an absolute steal at 50p!!! Just adore the other treasures you found. Wish we had car boot sales like that over here.
Wow, you did have a good day. That blanket is super and for 50p! I'm really jealous. LOL.
50p for the blanket!? Let's see, that's about .80 cents american, right? What a bargan!!! The yarn alone cost way more than that. Some people just don't know what they have. I'd love to have that square pattern for myself. Wonder if you get time, can you take a close up pic of the blanket, maybe I can figure out the pattern.
you sure did find yourself some lovely goodies didn't you. 50p for that lovely blanket was an absolute steal .... hope you had a lovely bank holiday too
gorgeous goodies, I too am on a bit of a roll with vintage Ladybird Books, just the name makes me smile. The illustrations are sooooooo evocative of another era. (See my "what to look for in Summer" find, Dorset and Devon PART 1!)
Have a great week, Sarah x
Looks like you had a successful hunt! Another fellow blogger was recently lamenting that she could not find any decent treasures at her local car boot - guess you got there first and beat her to it! xxx
As the curiousity cat said I've just posted about not finding anything at the boot sales this weekend and here you are posting such treasures!
Victoria xx
What fabulous finds for your home, each one is full of vintage charm....
Oooooh proper treasure!!
lovely treasures, i love the colour of the jug, fliss xx
Not been to many boots this summer with moaning minnies (they're not as keen as me). So looking at your finds next best thing. My favourite in your haul has to be the abacus.
Lisa x
What a bargain the crochet blanket was.Just think of the hours someone spent doing that.i have made them in the past and I know!!
What a lovely stash of things you found! I would have definitely grabbed the Jug and the Blanket!
Hello, I love that light blue (or light green?) enamelware you´ve found, and just for pennies, ain´t it so good?? I´m addicted to all kinds of enamelware and have a large collection, but you know, there´s never enough!!!
maria cecilia, from chile, southamerica.
50p for that crocheted goodness. I think that woman must have been barmy not to appreciate it!
Wow! How did you find such beauties? You do have a keen eye!
The abacus is so nostalgic
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