Tuesday 13 May 2008

Cottage Garden Love

What a week. Blissful, balmy weather that's seemed never ending. All week I've gazed out over the countryside and my breath's been taken away by the beauty of it all. Outside my door the pots are in bloom and I just wish I could share the scent of my bargain pinks I found for just £1 each at the fruit shop in town. Unbelievable, the most enchantingly sweet and vanilla-infused scent I've ever smelt. Just lovely.
Readers of this blog will probably know by now that I dream of creating a cottage garden here at the new house. I'm an old fashioned girl at heart and dream of soaring spires of colour and frothy borders, overspilling with flowers. Well, my patch is slowly getting there but it'll be a while before I get there so in the meantime I've been collecting pictures of cottage gardens for inspiration.
This vintage hanky box from This Vintage Life was such a find. The colours are much more vibrant than they look on the picture and is my favourite.

I walked past this picture on a stall on the collectors' market for weeks, umming and ahhing about whether I should ask how much the chap wanted for it. Why didn't I do it sooner - £4, for an original watercolour! I love it and now it sits on the frame above the dining room door.

Couldn't resist this old advertising sign, the cardboard is a bit spotted with mould but just adds to the charm I think.

I bought these, almost a matching pair, from a charity shop a few weeks apart. There's admittedly more garden in the top one, which I've posted about before but I do love the lady carrying a baby on her shoulder into the house in the one below, it reminds me of myself with my boys on a warm, sunny day.
Hopefully we'll have a few more days of this early summer to enjoy but if not, my plants - and me too - will enjoy the rain when it comes and look forward to the flowers appearing in my own little cottage-style garden.


dragonfly said...

Pinks remind me of my great-nan! I should look out for some at my garden centre too. Your pots are looking lovely and isn't the weather such a bonus? Hope it lasts...

Anonymous said...

Hiya Steph, what a couple of lovely posts. I am captivated by the colourful cottage picture you have - it has such a familiar look about it I'm sure I must have seen something like it before. Beautiful and dreamy. And sounds like you had a perfect day with your little one, don't you find they sleep so much better after a sunny day? Bliss!
p.s. thanks for your kind comment, made me feel good! :)

Erica said...

With so many beautiful pictures for your inspiration I'm sure that you'll be able to grow the garden of your dreams. You're doing great so far. And I can vouch for that comment from "clover yard", my 3 boys surely have a good night after spending their day outside. Take Care,

Little House By The Sea said...

The pictures look lovely, I love the cottage gardens. I am working on my own at the moment bt it is taking a LONG time.

Sarah x

A Thrifty Mrs said...

Your flowers look gorgeous, I wish I had green fingers, but I once killed a spider plant, so my husband has to deal with that department.
That watercolour is gorgeous and what a wonderful price. Bargain.
Loving the advertising sign too.

The Fairy Glade said...

Hi Steph, love the pics and what a bargain price for the watercolour. Our garden is looking quite green and lush at the moment but there are cracks in the earth here and there that show that we really do need a drop of rain. The past week has seen the temperature soaring here in Kent. The weather forecast is looking promising for rain and it is definately cooler today. It is hard when you like some warmth but equally, as gardeners, we need the rain too. The pinks look lovely and the scent is indescribable. My absolute favourite though has to be sweet peas, they remind me of my Gran. My Grandpa was very much a vegetable grower and thought that flowers were a waste of time, but he did grow these for her in a small patch, rather touching I think.

mollycupcakes said...

Hello Steph,
Your garden is looking beautiful and yes it would be great if we all had smelly-vision I'd love to be able to smell all those gorgeous flowers.
Fabulous pictures hun.
Enjoy the weather while we have it.

Catherine x

Anonymous said...

thankyou for such a lovely post, I have a similar scene in my garden with the garden seat and a little tin bath with a wigwam full of tulips, which are just going off now, I have planted sweet peas as I love the smell, and I have some hollyhocks which you just have to have in a cottage garden don't you!
I love the advertising sign,
enjoy the warm weather.

julia said...

Gorgeous post as usual Steph, all your pots are looking fab. Love all the pictures you've been collecting, plenty of inspiration to create that little piece of paradise!
Julia x

julia said...

Gorgeous post as usual Steph, all your pots are looking fab. Love all the pictures you've been collecting, plenty of inspiration to create that little piece of paradise!
Julia x

Twiggy said...

Cottage gardens are lovely, I'm working on one myself, lovely paintings and I love the advert
Twiggy x

Heidi said...

Hi Steph, All your potted plants look wonderful, all clustered together! What an inviting spot! And the countryside beyond your fence!...WOW!!...and that darling old sign???...If for any reason you tire of it, please send it directly to me!!! :) Here's to another beautiful day in May!...Your friend, Heidi :)

Cowboys and Custard Mercantile said...

I do love your enthusiasm for your garden Steph..it is infectious and I expect you spend every available minute gazing out at your own little paradise.. I certainly do!
I love your collection of cottage paintings.. If you ever see the name Helen Allingham on one of your finds then you have struck gold! She was a prolific painter of country cottage scenes..

Much love
P.s Thank you so much for your kind supportive words..

Anonymous said...

Your garden's looking very pretty. Are they sweet peas growing up the wig-wam? Make sure we see them when they are in flower.

Deb said...

Love the advertising tin Steph. Your pots look wonderful gathered together - Cottage Garden is my favourite style too.

periwinkle said...

Your garden is coming along lovely, I'd love a cottage garden too - well any garden for that matter :-)
Lisa x

Pipany said...

Unfortantely we have had more than a few days of rain here in Cornwall and now I want the sun back! Ah well, at least the garden looks fresh as a result. Lovely blog xx

JuicyFig said...

ahhhh, wonderful! and all I have is a poxy back yard! ...sigh... I wish you every joy to enjoy your garden!


pinkgreen said...

I love pinks - the smell reminds me of my Grandma who used to have tons of them in her garden. I love the inspiration pictures too. If I get my camera working again I will post some pics of the Malvern show on my blog - plenty of cottage garden loveliness going on there!
Cathy X

Unknown said...

Gotta have Hollyhocks, I left three fantastic ones in my last house. Ohh and cone flowers, not sure what they are really called, usually pink a bit like echinacia,
(sp?)and lovely blue cornflowers. All very cottagey. Thats what I'm aiming for for next year.
And hopefully NO slugs! LOL
