Saturday, 17 December 2011

Cosy Snow Days

Ooh my Christmas wish came true! Every year I hope and keep just about everything crossed for a little of the white stuff in the build up to the big day. We've had a few flakes already but yesterday and today it has snowed and snowed and snowed! We've had it all from spitting hail to feather like flakes that have drifted across the village in lacy veils.

There's not so much of it lying about but I suppose that was a good job really because I've been a busy bee flitting to town and back, stocking up on essentials for our little feast (you know, vital things like Elizabeth Shaw mints and greaseproof paper).
All the orders are in now with the butcher, greengrocer, fishmonger and delicatessen and I can hardly wait to pick up my treasures on Christmas Eve. I had little man with me as we dashed about before an appointment to get his bunged up ears sorted out. Poor love has an ear infection but the antibiotics are doing their thing now and he was the most fantastic company, enchanted by the lights and fabulously dressed windows all over the town. I love seeing the festivities through their eyes.
While daddy was out doing some last minute shopping this afternoon, we three holed up at home and got busy baking. I've been determined this year to overcome my mince pie nightmares - I've never managed to make a decent one. Ever. Always too heavy and doughy. So this year I turned to Nigella and blimey I think it might have worked!

Well, we'll see wait and see how they go down with the family tomorrow when we all catch up. B really got into the pastry making side of things. Took it very seriously!
Little man has devoured three already, I didn't think they'd be his sort of thing at all but turns out we've got a new favourite. Well, bit more of this wrapping lark to do yet so I'd better get to it. Xxx


periwinkle said...

Oh it all looks so very pretty and very festive, what a gorgeous place to live. Well done on the conquering of the mince pie fear :-). It snowed here for a little while yesterday but because I was at work I missed it all, fingers crossed we get more x

Razmataz said...

I love seeing your photos of England, especially that last one of the house on the hill. It reminded me of my grandparents house in was called Hill House.

Your little one looks like he is concentrating hard on his pies..he must be thrilled with the snow. Here in Canada, it had mild mild and rainy..just when we are hoping for snow.

Heather L. said...

Just gorgeous!!!! We dont have any yet, but it was fun to look at your pictures Cant wait to make mince pies next week.

Unknown said...

Those mince pies look lovely. Your little man is looking very professional! Am jealous of your snow. We had some here in Malvern and although the hills are looking beautiful and snowcapped there is nothing in the town.
Your house is looking lovely x

two bones and a bagle said...

Great snowy pictures we had lots where I live in South Yorks it took me 2 hours to do a 20 min drive. Even so I do hope we have just a smattering more - just not lots and lots. The little one lookes so sweet preparing the mince pies. Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

No one to give orders to here! If you want stuff, off you go to see if anyone has it, collect it from the shelves, put it in the trolley and struggle home with it. Inner city life is a million miles away from this scene. I wouldn't swap it either. It all looks just a bit too expensive for me. Nice though.

Unknown said...

Lovely, homely, festive post! Your village looks lovely and putting orders in at the local shops is the nicest way to do things.

Nicki xx

lavender attic said...

Hi Steph
What lovely photos. Such a look of chef-fy concentration on your little man's face!
No snow here near York as yet x

Annie said...

Lovely post :D

I'm still hoping for snow in time for the big day but the sun is shining brightly in North Wales today and I don't suppose I should be complaining about that!

Anonymous said...

How lovely, Steff!
I wish we had a taste of white Christmas! It's still warm and dry here...

Unknown said...

Congrats on the mince pies, mine always always weld themselves to the pan, however much greasing etc. I mean WELD! Maybe I should try the Nigella recipe?

Loved the cosy,festive look of your village and town. Bxx

Anonymous said...

What a lovely festive post. Please keep the snow up there though.

Country Rabbit said...

YOU ARE SOOOOO LUCKY!! woweeee! real sowy picys. sheeer bauty, we've had hale stones but no snow-think devon stays out of too much snowy business- only lands up on the hilly moors near me.But seeing your lovely part of the world covered in snowy-loveliness has really made me smile- And your little mans face as he makes mince pies with you- such a beautiful part of the british traditions you have shared- MERRY CHRISTMAS LOVELY STEPH XX

loveandlilac said...

How lovely! A perfect Christmas post.

Cait O'Connor said...

I agree with loveandlilac, this was just perfect to read and a joy for the eyes.

bellaboo said...

Perfect! Oh,I feel sooooo Christmassy now!
I like my mince pie pastry to be nice and crisp and biscuity,so I add ground almonds to the flour,butter and egg.That reminds me....I better make some! :0)

Amanda said...

Just like bellaboo I add ground almonds, makes a very shortbread type pastry.

I bet you were made up when you opened the curtains this morning, looks lovely but does'nt stop us getting around, perfect.

Julie Clay Illustration said...

What a lovely time you spent with the little ones, very special moments that just take the time to make. The mince pies look good too. Lovely Christmassy post, thank-you.

June said...

Lucky you to have some of the white stuff! It is still very mild here - on Friday and Saturday went to the beach and although not exactly swimwear weather it wasn't too cold! Have a Great Christmas!

Curlew Country said...

Hi Anonymous, that's a shame you don't have independent traders you can shop with but each to their own. We're lucky here I guess in a small market town and I find its much cheaper than the big supermarkets - by a country mile!

Our old market offers great quality and service (box carried to your car, free delivery for a sack of £5 spuds) and I do all the other shopping in Aldi. On average we spend about £70 a week for a family of four, not bad I think and I've saved up to push the boat out a little for Christmas (don't usually patronise the deli for example)

Enjoy your Christmas.

Leisa said...

Absolutely lovely. Wishing you a very Happy Christmas.

Bobo Bun said...

My kind of snow Steph, prettying up the up top bits and not making it all slippery on the ground. You sound like you're having the perfect start to the holidays. Save a mince pie for me, they look good even before the cooking.

Merry Christmas my lovely.


grace said...

pretty, pretty, pretty, no snow in the south sadly. Mince pies look fab, what a star little helper x

Anonymous said...

Everythimg looks lovely. Makes me motivated to do some baking. In fact, I think I will! Lovely post.

Madelief said...

Hi Stephie,

Please send some of the snow to Holland! I would love some!!! Your photographs look beautiful. Good luck with the Christmas preparations.

Madelief x

purple-roses-country-cottage said...

Dear Steph,
It's been a long time ago that I visit your blog. I really enjoyed to read all the good news and I am really happy for you that you have a new job next year! Your pictures are beautiful and so feastful. I love the christmas time. And I love it much more now with my kids. It is such a great pleasure seeing their brighty eyes hoping that Santa will bring them gifts and sweets. Have a merry Christmas - may all your wishes come true! Hugs Nicole

Emma Herian said...

What a lovely way to shop, fine views, perfect independent shops, great company and that magical stuff...snow!
Have a great Christmas! x

Cottage 1945 said...

How magical! What a wonderful way to get in the Christmas spirit. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Ruth said...

Oh I am having snow envy badly right now! It is just so perfectly Christmassy. We had a flurry but it disappeared within hours and the kids are so disappointed!
Lovely Christmassy, cosy photos Steph - just lovely! Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas and happy New Year!

Poppy said...

I hope you and your family have had a lovely Christmas!

Lou xxx

Tina said...

We had half a day of wet snow so far this winter, last year’s Christmas was all white though. Love your pictures!