I can't wait to hit the downhill run - can you? Next week the holidays start, there are only a couple more school and office days to do and the nice things like a family lunch, cocktails with my sister, carol services and lots of baking are all stacking up nicely.
I'll admit to feeling a little bit martyrish about the festivities today, but only for about five minutes. As a rule I avoid this sensation like the plague because I'm a firm believer in making the Christmas you'd like to have. No one (least of all the man in the house) makes me do anything but most years I have a little wobble during the build up when I feel I'm trying to single handedly deliver Christmas on a plate for everyone.

But actually no ones' asking me to. Only me. Stupid isn't it. Woody is under the cosh with work and really all I want is to share the wrapping and the fetching and carrying etc and get a bit of Christmas spirit going with him. But he's a bloke and most I know don't have a clue what I'm talking about. They'd be fine with Christmas dinner at the local curry house to be honest. Which all in all is how it should be isn't it - a celebration, not hassle. But I love to pull out all the stops (very simple stops) for the boys and therefore, I guess I'll have to pull them.
And when you think
what many families have to deal with, grumbles about who's done all the wrapping etc get firmly put away. So they are. (Woody interviewed the amazing team here last week and we're hoping the publicity will help to raise lots more funds).
So I've taken a step back this afternoon just to enjoy how Chrsitmas has crept into the house. The dresser is pretty much groaning with decorations now and our lovely friends dropped around a beautiful gift for us on Sunday. Ginourmous bunches of holly, smothered in berries. Perfect
With the heating on full blast and a warm fire in the living room I've crowned just a couple of the pictures with sprigs because otherswise they'll be dry and dull by the big day, so instead I've filled jugs for the table and the mantlepiece instead. I think I prefer it.
Some very beautiful cards are going up too, most are treats to myself I've collected over the years which is quite embarrassing if anyone looks inside them but they're so lovely I couldn't resist!
(this one's genuine honest - a birthday card from me to Woody)
Time now to sort out party clothes for a day of fun at school tomorrow and find that wrapping paper I've stashed somewhere! Hope the festivities aren't too hectic with you. Xxx
P.S. Almost forgot - thanks for all your warm wishes on our good news. I've got a new job! From the New Year I'm moving to a different part of the NHS locally and doing a smiliar role (but much more straightforward) and thankfully with more hours and working with a lovely team. Keeping the wolf from the door has been really hard this year after my hours were reduced so the relief at home is absolutely huge! Happy Christmas!
Great news on the job front!...and I have to confess,I've been known to take naff cards I've been sent off the dresser,and sneakily replace them with a few favourites I've collected.How naughty am I?
Big congrats on the job, sounds ideal.
I have never been so chilled about Christmas, taking it much more slowly and things are still getting done, just not in a mad rush, (oh, and no reading those daft articles in magazines that suggest you spend a small fortune on/handmake in 160 hrs your "Christmas Eve tablescape"etc!!). Just a few meaningful or fun deccies that we really like, and then take it as it comes! Quite a watershed for me.
congrats on the new job! and loving your decorating x
I think I recognised a couple of the artists of your cards, they are lovely.
I hope your celebrations are exactly what you want them to be.
Good news about the job, I hope you'll be able to enjoy it.
Congratulations on the new job! I love all your Christmas decorations! I would like some holly but it has been really hard to find this year. Maybe some will appear in the next few days!! Cx
Many congratulations on the job front. I'd never thought of keeping nice cards - a trick to remember! Have a good countdown to the Big Day!
Firstly a huge congratulations on your new job.
Secondly your house looks very festive.
X x
Loving the decorations. I totally know what you mean about putting too much pressure on your self - however your home looks beautiful. Congratulations on your new job - great news x
I am pleased for you - sounds as though 2012 will be a great year for you all. Oh and I love Angie Lewin designs too. Her book is wonderful.
so glad you have a job!!!!
I think I want a white dresser for Chrismas
Love the pix and good luck with your new job.
I love your blog! Congrats on the new job!
Merry Christmas from Charleston, SC
Congrats on your new job, that's brilliant news! Hope it is a great Christmas and New Year for you and your family.
Oh Steph! I am SOOO pleased to read that you re-display your fav christmas cards each year - because I DO IT TOOO!
In fact, it got to the stage that my family were vying for spots in the recycled card collection, as I only redisplayed the ones that I really loved
Eventually I just had to stick one of my sisters in to make her feel like she had 'made it'. lol.
My mother's cards are usually the best ones tho', she can sure pick 'em.
I love your blog so much, I am always happy to see when there is a new post for me to drool over.
Have a wonderful Christmas.\
The snow covered landscape in your header just took my breath away. I love visiting your beautiful and cozy blog! This must be what it's like visiting your home.
Congratulations for the job, it is a fabulous Xmas present!!! I found it tricky between the no hassle and beautiful Xmas... I love decorating, cooking, baking, having presents beautifully wrapped... So even I try to step back, there is always a bit of pressure (only coming from myself...)
Have a nice week.
Hello to you.
Good to see someone else who just loves the range of printmakers cards.
Each time when I am in the UK I can't resist buying some more.
I have managed to give a few to Mr P but of course they don't leave the house !
I've just joined your followers.
Diane. x
Congratulations on the new job Steph - you must be so pleased!
I know what you mean about Christmas. The days between 1st Dec and Christmas seem to whizz past in a blur. I do my wrapping at night with some cheesy Christmas songs and a glass of wine and no interruptions - it's quite nice!
I love your Christmas decor and the lino-cut/woodcut cards. I collect them as well from my local art shop so lots of my cards are empty inside too! It is funny when people pick them up and look!
i was putting out some cards id bought in a lovely gallery thinking how do i admit to buying 4 christmas cards for myself to enjoy- phewww its not just me hehehe ;0)x
I couldnt believe Sophia's school bag was filled with cards from her teachers, assistance and class chums- she has a little treat today 'the christmas school party'- she skipped to school as jolly as punch in her rar rar skirt hehe ;0)
Its a joy now to know tomorrow at 3.15pm the hols begin - yay!!!!...
Your home is a beautiful festive feasty to the eyes- how i love your dresser, your decors and homely feel....Congrats on the job wooohooooooo...have a magical christmas steph with your gorrrrgeous little boys xxxxxx
Well done on the new job and good news Steph.
Your home looks lovely and festive though I completely know what you mean about the menfolk.
take care and have a lovely day,
Nina xxxx
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Your photos are so pretty. Congratulations on the job. I am very happy for you. Something to look forward to in the New Year. My husband doesn't really get into the decorating either, but when it is done he loves it. Just a man thing I guess. Merry Christmas.
Loving the decorations. Very cute Tea cosy.
Please visit!http://crochetatbegonvilliev.blogspot.com/2011/12/tea-cosy-and-hot-pads-coasters.html
I adore the idea of putting up cards that you have bought yourself - just because you like them! INSPIRED!!!
I too always feel like I am tryinig to delivery christmas spirit on a plate. So this year - Im not :) Nice day in with old movies and a roast for me and The Beard. No family commitments until the 26th. HURRAH!!
Have a fab festive season!
Love your Christmas cards you've bought for yourself, what a marvellous idea, as a greeting card illustrator, this will be a must for me in the future!! Love the decorations,and congrats on the job. Well done. Have a lovely Christmas!
Congratulations on your new job and on your beautifully decorated home!
Congratulations Steff! Such good news!
And don't be embarassed! I have lots of empty cards that I can't bear send!!!:)
congratulations on your good news!!
your house is lovely! so cheery and joyful. I couldn't believe when you read your words about feeling a little martyrish. I have been overwhelmed the last couple of days with so many things on my to do list. But this morning I am forving myself to change my perspective and your blog has helped me on my way.
I hope youhave a wonderful Christmas x
So glad to hear about the job, a wonderful Christmas post.
What lovely news......especially just before the most expensive time of the year!!!
Enjoy......as I am sure you will now!
Brilliant news sweet Steph. What a wonderful bit of news before christmas.
By the way I meanly said to my girls the other day 'you do realise I buy all the presents and wrap them'. I was feeling miffed at the lack of male christmas planning, but it is what it is isn't it. Mine loves it all and to be honest he wouldn't do it as well as me!
Your home looks so festive, the holly is gorgeous, well done on you new job!
Well done on the job front Steph,I had my pre-christmas wobble last Sunday,It's self pressure isn't it,you just want every thing to be as you want,tree,house,food,we can be our own worst enemies at times.
Keep Smiling
Best Wishes,Have a Great Christmas
Sue xxxx
You are not alone in feeling you are single handedly making Christmas happen, it is just the same here. Christmas is a still a little bittersweet for me because three years ago we were planning my brother's funeral at this time, but children are great for putting melancholy thoughts to one side and you're so right .. there are so many people whose lives are filled with tragedy and we are incredibly lucky.
Wishing you and your family a fantastically merry Christmas with lots of snowy outings and you have much to celebrate. Congrats on your new job!
Kate x
Well done on securing a job!
Love the cards!
Your home looks so lovely and festive.....not to mention cosy!
I went to the link about families, makes you think how lucky you are...so what if we all haven't got the best of everything? We have the people around who we love and they are well and happy....that is the most important thing.....xxxxx
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